Au Revoir Goblin Valley!

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…saying au revoir to Goblin Valley?

No, well, here you go…

I watched him walk back to his wife & they both got back into their 4-wheel, climate controlled rolling box we call cars, turned on the engine & the air conditioner to cool off.

I got to thinking how so very happily different I was from the common herds of generalized others. I took a moment to relish in being ‘one of those things that’s not like the others’, in being a dream weaving, motorcycling adventurer.

Touring the entire United States, open to riding through, happily embracing, all the natural elements in weather conditions without care or concern.

Well, that’s not entirely true, some of the storms I chose to ride through were pretty fierce & a few of them were quite frightening. I know, I could have pulled over under a bridge or off the road into a rest area, but, where’s the fun in that!

No, but, seriously. I did ride most of the storms out, though there were a couple that I did find shelter they were that intense.

I’ll be blogging about some of those storms with great pictures in my ‘Riding The Storm Out’ series of posts. Stay tuned. I digress, back to it…

I looked back at the couple, trapped, caged in their rolling box, with such a disconnect from the world they choose to live in. I’m sure they felt & thought the same about me as they looked at me, waved, & nodded. I returned the sentiment & looked back to the amazing scenery.

I thought to myself, ‘I love my life!’

With those thoughts ringing in my brain, I finished the rest of my one liter bottle of H2O for the upcoming ride home. I packed up & mounted my steel steed.

I took one last moment to gaze out into Goblin Valley, thanked it for the awesome adventure & took a mind’s eye snapshot for my memories.

It was, yet again, another great random happenchance meeting, both with finding out about Goblin Valley that very morning & meeting the couple, that continued to make my adventures priceless.

That wraps up Goblin Valley, forever etched into my Getting Lost memoirs.

I ignited the engine singing its sweet purr & turned on some Techno on Pandora for the journey home.

I put my earbuds in, hit the throttle & put all in my rearview.

As I rode away, as I sometimes do, I took out my pocket Fuji camera with my left hand & snapped what I saw in my sideview mirror that’s pictured as I rode to my next adventure.

With that one last picture memory snapped for the archives, I hit the desert highway & motored back to Moab.

Au revoir Goblin Valley!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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