The Polymath

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Read Time:9 Minute, 59 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how…as I rode throughout this country, experiencing sights pictured above, contemplating the grand gist of it all, all the while listening to Pandora, typically my Techno preferred Deadmou5 channel I loved to embrace cause the hypnotic tribal beats speak to my natural rhythm as he likes to hide his face, an anonymous flare in taste, a generalized other like no other to ever discover & that’s the beauty in his stand out, running from the same, heightening the experiential haste in patiently observing, waiting, experiencing as I had ample time to ponder the yonder in the moments I never did squander game?

No, well sit right back & I’ll tell you a tale true, never covered by a veil as I set sail upon an epic journey to see all that I’ll uncover & derail.

And whilst I pondered that yonder, I wondered, why would anyone want to be titled only one specific thing their entire lives. It’s such a big world & there’s so much out there, why be a monomath?

It goes against everything natural. In nature, we’re designed to explore, wander, question, be awakened & aware constantly & consistently, wear many different realities within our primal reality, having vast amounts of skill sets, diverse interests & overall knowledge about a lot of different things. You know, in actuality being alive, doing whatever it takes to survive the appreciation to thrive.

Today, we’re reduced to birthed imprints, brands & traditions, then we’re reared to climb to the top of that American Dream ladder in step 1, school, step 2, college, step 3, major, steps 4 & 5, graduate & career, steps 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10, marriage, home, dog, children & death of independence.

Why not try another route, one ladened in a multiplicity approach, an intellectual profusion cornucopia tapestry technicolor dream coat. What have you got to lose cause you’ve already lost it all if you’ve tripped down this proverbial land of the delusional nonsensical amassed in herds keeping each other company in The Burbs ideology.

How can anyone in their right mind want to commit to a natural life suicide by living in just one way to be so solitary in area of study, or just one job, or have just one person deeply loved, being chained to self-created responsibilities in caging an animal in our homes we call pets for our own self-interest, or have children ignored only to report being burdened by them despite their invisibility, or to spend & buy amassed stuff throughout one’s entire life without any societal or culturally acceptable deviational variance?

The children of tomorrow are our only hope, if there is such a thing, & how we grow them matters, especially in the societal constructs for their choices become the world reality. Children should be the first & foremost celebrated of all lifeforms, all our love, time & resources should be singularly focused on their unique symbiotic harmonious relationship with Earth & all it contains. For they are all our tomorrows, no matter their situation, surrounded by millions or only by a few in family living away from it all, Getting Lost somewhere in the mountains, our offspring are our tomorrows. We must tend to our gardens wisely.

I prefer that of the Getting Lost in my own Polymath, a beautifully unique word of Latin decent that grows a Universal Man. A man, or, person which I prefer in this vast world of manmade so vain in arrogance. No, I prefer one who has vast intelligence across vast topics of interest which are many. Seek, read, do & read & attempt & try & do & read & attempt again & again & again to learn something new, a continual growth bathing in understanding point of view. Might be askew, who cares, why does everybody want to be the same, only called differently by a name held throughout one’s life. Hum, what is really, life?

It’s fascinating that most are unable to budget & manage their time wisely. Would rather complain & make excuses as to why they must sit in front of once boobs in front of tubes, now flat screens of watching boobs they want to be you & me, wasting time on another’s guided dime to get you to spend your lifetime, while neglecting children & wife who just want to be noticed, cared for & loved.

Play, lose your mind to the joys of giving chase to the little ones that you love who look to you as life itself & it feels so good. Arrogance, many might think & even say. My challenge, it could just be natural intelligence to challenge you this way & your reaction or response tells it all, has everything to say.

I’d rather be misunderstood living the ways I do than to ever be affected by a generalized other’s point of view. To be or not to be, it’s not even a question to me when already emersed in a conscious reality of being.

Open your eyes to visualize by opening your mind to conceptualize a life getting beyond being hyper-focused on just one skill, unless brilliant at it; yes, then of course cultivate it. Even then though, why limit yourself, spread your wings & soar to other lands, other shores, open otherwise closed doors. Part lips, moistened by sweet songs of departing ships setting sail to embark on endless journeys.

Spread your comprehension wings to soar and lay claim to a multitude of retention, sharing in fluidity’s cascading waterfalls of possibility. Proofread, upon proofread, upon proofread, yes, yes! Indeed!

A creative wonderland for my Little Ones Aegis. The freedom to just be immersed in one’s own choosing in a childish sort of lust of allowed life explorations allows for awe & wonder whilst wandering Getting Lost in an endless vastness of lands unchartered, unrecognized, though in their realizing of them, understanding that they’re so sublime.

Better dig in & learn the terrain so I don’t go insane by doing the same things over & over & over again all the while expecting different results. Go for the gusto! Though I must ponder this sad but true yonder, do I care anymore? Because as I see it, all the natural has been overrun with the manmade squander. Why yes, yes I do! For I see past that attempted manmade point of tree, for that of the forest view.

One’s desired results, another’s occults.

This is the House That Jack Built‘, doesn’t sour, doesn’t wilt, cause this is the house that Jack built. What am I saying, what’s the message in messages I’m conveying, if you don’t already know, why are you here?! If you do, stay awhile, ride shotgun with me & just remember, objects in the sideview are closer than they appear so I’ll steer us clear of the fear & we’ll get to exploring all life has to offer in all that we hold dear.

I love to rhyme on a cliche dime, yeah, twisting the typical for the extraordinary with a bit exploratory contradictory epitaph to unleash the wrath of an unresponsive collective hive that’s no longer alive. Sure, I’ve got some jive in soul left in the soles of my feet, foregone the shoes, tongues too tied to worry about slippin on a new pair of underwear, hum, under where? Ha, funny how things compare when Getting Lost in a Polymath’s mind.

There are so many things to do, so many adventures for tales to tell, so many ways to live, so much to offer, so much I can return & give for the unexpected gifts so many were willing to share & live, with me, a nobody, so ready to sponge their life’s testimony in their, to each their own, craft, that I somehow understood all that lie under their own unique hood, protecting them from the insane. It’s, oh, so good!

Either I, the sane, or I’ve gone insane, either way, it really doesn’t matter, when it all boils down, when I boil down, I’m reduced to a pile of bones. So why is it, all through lives we throw sticks & stones, & that shit hurts, but truth, words hurt!

Fuck that shit that words don’t matter, they’re all that made true the Mad Hatter. Probably ruffled your feathers there a little with that little prickle of profanity, though I’ll happily use it to make my point, so I hope the wound still a little sore where my forked tongue dagger pierced your proverbial brain matter.

I’ll tell you this, what I wouldn’t give for the little pitter-patter of little feet just looking to snuggle up deep Getting Lost in the closeness of togetherness that only those who’ve truly embraced & felt it, can truly get.

Doesn’t matter the pitter-patter, could be the feet of a human child, the birth of a new idea, a new interest, taking a left or a right, opening one door, closing another, leaving another ajar to possibly revisit that which has already been toured. Choices, decisions, round & round & round life goes. See, we can be reborn, reinvented each & every single day, if we so choose.

Shhhh, it’s nap time now so be good little boys & girls by quietly moving to your beds of awaiting dreams on ever so gentle tippytoes. Sweet dreams my little ones.

One’s nuisance, another’s desire. One’s distraction, another’s focus. One’s burden, another’s desire.

So, why would I choose to just be one thing defining me to be throughout my days, why would I stop learning, growing & searching out life, each & every day. Nature designed us & all creatures to roam, being diverse, adaptive, skilled, aware, and not to be caged, titled, defined, labeled, no matter attempted lessons of the fabled. That’s man’s hand in doing, not nature for it’s not natural how we’ve infested this once glorious land & reduced it to sterilized dust.

Give me experiences, give me adventures, give me multiplicity, give me a myriad, give me simplicity, give me dexterity, give me opportunities, give me possibilities, give me desires, give me, give me, give me, all I can handle, then allow me to see & recognize I can always be more, though only if I choose to want to know all I can until content with my own mortality’s despair greets me, until then I’ll keep my toes in the sand, forever dreaming in wonderland, side by side with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland I’ll happily peer down the Looking-Glass.

As I wandered in awe I wondered, is there anyone else out there who can compare to these realities I ponder? Maybe Carroll or Poe or Fresco or Thoreau or Suess or Kerouac or Tolkien or Whitman, or am I just continuously beating to my own drummer. Who knows? Not me. I’m just a cause & effect of my own reality.

I’m a Runaway Train who’s Insane in the Brain whilst Singing in the Rain I never complain because Rain makes you beautiful where A Rivier Runs Through It, a Wild Child, Born, Born, Born, Born to be Wild.

So many choices lost to so many with noses buried in dumbed down numbing devices subliminally making all your choices in subtle suggestions retards cognitive digestions resulting in minimal retentions taking no prisoners, no exceptions, you’ll waste away in a mind decay & before you know it you can no longer come out to play as The Warriors of yesterday all die & fade away.

So, who’s to say what you can do in a day & how much you’ll have to pay, my Freedom says come & play, come & play, cause the way I see it, you’re the only one holding you back from starting anew, today.

It’s a fact! Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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