We Do What We’re Told

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Read Time:8 Minute, 42 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how I’m a motorcycling adventuring madman who’s seasoned, ripened, a fermented human being with something to say about all I’ve experienced & seen, so many roads of possibility.

No? Yes?

Well, no matter I’ll tell you either way. So, you know, how we’re a silly, silly creature, trying to define ourselves by another’s defined design? No, well this lore might ruffle the feathers of those who take to status quos by wearing designer clothes, those who believe appearances are more important in defining the value of another rather than actuality of who that ‘other’ is in overall human condition rendition.

So, sit right back & get comfortable & drop the needle to this record & spin me round. This, you’ll want to hear. I’ll spin you round & drop you on your ear a little something you so desperately have wanted to hear but were too afraid to ask because others told you not to steer clear cause I’m on an endless road to nowhere that’s everywhere if you dare to compare my way to what they say.

Oh, my dear, I’ve got such great sights to show you! Oh yeah, don’t forget to take in the above adventure.

Who cares what someone else considers, why do you care what another thinks, believes, hears, sees & feels at all? Influencers are just feeble heart & mind reducers if allowed to penetrate your grey matter.

Do you even consider, do you even ponder at all, why you do what you do, why you say what you say, why you ever even decided to play at all? Do you? Or do you just float around on someone else’s hot air coming out of a mouth balloon thinking your above it all, floating as strings pulled, moved, controlled by the puppeteer. ‘Put your hands right up my shirt; pull the strings that make me work; jaws will part, words fall out; like a fish with hook in mouth’ – Hook In Mouth, Megadeth

Do you even care? Do you dare to lift the veil to see The Wizzard of Oz, Oz the Great & Powerful, bedazzled by the appearances, or are you just ok with the crazy tailspin you’re in.

How could you end when you didn’t even begin. Sold out of the young at heart free spirit, wild, wanting to run free atop mountains to the valleys of endless fields where fresh streams flow, for that of 24/7 mindlessness ever spinning, drowning in the blinding lights of the technology’s artificial alluring murderous glow will do nothing but make you just another generalized other freak show.

Addicting by appearing to be predicting freedom’s invisibly enslaved. Tie tied tight in chocking bind. We’re so oxygen deprived we’ve gone blind to our roots, uprooted by men gone insane. Selling US all on the idea that we’re nothing but vain.

All the while those claiming birthright in their attempt at fame as convince US of their claim to be superior. Yet, they’re the one’s building the games, making rules like how another should live. Telling lies to barely keep those they consider beneath them barely alive so that the cloned drones can build the new world order’s humanity alive.

Nothing but cloned drones building humanity’s artificial technology hive.

Be different, stand out, recognize what it’s all about & actually live richer than any supposed royal can live. Find whatever it is that you want to be in. No matter if woman or man or mathematician or designer trash can, be who you are do what you do & live your life solely for you.

Be present with each of your moments, for those that appear to be the simplest, are, because they’re appearing to you at all. We notice what we think we see in ourselves. That’s why it’s so hard to find a like heart & mind in another human that’s actually, sincerely, genuine, happy.

What’s it all about, who knows, right now I want to sing & dance with my other in another who shares the same chemical romance. I want to…

Pull her string, lay her down, she’ll do anything, if you make her little bundle of joy explode from within. Pull her string, she’ll love you boy, make her tic, and she’ll ache as you make her sway by your particular kind of play made just for her, her way, pierced, she feels your infectious prick.

Grinding like there’s no tomorrow, thought hiding under blankets unsuspecting, hoping to rub out the forced world full of sorrow to be exorcised without compromise, exploding it all out by uncontrollable spasmatic contractions before it ever has time to take root & begin to steel me away from myself, to allow the fake to cover up the real.

For it’s all who are corrupted by their industry ties, where all they do is tell lies, in secret sweet disguise, their hypocrisy I despise. I pulverize their infinitesimal self importance as they supersize, inducing their own demise.

I don’t patronize, nor tell lies, because the world that was watching at the time did not sympathize with the Jews because they were different from the Catholic views. Nor the Atheist who thinks any religion is just one big joke. Nor the Islam who prefer to wrap up their possessions in eyes only to see out their protective cloak. Nor those with differing views, they wouldn’t bow at pews, in the attempted forcing of differing beliefs they did refuse.

But like most who suffer, claiming that which was done to never do, they oppressed others too, removing what it was supposed to mean, to be of differing view. I mean, have they looked in the mirror at their poor me victimization dramatization so commercialized, all is lost to its syncopation by losing voter participation to come to the polls where numbers only lie, bound to the ties that bind. But that’s just the way the cookie crumbles & the way it goes. Proctor & Gamble circus freak shows in consumer goods the way a society flows.

So the wind blows, so the grass grows, so the suburbs lawns suburbanite’s take a bump to relax or hit the cupboard where the little bottles of pills reside to numb them from their enslaved lives, told, taught & sold on believing they are actually free.

There’s Blood on the Tracks from the centuries of whip cracks bloodying enslaved backs, no matter the difference, they’re treated so unkind, simply because they have a differing outlook from a different seeing mind, a different feeling heart, one of many who’d rather receive the punishment pain, than comply & blindly take what they give.

Cages come in many shapes & forms, smacking you in the face, whispering in your ear, so if you listen you’ll hear without fear if you know what’s really going on inside your own independence of thoughts, feelings & dealings with those that surround you shouting, ‘Hey, put yourself up on that shelf, follow us to the troughs, they’ll feed & take care of all you do, think & feel, yeah, it’s quite the deal!’

All you have to do is sell your heart & mind, bow, kneel, kiss the ring, bend that head, expose that neck so your god king can sever that neck, for your life not your own. So grab a spoon silly rabbit, Trix are for kids! Come on boys & girls, after all, you’re just baby goats, eat right up the cool multicolored sugary fix & don’t mind the pain you start to feel in your tummy, we’ve hidden the bitter taste with sweet despair.

No matter Norse, Scandinavian or Swedish, where do the origins lie to meanings forgotten now, too far gone by, Kid, a baby goat or young deer, where killing is literally, kid-ling, translated to reduce us further as questions by inquiring minds have been bred out to just allow, Getting Lost to all the hidden ways we continue to bow.

Reduced to corralled livestock as kids, guinea pigs, rats, mice & monkeys, caged in boxes so bars go unseen as we ingest all they create as they watch to see what their concoctions will do to you & me.

I choose to see, to know the truth in the reality hidden in plain sight, invisible to the naked eye, the tears I cry are pure joy in knowing I’m not blind to the trash they’ve reduced us all to be, that of conventionality.

Claiming plausible deniability to their intended causality, never caring for the causalities for their wars that come in all shapes & sizes, all sorts of toys & devices, to brand & imprint upon the slaughtering of our kin, never being a sin because god said it to be so.

I don’t need no education, I don’t need no thought control, I don’t care who’s the wielder of the lies told, trying to be sold as I grow old, I will never buy into the propaganda of another’s maniacal agenda.

It’s a fact! Or is it? Question it, contemplate it, look into it, look into yourself, take you back off that shelf, dripping curiosity, awe & wonder back into shattered & broken hearts & minds, pull back the blinds, pull back the hood, stimulate to create, releasing pent up energies, pulsate, contract, permeate freely from the naturally lubricated slit!

Open up, I’m coming in to make you smile a long while, a tickled from the inside kind of grin, are you ready, your ride’s about to begin, so buckle up & know I’ll never tell you to shut up, cause I want to hear all you’ve got to say & all that your body will convey as you put all on display for me to explore & play, I’ll slow to quicken to happy endings hear all you have to say & spray as I zigzag my way all about you, I’ll read between your lines.

Barefoot & naked, grass between welcoming toes, who knows where to next my mind blows as it goes in so many directional flows, everywhere & nowhere all at once, just sit me in the corner & call me Dunce, though if only once, don’t turn away, face what the ‘nay’ might say, stay wild & free & do it your own way.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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