Culinary Arts Surprise

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Read Time:4 Minute, 46 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever continue to tell you the one about…the cook’s culinary artistry at The Moab Diner. No, well here it go.

I was waiting around for the cook to come out & talk to me for about 10 minutes just sipping some Jo. I have to say, I was shocked that he wanted to try to meet my culinary expectations in the first place, but, love a creative challenge & willing participants.

Most places like this would just say, ‘No, we can’t help you’ & I’d continue searching. My interest was peeked, &, eager to see what we could come up with.

Honestly, it was a diner & local dive that served typical, American, breakfast foods such as waffles, pancakes, cured bacon, link sausage, biscuits & gravy, white toast, bagels, cakes, standard eggs, Velveeta goo called cheese, pastries, ice cream, root beer floats & the like. You name the overly, diabetes & obesity causing, bowel blocking, processed foods, that’s what was on the Moab Diner menu.

Regardless of the menu items, the server stated that their cook fancies himself a ‘chef’ in his personal life. As a Cook here at the Moab Diner, he tries to do different creative spins on the kinds of food they serve daily. She stated he’d love the challenge & just might be able to whip something up.

I figured it was going to be a bust, but, I’m an optimistic pessimist. Besides, the coffee was decent enough & doing it’s trick in caffeinated pick me up. Plus, the cook was really wanting to try to feed me to my specifications, so, why not give it a try & him a chance.

So, eagerly I awaited as I was Getting Lost in hunger & if it was, in fact a bust, I’d be heading to the local market just down the street to resupply my travel meals & eat.

I usually ride with at least 9 meals at a time, so, about 3 days worth if I eat 3 meals a day, though many times I’d only eat 2. Every so often I’d eat 4 times in a day, though only if I’m really active.

It all depends as I eat when hungry & quit when full. I don’t count anything, nor, worry about how much or little. I just stick to my natural, whole foods Hunter-Gatherer philosophy & eat.

Regardless of the food combinations, 3 snacks/meals a day seems to be the ‘Goldilocks’ zone in being just the right amount to carry & to replenish.

At last the young cook appeared & walked over to my table. He reached out his hand to shake, saying, ‘It’s an honor to meet you.’ I said laughing, ‘Well, thank you, though I’m not a celebrity or anything like that.’ We both laughed.

He continued, ‘No, maybe not technically, yet, but, you’re a celebrity in your own right & to us. Your server told me about what you’re doing with your Getting Lost with Randy cross country motorcycle adventures. I pulled up your website in the office from the card you gave her & we’re all very impressed with your adventures & website/blog. We’re really excited you stopped in to our diner to give us a chance at all to eat based on your chosen dietary lifestyle particulars.’

I said, ‘Well thank you again. Yeah, I was doubtful a food joint like this would be able to accommodate my Hunter-Gatherer dietary preferences based on past experience, but, you never know when that one place rises to new heights.’

I continued, ‘I figured I’d at least stop in for a coffee & to see what this local ‘hot spot’ is all about. I was hopeful too because the service desk girl at my motel just up the street highly recommended this place. So, I figured why not stop in, you never know, got to try, right.’ He agreed & thanked me again for the opportunity.

We chitchatted a bit about some of my adventures, some of the restaurants I visited along the way & posted about, our love of food & similar interests in cooking & being self-taught chefs.

After a bit, I said, ‘I was told you like a challenge as do I, so, let’s get to it.’ I continued, ‘Besides, if you, we, succeed, I’ll definitely write a story about my visit, your food & connect a link for your website to help business & let people know what you’re doing here at Moab Diner.’

He grinned & exclaimed, ‘Really! You’ll do a story on us & about your experience?!’ I said, ‘Of course, & you too. That’s what Getting Lost with Randy is all about in bringing people together through motorcycles, adventures, travels, places, food & people with friendly faces.’ I added, ‘It’s all about lifestyle.’

He said, ‘If this works, would it be OK if I made a, Getting Lost with Randy special, to add to our menu.’ I stated, ‘Are you kidding me, I then, would be the one who’d be honored.’ He added, ‘Well, we might have to shorten it to just, Randy’s Special, if that’s ok & I’d have to run it by the owner either way.’

I said, ‘Do, what you have to, I’m just happy to have any special named after me. I mean, how cool is that!’

We both laughed & he said, ‘Well then, let’s see what I, we, can do to get you fed, one Getting Lost with Randy Special coming up.’

Stay tuned for the final chapter…

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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