Acute Sensory Perception

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Read Time:14 Minute, 19 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how feelings are all I know. I live my life in the moment, whatever my natural instinct, mood, emotion felt direct me, I go. No, well, find a cozy spot, your favorite one, & let me vocalize how I visualize without pride, prejudice or compromise, hopefully, shattering your delusion of reality.

I prioritize to free up my conceptualization contemplation without retaliation or mind manipulation, a free representation, void of deviation from my truth. And, yes, I am all right, the world is all wrong. This, my life song, taught to me by just one of the great Mentors I’ve come across in my so called life’s amazing journey so far. I’m just happy I realized this, paid attention & listened.

So, if you care to read on & tag along, Getting Lost with me in this conceptual moment realized, my reality might just break your world apart, or not. Honestly, I don’t really care, I just write to get it all out. So, care to see differently, care to dare, care to stand out, care to set your own standards which there is no other who can even compare. If so, if you do dare, read on.

If not, just enjoy the picture as I did when I took it, actually living it & now, in remembering the experience, Getting Lost within the Teton landscape experience, priceless!

A societal critic through & through, I’ll demolish you, the generalized others point of view, reducing the world to combustive points simmering in my collective cauldron stew, I challenge you!

Why do we blindly, passively, just agree with whatever they tell us to? This world is each our home, equally; it’s that simplistically, so. It’s at the hands of maniacal, meddling, oppressive man that has tainted this natural Earthly show.

Mind games that bleed blood red the rivers flow as we’re told to search for that ‘Holy Grail’ answer, man manipulating the genetic codes, told to just let the unnatural poisons grow as we sold on a Supernatural Deity. We claim superiority to everything as we reduce ourselves to a virus, a cancer, consuming each other & our, once most abundant, host, to the highest bidder, SOLD!

The crack of a whip, SOLD! A sugary sip, SOLD! A pill to cure all their created woes, SOLD! Yep, most just blindly follow, doing what they’re told, SOLD! Go to school, get good grades, do as they say, they’ll lead your way, SOLD! Get a degree of insanity, get married, have some children, get a dog, unhappily married to the illusions told, SOLD! More, more, more, just another industry whore, that’s the happiness answer, SOLD! No curiosity, no questioning, no inquiring, no logic, no reason, no instinct, just following orders, sir, SOLD!

Look around, see what’s become of those seeds we let naturally go, for those we’ve genetically altered, doused with chemical elixirs, selling betterment. Thing is, we’re perfectly amazing just as we are, well, just as we once were. When I look around, I see nothing but, Disney’s futuristic insight in WALL-E, where nothing but fat, obese, lazy, incompetent, have meekly come to rule the world. Those creatures that don’t look human anymore, where trash the landscape & mechanization transports the disabled, that, through our greed & selfishness, we’ve enabled machines to let television rule the world. Caring for it & staged lives watched rather than living our own & caring for our fellow human. How absurd!

We’ve overgrown to virus, toxic, cancerous, reaping that which we’ve chosen to sow. Problem is, I didn’t plant these seeds, nor, cultivate them. I didn’t choose it, I didn’t agree to these steps taken, those past & these current situations that have come to be thought normalcy. Yet forced to adhere & if I speak out because I care, I’m looked at like I’m the problem, or, an ass, or, a nut looking for non-existent conspiracies they say don’t exist that are staring us right in our faces blind to their certain reality. See, that’s just one of the tricks, hide it in plain sight by making it normalcy. When I speak to truths those aware see, but, too afraid to speak to it. How Absurd!

I’ve been told I think too much. What does that even mean, is that even possible. I know, how about you think too little & why do you care about me at all. Oh, I know, when you compare yourself to me, you feel inferior so to appease your little mind & fragile ego, you need to try to reduce the naturally superior in better than you in a weak attempt at building up your own, realized, insignificant mediocrity. How absurd!

It’s like with food, if I’m around you, you see me middle-aged, physically fit, well read & educated, living life beating to his own drummer, one in a billion, a diamond in the rough, never compromising to eat the filth being peddled, no matter mind, heart or body sort of particular man, living a most spectacular life. Most people eat whatever industry presents, filling the troughs, to barely keep humans alive. While out dining, as I sip my naturally fermented grape libation, without my even uttering a single word, you speak to your own incompetence like I said something though didn’t, & like I’d even care, fighting yourself over your own inability to resist, you cave in to your own sickness & disease. You say, ‘I know you don’t think I should be eating this’, & I think, WTF! I don’t care about you at all, you silly little one lost in the generalized other herd. How absurd!

Why do you care about me at all, I don’t care about you. I didn’t notice you at all until you opened your pollutive mouth to spew ignorance. You know, you perpetuate your own state of being in distress. Yours, a reality I’ve never chosen for myself or in the company I keep, I must confess. Why am I here again?! This, the generalized others lost in the herded blind faith mentality in following another, leading them to their reality without question. How absurd!

I see steel trees of industry chaining humans reduced to rats scurrying for a mere morsel of American Governmental Cheese, please. Made up of chemicals & cows fattened on poisons, penned, caged, living in their own filth, unable to move & you wonder why your wallowing in your own sickness & disease. Sustained death & dying through slow poisoning. Most have been hooked, most feed this to their children, most just happy to be fed without a question, without a care, without reproach. You just bow, kneel, beg & comply. How absurd!

Go ahead, fall to your knees, pray to your god above like you’ve always done. Tell me, how is that working for you so far. Sad, true, sadder still, you keep doing the same things expecting different results. Hum, ask yourself, what’s that a definition of?! Sadder still, you end up doing the same shit done to you that you hated as a child to your own children. & if you don’t know, look it up, learn something new today, read a book, ask a question, inquire, notice, care, all concepts that have been bred away to hide the truths of the actual matters. How absurd!

Nothing belongs to you or me, ownership is an illusion created by industry to convince US that we’re sane in our own created delusional insanity.

I’ll rip you apart, society of people in herded blind mentalities, wrapped in delusionality, the spectacle of the societies. So happy to be consumed in the spectacle, the bedazzlement of the circus freak show right from the start. Me, I’ve got no precious time to waste on the trivial, the mediocre, the fake, superficial & shallow. Why would I waste my time one another’s point of view, that’s entertainment! No, not to me, that’s numbed, dumbed, passive pervasiveness. For if I spend time watching their version, my life passes me by. No thank you, no time for their attempted self-induced stress & drama, hyper-stimulations intended to coerce my mind. Television, rules the nation & the world! How absurd!

Nope, my time of the precious kind, Getting Lost, away from the amassed psychotic herds, just like pictured above. It’s the once absolutely free natural world, imagined in how it used to be, before unleashing our humanity’s superiority stupidity complex, that I prefer & love. Whitman, Thoreau & Muir understood this & got it right, just to name a few, seeing in a different spectrum of view.

My heart & mind, my own. An Epistemophile, Philosophile & Sapiophile to my deepest core, I seek experiences in truth, knowledge, interests as passionate as I make love to the one I’ve called sweetheart & have chosen to love over the years. Meet my Life, my true mate, LIFE! All it entails, the good, bad, ugly & beautiful, the risky & the comfortable, the concerning & the pleasurable.

What is life?! I don’t really know, nor, do I really care, that’s the beauty for me in it all, I’m just really happy I’m here & aware of myself at all! Don’t care what’s it’s all about because that implies there’s a reason or meaning or purpose or some other nonsense which are just distractions that keep me from myself in the celebration of the present. I prefer to just be fluid within it all, simply, observantly attuned to my presence in the moment.

Perfect in its present reality without rhyme, reason, drama or care of the world at all, it just perfectly, is! What is, is, the rest we’ve created is just nonsense, que sera, sera. The reality is, as soon as I was born, I was dying. I knew it then, still know it now & have always embraced that natural realization, brightening my constant & wonderfully aware state of being.

I discovered early on that most trot with blinders on, shades of barriers obstructing their vision to make the most irrational decisions. Creators of their own conditions, blaming everyone & everything else for why they’ve become the ways they have. I am all of my accumulative choices I’ve made & I am perfect in the choices I’ve made, which in turn, have made me who & what I am. I am what I am, no hiding, no fear, as this, my time undefined by outward sources, my time instinctually & intuitively intrinsic in my nature.

Excuses, their prayers to their false god of lies in industry’s ties, bound, they seek more poison to cure their already diseased ridden hearts, minds & bodies. They’d rather have done for them, than, do themselves. They’d rather place blame, than, take accountability.

While others plan, I do. While others contemplate, I take action. While others stew docile, undecided, I choose. While others wasted life on pursuit of a another’s definition of another’s definitions of aspirations, success & achievements, I invested in my own interests. Independent confidence in simply, just, being in my moments, uncompromised, unobstructed, unabducted. My life my own, my only shot, me, myself & I, all I know, all I’ve ever known, why waste time on someone else’s life. However, to pass my time with a kindred spirit is time happily shared, creating cherished memories.

Living life to its fullest, my one job for my life.

A career? A nice little confined box? What’s that? Marriage, just another trap, unless both parties make the choice in choosing every day to be there with each other, not by obligation, but, for love.

More, a concept created by industry that enough is never enough, producing a mass consumptive whores. Never happy, never satisfied, never content, never harmoniously symbiotic. Why would I spend my time with that company? I’m not miserable, I’m happy! Thus, I am the company I keep.

Children, a wasted awe & wonder hope in possibilities, reduced to pawn in possession to control, dictate to & repeat cycles of traditions that should have been ended generations ago. Unless they are noticed, appreciated & allowed to grow of their own accord, the imprisonment of tradition would be best if they’d just cut the ghost umbilical cord to allow independence & confidence to be grown.

The most oppressed people of the world, women, children & people of another skin color to that of the oppressors. Basically, everyone & every other living creature & thing other than a human male.

Pets, now a multi-trillion dollar industry. What a joke, for most ‘owners’ a weak attempt to feel better about themselves by finding meaning in taking on more responsibility where none ever existed to begin with, to ‘care for by controlling & owning’ something. I’ve never understood the desire to the needing to control another something or someone.

I just don’t get it, maybe I’m broken. If so, I’m happy to be broke. Shattered into infinite realities, cascading waterfalls into my mind’s eye, my heart’s desires, my passions realized, though never to forsake myself for another’s definitions.

I’ve never understood the desire to confine, contain, cage, limit the free in creature, who’s only purpose is to run, swim, fly & thrive, FREE, free to be itself until its natural demise, whatever way that comes.

Oh, I know, I can’t take care of myself, I’m a fat, lazy, not invested in anything, so I’ll get a dog! A pet! Yep, that’s the American way, cage an animal, domesticate it for our own narcissistic vanity, to own & ‘care’ for something, that’s what I’ll do!

One’s thought possessions end up possessing them. One’s thought responsibility, another’s thought shackle.

If something makes logical sense, if it proves itself in beneficial results, I don’t need ‘proof’ from another, so called, ‘specialist’ or ‘science’ or ‘doctor’ or ‘studies say’ or anyone else in so called ‘authority’ to tell me what to do, how to think, what my best course is. I just do it for my own self-interest, a curiosity, an interest, an observation of another & if it works, proving positive results in my overall wellbeing over the test of what we call time, I adopt it into my lifestyle.

I learn it. I develop it. I cultivate it. I adopt & absorb it. I learn what I can from it, tweak it to my unique personality configurations & put it into my daily practices, habits & structured routines.

Why would I ever believe or put my trust in humans reared in the business of industry?!

See, where most waste time on putting bad, unhealthy, problematic things into their worlds, I shed like a snake, old skin becomes new skin, old, unproductive ways expelled whilst newfound ones are embodied & celebrated in gratitude for learning something new about myself, about life.

I acutely perceive, study, observe & remember all I’ve seen, done, tasted, watched, experienced first & second hand, using all my senses to come to a combined understanding. I use instinct, hindsight, foresight, attuned presence in the present moments to, in an instant, make a decision if I will remain to absorb this new knowledge & embrace it, or, move on. Thing is though, I never forget, so, my rolodex’s library is vast, thus, my Renaissance Man, Polymath reality in approaching life is abundantly relentless. Everything I am now, I’ve learned from watching & learning from another who knew & got it before me, it’s nothing new, I’m nothing special.

That’s how Getting Lost with Randy even came to be at all. I didn’t just say, ‘some day’, or, ‘maybe’, or, ‘I wish I could’, or, ‘I’ve never done anything like this before’, & make excuses why I ‘can’t’ go or do or be or become. I just did it.

See, that’s what everyone else would say when I’d tell them I’m about to be getting underway. And that’s because they were unable to see it my way. They’d rather stagnate & wallow in their ‘woe is me’, fearing state of being at their pity party fair, than actually live! I’m unwilling to choose that life-course & it’s proving more & more difficult to find another awakened source to share life’s moments with. Thus, why I’m my own best friend.

No, instead, I said, ‘yes, of course’, ‘it feels right, good, happy, exciting, I’m in the mood for adventure, so, yep, I’ll do it!’ I took action in visualizing what would be, putting out that combination of energy, turning into synergy that came together in synchronicity.

Getting Lost in my own reality I’ll always be. Do you hear me, can you see me, will you feel me, any chance you understand me. If you’d just let yourself, let the right one in, set your routine world into a tizzy, a frenzied tailspin, you just might find with a wonderous delight, that maybe, just maybe, what this crazy man is saying just might be All Right!

With them, the nay saying generalized others, I choose not to play.

Yeah, I’m All Right alright, how about you?

Peace & Love, until next time…

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