The Storyteller

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Read Time:8 Minute, 24 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…the dying breed of the storyteller? No, so, Once Upon A Time, long, long, ago, in a natural Earth, far, far away, the only way to pass on thriving life to the next generation, was listening to what a storyteller had to say.

While visiting Moab, Utah, I came across a couple who roomed above me at a local Motel. They noticed me, my motorcycle, my decaled website on my ride, checked out my website, called out ‘hello Randy’, said they found me interesting & struck up a conversation.

They said they loved what I was doing, loved my pictures, adventures & way that I wrote in telling my stories. So, we got to talking, shared some stories, befriended each other & met many an eve at Arches to enjoy sunsets together.

They were kindred storytellers too & we’d tell our tales of wandering maze after adventuring in our own unique ways throughout our days, sharing more stories & making memories, a crystal clear haze.

Stories are what make us. They are the foundation of the human connection. Face to face, human to human, no fear to hear a value laced tales of lore that are only a bore if you’re blinded by your own narcissistic haste.

Hurry, I’m late for a very important date, you know, it might just be the ‘one’ that saves me from myself, or, the one that I arrogantly think I can ‘fix’, or, the one that completes me. Won’t you join me, just, let it be, enjoy my story.

So many have forgotten to listen with welcoming ear to the impactful words that glisten from moistened lips with genuine, sincere truthful mouths full of thoughts & words. You don’t need proof when there’s truth behind the story.

Nature is pure, honest, raw, au natural where there’s no such thing as supernatural. Nature deals in the actual, not the fantastical, all the world’s a stage these days run by generalized others dumbed down to a blind faith believing & following mentality.

Unobserving, unquestioning, unnoticing with noses buried in devices built, founded & maintained on lies, distractions. If one disconnects to reconnect, one might just detect that a wonderous world awaits if one just takes moments to look around.

Oh well, time will run out too for the ‘have’s’, the tricksters selling illusions trade, for all that comes passes, for the silly things they have will one day be reclaimed by nature eventually burring their face.

Once there were swords to enslave, then chains, now, debts & fears. As we stood & talked about technologies pros & cons, device in hand, just one of the New World Order’s tools to gain blind compliance upon command.

I was speaking directly to a human. Face to face, not caught up in the rat race. We to how so quickly mechanized devices have infected & replaced the human condition of questioning, critical thinking, for that of mindlessness.

Dead, the day we agreed to eat bread. The need to transform stuff we now call food, an edible only considered once the herds became overgrown. The only true food is that which can be eaten right away, free of the manmade. The only food we need is that we can eat, naked & pure, confidently sure that what our instinct tells us to consume is most certainly not perfumed chemicals & plastics. What we consume, becomes us, what our food consumes becomes us, & not all food is literally eaten. It’s the books we read, the music we listen to, the shows we watch & the friends we keep.

So why all the fuss to keep us from ourselves? What’s the worry? Why so in a hurry to scurry into the abyss of blurry faces hiding within droned body cases, just a biological coffin connected to the Matrix directing us all unless we’ve had enough & our natural feathers puff up to realize the threat has been hiding in plain sight in our own mirrored reflections. For we’ve allowed all that surrounds us, we, our own worst enemies. This our legacy? Not mine, not mine!

What a delight, watching the narcissistic try as they might to convince themselves they’re alright by being all right. I got news for you, they’re not, see, I’m ALL RIGHT, the world’s All WRONG! That’s my life’s song, has to be, I’m the only me I’ve ever known & probably will ever be so why would I waste any of my precious time on another’s vision of the world’s reality rooted in the intended state of constant flux of insanity?

Why? Cause misery loves company. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids. Ah, the sweet, silent poison in sugar fix. Parents passively raged for a millisecond at the ‘cut the fat, double the sugar’ campaign of the late 70’s, early 80’s, just like they did about ‘Big Brother’ watching in the birthing days of 24/7 surveillance.

Though, as we always seem unable to do, we never quite grasp the end game of the 1%’s point of view & we silence ourselves with our compliance. No matter racism, gentrification, wars in Afghanistan, Kuwait, or, anywhere in the Middle East, Vietnam, Korea, no matter the megalomaniac’s tide of destruction, we allow our own deaths construction.

Funny, what we’ve allowed ourselves to become without realizing our own hypocrisy.

See, to me, it’s worth the time to expose the crime of those who steal another’s precious time with ideas so out of mind that they had to make everyone blind so they could get away with convincing us that it was OK to be cruel to be kind.

Give me peace & love everyday, that’s the way I choose to play, with a loving heart & a kind thought, held within a critically thinking brain with plenty of time for those of likeminded reality to share with me each & every day.

I’ve always wondered, questioned & asked, much to the enraging of the zealots, why you need to be submissive to a superior being? Why a ‘god’ needs a human to bow & bend his or her head? Hum, maybe because by exposing the neck, it shows the loyalty, for just one stroke of a blade would sever the head, making dead the non-compliant.

The once life born into a world of chaotic psychopathic monetary meaningless sociopathic murderous dance now silenced by the almighty. Hum. Ah, the follies of man, Godzilla!

Not by chance did you get chosen to partake in their crafty manipulation epitaph. I don’t care about that, just give me another carafe, liquid Novocain helping me be alright with being forced to be insane in the membrane by the vain. No matter snort, by vein, liquid, or, pill, that old Opium Cart elixir, cure-all, will give you just the right kind of numb to chill.

Look around, we actually believe this is OK. Drug stores on every corner. Look around, we actually believe we have a say. Look around, we actually believe we matter. Look around, we actually believe we make a sound. Look around, the amassed herds follow the insane. Look around, we claim peace & love while being unkind. Look around, life is what’s passing you by as you live your lie.

Space is aggressive, time oppressive, money enslaving, power engraving, compliance securing, the real screaming as the fake seal the deal with those that impose their wills upon us all, claiming slavery is freedom, as standardized education the completion of the mind manipulation to the new world order recreation from the technology that discredits biology. ‘We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control…’

I’ve always advocated for the future, our children. What’s gonna happen to the children, do you really think your child is going to be alright in a world we’ve allowed to go so wrong. Do you think they’ll be alright?!

Tired of the ways that are, don’t look to that distant star, it won’t help you, look deep within yourself, see your own real deal & decide or not, not to continue to conceal your own life appeal to life as the governments try to keep the real you trapped, too afraid to reveal the instinctually true real deal.

So, is this story true, the real or the fabricated synthetic, the pathetic, the pedantic in dreams told fantastic to coerce the gullibility out of the filth of the world that pollutes us all. Hum.

Something I know to be true, we are the runoff, the byproduct of what we’ve allowed. The effects of our maniacal causes that we the people didn’t originally agree to. I certainly didn’t, never have, & have always spoken out about it.

We were gently, passive, yet, aggressively coerced into it. Imprinted upon by subtle imagery, symbols, catchy songs in jingle bells & other society of the spectacle pollutants, we’ve come to turn blind, even with a tear filled, saddened, eye.

Yeah, it’s all deep cause we’ve made it that way, the complicated meddling hands created by man. The only simplicity is that of the natural way, void of the human infection. Sure, nature’s complex in its simplicity if one just is one within it.

Best to hide anonymous, a generalized other in plain sight to avoid detection of the every watching eye in the sky.

Though be the changes you want to see, set mind to the matters of fact that matter & be what you want to see.

Funny, I choose to be happy, for nothing really matters, especially that which we’ve so blindly created to distract us from the only truths we’ve every known…we’re born, we live, we die, all contained on this planet.

What’s all the fuss, why aren’t we willing to get along. There’s no right or wrong, just one’s own unique perspective, it’s all subjective.

Though, what do I know, this is my subjective perspective & I’m just a storyteller.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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