Close To The Edge

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Read Time:17 Minute, 48 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…pushing the limits of my mind of this mortal man in Utah while visiting Canyonland. I like to tell my stories, so, even if I did, here it goes again, buckle up, I’m about to begin…

Here’s a little ditty, with a little dirt in the tale of my truth, the way I see it, the lowdown nitty gritty.

I often get this statement posed by many I’ve met while Getting Lost. They say, ‘Wow, I wish I could do that, live that way…’, or, ‘I’d do that if I could, but…’ Most of the time I just smile & say, ‘OK’, so as not to challenge strangers I don’t really know.

Though, if I’m feeling frisky, I’ll say, ‘Then, why don’t you.’ To which I get any number of excuses for not being able to. Then, I’ll leave it be as it’s way too deep in brief meeting to talk philosophy.

It’s simple really, people choose not to. Most would rather live on the sidelines, as bystanders, rather than get busy living in their dreams adventures. Too conditioned, too conformed, too assimilated to realize you can be the changes you want to be in yourself by enacting change.

Visualize, create your own tomorrows, you can’t become if you don’t begin.

It’s all about lifestyle. Here’s a little glimpse in how I choose to live, my style in ideologies, philosophies, that have contributed to who I am & how I choose to live.

If you don’t care, stop reading now, return to the picture above, I hope the view will forever change you, like it did me & move on to read another little ditty. Though if you care to dare & choose the Red Pill, you’ll come to discover just how deep this crazy man’s chosen lifestyle Rabbit Hole goes.

It’s all about lifestyle.

No limits, no boundaries, no expectations & no vacations. My vacation is this adventuring in awe & wonder while I wanderlust, each & every day, through this wonderful chance at life I’m experiencing. Present in the moments, making the changes in myself, once realized, that I want to become. I make no excuses, I chart my heart’s & mind’s courses & embark.

I’m a dream weaving adventurer, not a tourist or vacationer. I’m not one to be told to me what to do or where to go, especially not by a puppet guide leading the blind eyes in broken kinds found within the typical tourist herd. Always blurred, a dime a dozen, drone of clones glued to cell phones.

I’m finite, I won’t live forever. So, I choose to view this, my so called life, as a precious experience not to be wasted or taken for granted.

I don’t plan, I get out & do. I don’t make excuses, I make memories. Crazy thing is, you make the choice not to do, or, to do; it’s always been up to you, even if at times, it feels like it’s not.

In my own life’s view, I’ve constructed my lifestyle that, to me, rings true. A reality I’ve chosen in this, my most spectacular way to live & view. So, included in all my stories are my life’s memories in spectacularly clear kaleidoscopic tapestry moments to review. Brothers & Sisters, we’re what we choose to do, &, all we don’t, too.

I don’t know about you, but, I don’t follow signs or directions or go on planned tours with another’s pay in job to guide tourists, all directed by someone else’s determined plan. No, that’s never been for me. I’ve always chosen to go & do the opposite in the ways they’re telling & directing me to.

I prefer to travel free with no schedules & no planned routes along the way, just going & livin day to day. To see what I see, to meet who I meet, experiencing what life throws my way in my own style, my own way. And look at what greeted me on this most auspicious day! Take in that view!

Which way did I go? I don’t know, that’s why I take pictures & write down thoughts & experiences along the way. What mood am I in today? A great one as always & without a schedule defining my way, making it another perfect day.

What can I say? Nothing, if I wanted to. Though, as you can see, I have such sights to show you & a plethora of vaulted memories to share. And, yeah, I’ve got a LOT to say! It’s my one shot at life, why be invisible in just another generalized other, I prefer to be invisible by hiding in plain sight.

I’d rather scream out, shouting to the world at the top of my lungs, ‘I’m here & this is what I’m about!’ Though only to a select few, I’m not accepting of the typical herded view.

Why fit in, when I was born to stand out, thanks Dr. Seuss for just one of your value-laced messages that’s never been lost on me. I heard your messages, they sank in deep. It’s people like you I like to have around, friends like you I choose to keep.

I prefer to live as a Butterfly Effect, for who knows what ripples I might produce by spreading my wings & taking flight. Effects that may produce lifelong affects. Or not, & that’s my point, who knows, who cares, just do what you do. Just get busy living life for you, your own way, create your own world as you go. Dare to live beyond compare, dare to thrive in being alive.

It’s rare that I don’t know about a place that I’m visiting, like what happened with Goblin Valley some posts back. So, when those unknown random occurrences present themselves to me, I happily say, ‘Tag, you’re it!’ As I play along, singing my Getting Lost with Randy song. I love to learn about a newfound place in friend where now, I too belong.

So, after that little digressive intro, I pulled into Canyonlands & I was blown away! I mean look at that capture above. I was speechless with nothing to say, as human words only betray & take away from what that picture’s purity in truth can convey.

The picture tells it all without a single word to say, not literally anyway.

I spent a week in Canyonlands, riding, exploring, hiking & camping. I rode all the roads pictured below, don’t you know, it was this one man’s show.

I was lucky on most of my journeys, as most were off the beaten paths in roads less traveled & fantastic places less visited. I mean, everyone knows about The Grand Canyon, but, how many have heard of Canyonlands? I came to discover, not many.

Most of my 4 years of motorcycling this magnificent country was vacant of amassed humans. Don’t know how I got so lucky, but, it happily happened. Free of the typical one would expect to find which tickled my heart & freed my mind from the irritations large crowds usually have over me.

There were some larger crowds in the ‘hot spots’ like Niagara Falls, The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite & a few other natural wonders along the way. And, of course, the ‘hot spots’ in the cities were packed full. Plenty of pictures of these are on the way, another story for another day.

Concerts & festivals were too very busy with lots of folks. Though those never bothered me because humans attending these were typically like minded, kindred spirited souls. Coming together to celebrate peace, love, unity & their own unique individuality.

Most though, & luckily so, like this one in Canyonlands, there was really no one there. There were a few here & there, far & few between. It felt like it was my own, oasis in deserted, desert wonderland.

So, like I said, I rode all the paved roads to the canyon & too, those pictured in dirt, gravel paths. The Goldwing, yet again, withstood the adventure test. I rode those shown, many not pictured & some that weren’t roads or paths at all, they were more like hints at trails.

Didn’t matter though, it was a one man show, I was isolated, to go where & when I decided to go. The Park Rangers even let me be to wander endlessly as I didn’t see a one patrolling around. I like it when ‘the man’ leaves me be, a preferred reality.

On this day, after ascending to the topmost point of view, I did what I tend to do, I dismounted my steel steed & stepped close to the edge.

I’ve been told I live this way in pushing limits, boundaries & defined, signed, parameters by questioning & challenging everything. I mean, why not, this is my one shot. Besides, who are ‘they’ who made the world this way anyway? To me is a nonsensical hot mess of industrialized madness that I remove myself from every chance I get.

Boxes & cages, shackles & chains, harnesses & girdles, high heels & fashion fames, you name the oppressive control imposed, only those willing & choosing to see differently, for what it really is, can understand. This, my constant state of being in seeing by my little mind’s reality eye.

One’s reality, another’s fantasy. One’s understanding, another’s vacancy. One’s independence, another’s marriage. One’s chosen lifestyle, another’s directed course.

What’s your choice? Up to you. Though only if you realize that you, as are we all, are the choices we make. A lifelong collection of how we’ve chosen to sing our own life’s song. Sure, there’ll be those all along your journey who tell you you’re wrong. Just another choice for you to reject their take & point of view they’re trying to impose upon you, to sing their, or, your own song. It’s up to you, it’s always been up to you.

So, what’s your point of view?

Mine, it’s pictured above & in these words I have just typed &, fingers, sung. They might be able to keep me contained from time to time with a directing sign, but, they can never cage my own mind. That can only be done if I choose to let them in to convince & coerce me to see it their way in what & how they want me to.

I don’t know about you, but, I’ll keep my picture perfect view & share it with you, to decide for yourself what you’ll do & how you’ll choose to view.

Doesn’t matter to me what you do, I just wish the best for you. You, choosing who you are, you, choosing whatever it is you want to do, who you want to be & who you become. Awake & enlightened, choosing you own life’s song, or, dumb, dumb, dumb, blindly following a poisonous bread crumb.

I don’t give advice, ever! I only show alternatives in challenging the status quo. I leave it up to you to make up your own mind on which way you want to go. For all that is the way it is, is what someone else has created for you to see. We’re living in someone else’s fantasy.

Set your own course & live it for you & you alone. Or, not. Again, it’s all up to you on how you choose to see & do. This or that, him or her, up or down, left, right, or, straight on, straight on to, you.

If you wanted, you could choose to…

Live, travel & play hard, like there’s no tomorrow, for tomorrows are uncertain. Don’t live for work, work to live. Smile, laugh & hug often. Love, love, love, it is true, all you need is love. The little things matter more than most realize, so celebrate them, yourself & life, each & every day. And never, ever, forget to remember why you like & love the things & people you do. Appreciate, don’t take for granted & never have expectations so you’ll never be disappointed. Live within your dreams until your dying day.

As I stood Getting Lost, close to the edge, on that very day I knew if I took 3 steps, all would change. In that certainty, gravity would take on a whole new perspective for this persons subjective point of view. Life, so precious & fleeting, if I choose those few steps, my demise I’d choose to be meeting.

The appreciative realization came clear as that magnificent view. I don’t matter to anything, or, anyone else, but, me, not really. Some may deeply care about me, it’s true, I sure hope some do. I care about some too, through really, only one or two, maybe even a few. I’m selective in who I choose to share with me, my view.

Yes, it’s true, I’m sharing it too, with all of you, my followers & readers, most I’ve never met. But, if you’re visiting my documented adventures in pictures & care to continue to read my subjective perspective takes on it all, well then, I too, call you friend.

I’m certain my life’s song is more than half over, a lifelong reality, my own mortality, that’s befriended me my whole life long. That awakened awareness allows for the celebration, each & every day, of my life’s song.

So, I thought & decided, why not share it with the cyberspace world. Maybe my lifestyle in what I’ve done might act as catalyst for another, to not only follow, but more important, to ignite a spark of possibility. To embark, to confirm, to support, to realize, to actualize their own adventuring life song.

Though, no matter how close we feel & we try to become, our own life is all we can really, truly understand & know, even then though, we still, don’t really know.

We only know, each our own reality. It’s as unique to you as it is to me. Like snowflakes, fingerprints & personalities, no two are the same. It’s only insane humans that try & manipulate, making clones all the same, playing a generalized other duplication game. In nature, all is unique, different, always changing, adapting & growing, though it might appear as the same, it’s not, it’s a harmonious celebration in diversity’s name.

Humanity’s only race, to extinction.

I’m as insignificant in the grand canyonland scheme of things as the Canyonlands viewed before me. We all can only comprehend our own reality.

Just as we cannot, literally, touch each other in actuality, it’s only pressure we feel in the sensation that we know as touch. Though, due to the infinitesimally small constituents parts of matter, will always keep us apart. I only know what it is to be me & really, I can’t touch anything or anybody. The heart though, & mind’s eye, well that’s a completely different kind of ‘touch’ story.

See, I know it’s all been done before, we’re all only borrowing from History’s store. We only awaken if we realize to actualize our own unique blend of being when our personality combines with all we do. What we hear, the words we choose to say, what we see in altered states in how we individually think & feel. Separately connected in just one of the herd, or, individuality infected.

What a freeing sense in slice of humble pie, though only if it’s a meat pie.

See, I don’t eat cake! Only my close friends I call family, those that really know me, really know what I’m saying. Though, maybe, just maybe, those too, who really choose to hear what what I’m saying in my my word play, might catch on. Only those aware will get my kind of fickle will tickle a place deep to get that reference & might just make them giggle. Shoot, I even needed a bit of comic relief in break to the intensity.

Anyway, My present moments of experiences allow me only to be able to relate to, empathize with & vaguely understand another, but, I’ll never know them like they do. It’s an impossible illusion that we’re taught to waste most of our life on seeking out in one ‘soulmate’ to spend one’s life with. All the while, lives pass quickly by trying to find the right tie that just ends up a noose carried with you until the day you die.

The true reality, there is only me, alone, as there is only you, alone. We’re all just a bunch of alone people trying desperately to connect. A valiant cause, though always with the same disappointing result. Just another cage to keep me from truly knowing & understanding me. That aware, awakened knowing realization, completely sets me free.

Present in the pictured moment, that very moment, my moment, all my past moments in my history up to that very moment, are all I’ll ever be. Some may get close, but like in the natural world that we try to understand by limiting what it naturally, just is, in making up a defining word to help in creating a thing we call ‘physics’ to help us to think we understand. Though, try as they might, none can truly know what it is to even, be. So, logically, we try to find a closest in somebody that enhances in being complimentary.

Problem is, most don’t get this, they think another is broken because they’re not like them, thus, trying to ‘fix’ or ‘help’ when the subject they’re trying to fix, not insightful enough to realize that person is themselves. Unable to truly reflect, we are the reflections we reject in the company we keep. Hence, why I keep to myself.

I’ve chosen to never compromise the core integrity of who I am for another, ever! Never will. I only let the right one’s in, in to my world. I only hear complimentary songs singing, the others just make my ears hurt from their loud contradictory ringing.

So, I better love myself first & foremost, for if not, I’ll never know true love as a reality. Not in another thing or being. I, we, can only truly hope for that sixth sense instinctual, invisible magnetic force that brings commonality in people, places & things together. For nothing of value comes from the outside, value can only come from within, internally forthwith, as it’s always been. A lesson lost to the meddlesome hands of man.

Don’t like what what you see, when you look deep into your reflection, then make the changes in choices being made to see your ideal self, in reality.

So free yourself if you dare to be & see & think differently. One, that’s not like the others. Set yourself free to live present in your own moments, in your own newly created truth. Love yourself deeply to find the totality in this fleeting life we have to catch the slightest glimpse of possible actuality.

Bright we burn, till we don’t. What can I say, where there’s a will, there’s a way to come into your own self-awakening some day. Up to you to choose.

That day, close to the edge, the first day to the rest of my life. Like the one’s before that led to that day, like this very day, like those, hopefully, still yet to come. Each day, the first new day, to the rest of my life.

You don’t know what you got, till its gone. Unfortunately, this saying, lost to most, is so very true. Are you able to recognize to realize & appreciate what you’ve got.

See, I know what I got & I know, if I’m able, that I’ll miss it when its gone. So, I live each day like its my last, like all that’s my life could end up Getting Lost, celebrating the shadow I cast. There are no problems, only people creating them. So, logically, if people equal their own self-created problems, why would I want anything to do with ’em?!

Intensity my lifeblood. The camera eye doesn’t lie. So, why oh why, would I ever choose the crazy world of humanity’s restrictive glove, then sit in quiet serene solitude, close to the edge, with my Canyonland friend pictured above.

Just 3 steps, 3 steps, so close to stepping off the edge, stepping off the ledge. Crazy thing is, if I ever did, I’d splatter, breaking into my fractal matter & realize, I didn’t even exist to begin with. Out of sight, out of mind, it’s just a matter of time when anther’s remembrance fades to black. Then what?

If all minds end up Getting Lost & all memories get tossed, does anything really exist?

They say eyes are the windows to the soul. If that’s true, just like you are what you eat, then logically, what you are is what you choose to see too.

So, what’s in your view today, yesterday, & what’s in store for tomorrow?

Things on my mind, just don’t have the time, to worry about if you’re singing the same rhyme as me, in my Getting Lost reality.

Carpe diem! Today’s all you got.

Yeah, all that from choosing to live & stand…

Close to the Edge.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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