PCH 1 Californication

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…

As the PCH 1 awakening adventure continued to motor on & on, I got to thinking.

I wondered if these Californians appreciated this amazing coastal road with these fantastically magnificent views, or, if they just take it all for granted.

I got to thinking about the California Dreaming Hollywood attitude that’s really just a circus show. Just dolled up puppets controlled by industry strings, living lives of servitude to whatever tunes the fashion man sings.

Funny, how the mind winds & rolls like the motorway that lie before me.

Though I know, one’s Getting Lost in deep thought, another’s vacancy in even a consideration.

I got to thinking about people & all their stuff. All their fluff. All their false idols. Worshiping materialistic superficiality that especially comes with the bedazzled, glamorized Hollywood celebrity status quo. A motely fools show.

Playing a part, a character in a scripted role, playing to the crowds wearing labels of industry in high dollar fashion games. Literally wearing masks of mascara too afraid to be true, they masquerade, prancing for me & you.

Without us, they’d all fade away, completely out of view, not even a thought. But, alas, we’ve created a world of superficiality, valuing cheap, shallow triviality.

Lives lived full of fakery, awaiting the cupcakes from the plasticine bakery. All the tall tales from big bad wolves that huff & puff, full of machismo pretending to be tough. The only thing they’re made of is their stuff.

Jealousy is just a lack of self-respect, foregoing one’s dignity for a superficial dependency. Focusing in envy on another’s good fortune is just a waste of one’s own time. A disrespectful way to live, singing a greedy little rhyme.

I got to thinking about how one’s mountaintop home with an ocean view is another’s gentrification & another’s poverty & another’s obstruction & another’s Californication.

If you have to ‘fake it’ to ‘make it’, you were done before you’d even begun. Never had it, never will, you won’t be able to fix it with a pill, nor, by living high upon that California Beverly Hill.

You might be able to fake it for awhile, though eventually the real will see through you & it will all go away, being left with what you were when you started. All celebrities burn out & fade away, begging the question someday, ‘What ever happened to so’n’so anyway?’

Vexed & perplexed, they run to find limelight gold in them there Hollywood hills in a desperate attempt to have riches enough to claim the celebrity throne yet again.

It’s always the same, today’s celebrity, yesterday’s tragedy. The divine comedy of the rich & famous. Funny to me though, is how little they really know.

For any fool can see, all the stuff we think we own, ends up owning you & me. Less is so much more. A reality thought of as poverty by the Hollywood fame & fortune attention seeking celebrity whore.

Though, over time, it all fades away. No matter what ‘they’ say, no matter how hard you pray, you’ll be a yesterday’s forgotten news someday. You didn’t have to play their way, you choose to say OK, a sell out until your dying day.

Don’t care for riches, nor, the throne. Don’t care for fame or the celebrity drone. To me, they’re a bore. All too soon they become everybody else’s whore. Then, after being used & abused by the Hollywood industry, they disappear. Reduced to a vague, barely a thought in recollecting yesteryear.

Living in the limelight, crying in their own chagrin, hiding from their own true reflection for the mess they’re in.

Celebrities turn to dust, from diamonds to rust.

One’s needing to be the celebrity at the party, desperately needing to wear the popularity crown, is another’s spending the day with an ageless friend in ocean view.

Classification divides as television rules the world.

Simple pleasures & solidarity. True wealth comes from within, where meaning is in sentimental livin. Taking it with you everywhere you go.

Either you’ve got it, or, you don’t.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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