Trusting Your Intuitiveness

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Howdy Folks!

So, did I ever tell you the ones about believing in yourself, first & foremost, no matter what others may say, think or feel to the contrary. Yeah, I know I have in many different ways in my writings as this is a common theme of this societal, cultural & authoritative cynic, skeptic & critic, though someone has to, right?!

I mean, in this world of lies & excuses, those attuned & aware should dare to rise & stand up for those that were born to stand out? No way the complying passivists shout! It seems to me that to speak to truths of matters forces those who live in glass houses made of lies to scatter, lost in mindless chatter as their houses crumble & shatter & their lying identities splatter as I serve them up on the proverbial truth platter. Does any of it really matter?! I’ll just spend my time, my own Hatter, gone Mad. What about the, The? I don’t know, it doesn’t…

I’ve always been on the edge, the fringe, the cult underground, celebrating my own felt beats being my own drummer in a world I never cared to be a part of, nor, to understand. I have always been, still am & will continue to be, a stranger in a strange land, until my last breath. Why would I waste my time trying to assimilate to their broken trickle-down command, beating down every child, woman & man. Gender, race & culture, always claiming their god the only one true to blindly follow in faith, wielding fear campaigns, calling it progress.

So, as I often do, I find a picture to contrary the occult in that of mostly nature, free of man’s meddling hands. I have to say, as much as I LOVE this picture, the thing that doesn’t belong, naturally, is the technology in motorcycle, for the forest so much more spectacular than the blindness of the machine tree. Though, I am thankful for its ability to…

For its ability to speak a thousand words, infinite times over, like the find of the 4-leaf-clover, if it didn’t begin, can it ever be over? What am I saying in my word manipulation conjunction-junction, what’s your function? See, I’d rather tell you the truth & be forced into my own destruction, a song that was playing in the background they didn’t hear, nor pay attention to, that was playing in their own construction. So, this, my societal disfunction, a Getting Lost with Randy production in Creative Minds Inc., seduction.

Hum, what’s my conjunction, my outrage at the lies of my forcing into just another generalized other reduction. That’s my function to ‘say what I feel & feel what I say, because those who mind don’t matter & those who matter, don’t mind.’ I thank the good Doctor for bringing his truths to young hearts & minds just beginning who were feeling, listening & understanding the beats he was a drummin.

We’re taught from birth not to question those we call ‘authorities’ in roles in politics, education, parents, medical practitioners, law enforcement, religious zealots, industry, no matter the controlling mechanism, we’re just expected to blindly follow their direction. And if we speak out, not believing in their hidden vailed clout, we doubt, then we’re sought out, hunted down, to end what they claim is an unpatriotic shout.

We’re taught to outsource, rather than, trust & believe in ourselves. We’re taught our natural self is primitive & needed to be shed for the oppressive, controlling world that’s been created for us. We’re taught we just have to accept it, deal with it, tolerate it & put others before ourselves. Thus, most people are scarily deficient in skill, ability, adaptability, emotional maturity, diversity, confidence, independence & self-governing sufficiency.

The dumbed down are so amassed in each & every town, all looking down at devices with heads turned down, not to the ground, rather, staring at devices they call smart, not caring at all what they might observe & learn if they look up, out & around. All the world’s a stage & this is the clown age. Our zeitgeist has been so reduced, most completely unaware of their own shackled stupidity.

I thought I’d share some stories to that of which I just mentioned.

Before I embarked on my Getting Lost with Randy motorcycling adventures, I got turned on to Scuba Diving. I wanted to add just one more thing to my list of skills that I could do along the way in being able to Scuba Dive.

I researched companies, found what was reported to be the best in St. Louis, & went through the class portion of the training. I did great & moved on to the actual water, diving, training.

It was a one-day course that was in a pool shared by other swimmers which I though cheeky. Then, one girl was not doing well which pushed our time limit & we were rushed to get done & out of the pool. Apparently, the pool was only slotted for a certain amount of time for us, learning to scuba dive, participants.

I was pressured to get done so I apparently descended too fast & felt a weird sensation in my ears. I finished the course with flying colors & when I got out of the water, I could tell something was wrong. I felt a weird pressure in my ears, sounds were muffled & I felt a bit shaky. I had only a couple of weeks to take part two of my courses to get certified which was a 60-foot dive.

I went to the manager, owner of the company & told her what happened, my concerns that I might have burst my eardrums & she attempted to lessen & diminish, my concerns, wouldn’t let me have more time & ultimately, she told me to just do the dive, that my ears were alright.

I took matters into my own hands, went to my ENT who confirmed that both ears were burst & I have diver’s ear or something like that. She confirmed that if I wouldn’t have come in & would have gone ahead with the dive like the dive company owner suggested, that I would have probably blacked out & could have died. Most certainly, I would have done irreversible damage.

I took this information to the owner of the diving company who again, tried to lessen my condition, took no ownership for the training accident & mishap that occurred due to being rushed, making an inaccurate suggestion that could have compromised my health & wellbeing & overall, took no ownership, nor, accountability. She wouldn’t extend my testing until I was healed, stating I’d have to pay again, retake the classes & finish the final dive after healed. Like somehow my knowledge & skills would have diminished in 2 weeks more, nothing but another money whore!

Needless to say, I’m glad I trusted my intuitiveness in gut instinct & intuition to believe in myself enough to combat so called ‘authorities’.

A few months down the road, I was riding my Goldwing, after it had gotten & received a mechanical thumbs up from the motorcycle company that was fixing my ride, to bring it in & get the work completed. I felt that it didn’t seem to be riding correctly & it, I, felt off, I thought it was maybe my equilibrium being compromised due to my ear damage recently occurring.

Seeing as it was an older motorcycle, a classic 1988 Honda Goldwing, I had it thoroughly inspected, replacing many older, vital, parts & having it checked over from wheel to wheel. I took it in to the shop.

I got it back just one month before I was to embark on the first leg of my journey after the diving incident & after the ride completed. I noticed as it was being wheeled out that my tires looked the same & had a sinking feeling that the work that was entrusted to this ‘trusted’ dealership hadn’t been completed.

I questioned the work order with the manager who confirmed that nothing, let me repeat that, NOTHING, had been completed & that if I hadn’t noticed the tires & he hadn’t looked further into the matter, they were going to let me walk out & pay my bill as if all work was completed.

The manager tried to make it ‘right’, which was impossible because my trust in them was squashed, but, he did cut the bill in half & personally oversaw the work to its completion. I was appreciative, but, still warry of the company & quality of work that was done. After all, this was my cross-country ride that I was trusting to be solid. It took another month to finish the work & I felt better with my ears & work completed, but still I was not convinced that they completed all. So, I went over it with a fine toothcomb & all appeared to be good to go.

Again, my gut, instinct, intuition, probably just an accumulation of paying attention over the years & knowing what’s correct & not, was telling me that I should probably take it somewhere else to have it looked at before I embark. And, against my own resolve, mostly because I was so excited to embark on this, once-in-a-lifetime, experience & journey, I let the next realization go. Still when riding, I, or the motorcycle, still did not feel ‘right.’

I was having difficulty cornering, balancing & it felt like I was really having to muscle through each ride. I wrote it off to thinking & hoping that my difficulties were due to my eardrums being damaged which I knew could also affect my equilibrium. So, I just chalked it up to that & continued to take care of myself & heal.

The day came & I was off. I continued to have the same difficulties along the road, despite that I got the official word that I was healed from my ENT doctor. I thought that maybe I was permanently damaged & might not be able to ride, but still, I marshalled on.

I rode & explored throughout Iowa, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, to name a few & wound up in Colorado. On the way, a KTM rider blew past me as I was nearing Colorado Springs. I was going to pull into CO Springs & stay the night because the next day I wanted to ride up Pike’s Peak.

Ironically, the guy who past me, just so happened to pull into the same Motel I chose about an hour after he arrived, I had no idea. I only found out when I was roomed right next to his, pulled in & saw his KTM parked under the roof of the parking area this Motel had for the cars of its patrons.

He was an Italian guy who was taking time off to ride through the United States, much like I was. He was a character, in that he came out to meet me when I pulled into my spot wearing only his, whitie-tightie, briefs underwear, & smoking a cigarette; he was quite a sight. He spoke with a thick accent & arrogance that I found more charming than offensive. He just didn’t care what anyone thought & I really liked that outlook as it is kindred spirited to my own, attitude & personality.

We talked & talked about travels, motorcycle & so on. I told him I was ready to ride Pike’s Peak & was going to do so tomorrow. He asked if I wanted to ride with him as he was planning on this himself. I happily agreed, went to sleep looking forward to the ride tomorrow & woke ready to go.

We rode the Peak, summitting at 14,114 ft. It was nothing short of SPECTACULAR!

We parted ways at the bottom & I decided to motor to Boulder. When I arrived, I visited a friend who lives there & thought that maybe I needed to see if there was a Honda motorcycle Dealership in the area that I could take my Goldwing into. I had a gut feeling that something might be wrong with the motorcycle & not me because the altitude didn’t seem to affect me at all with my ears. So, that day, I called & they said to bring it by, they were busy, but would get to me after & look at it after I explained my situation to them.

I arrived at the dealership, they got to me within 15 minutes & came back letting me know that what I was experiencing wasn’t due to me, my riding, or, my ears in equilibrium balancing concerns. They told me that my hydraulic suspension was completely blown, looked like it had been for a while & I was riding solely on my rear spring for suspension. They stated that this was the reason that I was experiencing a rough, unbalanced, tough handling ride, especially when cornering. They said that I was totally having to fight the bike to keep it stable & upright.

They asked where I’d been riding, I told them about GLwR, all the States I had just traveled through & that I just came from riding Pike’s Peak & they were blown away. They couldn’t believe it, stated I needed to replace the suspension right away. They offered to order it for me, though it would take 3 weeks to get in. Seeing I was ready to be home & too, to have the shop that supposedly looked over everything, fix it.

They suggested to me to then just head East, straight home. I thanked them for looking over my ride, finding the problem & bid them au revoir! I called the shop back home in Missouri, told them what was up & to order the part so when I got home, I could just drop my ride there & wait on it to be fixed.

I stayed the eve in Boulder to recover & grab Tapas & Wine for Happy Hour at The Med, had a great night sleep & departed at the crack of dawn, heading home.

These are just a fraction of the ignorance, arrogance & failure to pay attention to the details, take ownership or responsibility for lack of care or quality. It seems to me that a purposeful eliminating of critical thinking, logic, reason, respect & self-governing has occurred in the world’s population.

I’ve never had a problem trusting my intuitiveness, my instinctual gut, nor, my feelings, hunches, or, trusting myself. The times that I did go against my better internal feelings, evaluations, insights, intuition & judgements, I ended up paying for it. So, I learned early on to trust my intuition & instincts. The connectedness to the innate seems to have been bred out in most.

I have to say too, tooting my own horn, I even impressed myself, pushing through what I thought might be a problem with me, that turned out to be a problem with the motorcycle & all the miles ridden on a broken hydraulic suspension. Yep, Randy, that’s pretty impressive! &, yeah, I said so myself.

I am finding more & more & more in this, quantity over quality, world we’ve been forced upon to live in, that not only are we programmed to just blindly follow authority & not to question anything, but too, to doubt our own intuitiveness, our own resolve, our own instincts & our own cognitive reasoning abilities.

I feel, one of a kind, often times, when I challenge, question, critically think & speak my mind these days because it seems to be a dying, if not close to full extinction, breed who’ve fled to them hills in mountains to live out the rest of their days.

I feel like I’m in a world gone completely mad. I find it harder & harder to relate to people, to believe in, or, trust people, &, it is RARE that I am able to find a quality of personality in character who is able to equal my chosen self-investment in realizations, understandings & intellect.

Sad thing is, when I was young, these traits, characteristics & abilities seemed abundant & in just a 3 decades, the dumbing down of the world & made those scarce &/or victim to the retardation madness that’s infected the planet.

Well, I’m just glad I was raised to question everything manmade in arrogance thinking humans are ‘better’ than everything else & being a sceptic & cynic by nature’s design. I’m a societal & cultural critic by paying attention & experiencing the true, real, world, has allowed for a clearer view of what’s really going on.

Though this is true only because I heard the messages from Seuss to Muir, from Rand to Carroll, from Baum to Kerouac, from Smith to Thoreau. I found that my ‘take-aways’ very similar to theirs, & nowadays, like back then, my reference points of view, very, very askew when compared to that of the commoner, commercialized, bedazzled, spectacled generalized other’s points of view, which sadly, have become the amassed majority.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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