Mountains of A.I. Technology

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Read Time:4 Minute, 53 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how…

People would rather look down, than look out & around, unaware of the very ground, tethered by gravity, to which we’re bound.

Noses buried in artificial technologies stemming from false god ideologies. Rather than observing all the natural beauties around them, they’d rather worship plastic prodigies.

They’d rather be led by false prophets, than make an independent stand. Our once mother, Nature, has been wasted on the young due to vicious destructive patters being passed down through the generations. Singing their patriotic song sung, calling slavery’s indebtment shackles bound by invisible chains, freedom’s reign. Superficial, shallow, vain.

Instead, they somehow aren’t seeing or believing in the beauties of the natural world around them. Claiming & crying savage, primitive, wildly untamed, words to justify their willingness to contribute to its destruction.

A lifelong suicide attempt, lives wasted, literally spent, kept in constant states of pain & suffering, claiming it’s love. Screaming, how insane! They’d rather be vain, dopamine flooded brain, numbed by technology train.

All the faces & places they evade, socially deficient claiming to be connected to many friends, never have they been so lonely. True connection comes from human to human or human to nature interactions, not from screen time or social medias phony bologna.

They’d rather text & post, constantly watching their devices than observe natural life & tell it to the mountain. No more face-to-face interaction with another actualized human being, in true, real time. Seeing is believing, so what are you actually seeing, what are you looking at, a screen on a plastic device. Try gazing into another’s eyes, give it a go, you might just realize, technology is just another circus freak show.

Joined at the hip, the technological umbilical’s tight grip, designed to make everyone the same, leashed in their mass addiction game to keep the once beautifully wild & fee, tame.

Mountains of artificial technology lay waste to anything natural. Trash growing in mass consumptive haste to have the latest & greatest device to think for us, to lead us, to compel us. Looking to false idols in transparent skies called heaven, no matter the god of forced imposition.

A.I., the great lie, the new god of science’s war cry, a vicious cycle of harmonious life gone rogue & awry. We force labor for forced values, we slave to earn to spend, round & round it goes on wheels constantly spinning into a frenzied tizzy, thrown into a constant state of dizzy.

To what end, for our greedy, created needy causes never care or equate for the severity of the costs of the outcomes that infect & affect us all.

I didn’t choose this world, I was born into it. I didn’t have a say in the games we play, I was forced to play them. I haven’t had a voice since I was born, I had to fight to be able to speak & hear my own thoughts, my own voice. I don’t matter, except to myself. I don’t need permission to dance. I choose life’s freedom in happenchance, my own lifelong romance.

We have become, maybe we’ve always been, the rubbish we create. Just like we are what we eat, we are what we create. We create mass waste & trash, so logically if the created shoes of the fashion industry fit, we must own & wear it.

Our unnatural synthetic creations are just trash in waiting, for trash never existed until man’s hands began to meddle from the natural to the created fantastical. For nothing we’ve artificially made do we actually need at all.

I mean, did you see the picture I took camping on the bank of the lake above, just a stones throw from the base of the Tetons. I mean, did you actually take a good, long, deep look.

How could anybody choose manmade civilization over that is beyond me. Nothing but simply being, the artificial need not apply cause there’s no such thing as jobs in a natural world. Who would want a mountain of trash over a mountain that’s, that!

The open field need no plow, no device to harvest what we now chemically grow. The natural path doth not need become a paved road. Wheels of haste remove the marvel of the journey leaving a combustion taste piling high into a mountain of waste.

One’s celebrated creation another’s trash. One’s au natural another’s virtual. One’s native another’s savage. One’s wilderness another’s parking lot. One’s up close & personal another’s snap chat. One’s Siren’s song another’s lullaby.

All in industry’s name, the builder of synthetic mountains of trash, the destroyer of natural mountains to rubble, all for a dollar, like that’ll fix their trouble. Better pour me another & make it a double!

Once we were one with nature, now, we just create wastelands poisoning the earth deep to its core. We’re now, nothing but an instant gratification in gentrification whore. Unable to quit tonguing the sore, we’ve become what we’ve said we deplore. Plastics galore, we rush to the department store for more, more, more, got to have more, stuff. When will we say, enough!

We’ve become what we’ve allowed, we’re reaping what we’ve sown, poisonous sickening disease we’ve overgrown. We’re all the byproducts of past wars released & unleashed on the civilian population.

We’ve become nothing more than experimental subjects for maniacal mad scientists left unchecked.

Mountains of trash our legacy. Now that we’ve made our beds of trash, we look to space to continue our cancerous infectious wasteful spread.


I say stand defiant to those laying ruin to the naturally vibrant.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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