Moab to Goblin Valley

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…My ride from Moab to Goblin Valley, no, well let me tell you about it, here it go.

I’d been to & explored Arches & Canyonlands for weeks & was looking for a new adventure, one not like the others. Though I have to say, Utah, though arid & dry, colored with Earth-tones of bronze clays, never gets dull or old to me. I love the brown earth tones of UT, NM, AZ & NV, something about the natural tones soothes & relaxes me.

I was just looking for a different area & adventure, something new to be Getting Lost in. You know, a change of exploration scenery.

So, after returning from Arches in the morning, I took a dip in the pool, ate a little & went to the lobby to talk to my friend that works the front desk I met last year. It’s been 5 years since then & sadly, I forgot her name. I wonder if she still lives & works there.

Anyway, I told her of my conundrum plight & we got to talking about where I’d been & what I was interested in exploring this time round.

The lovely concierge lass, after giving me a bit of ‘touristy’ options, finally asked me if I’d heard of a very remote State Park called, Goblin Valley. To which I replied, ‘Why no, no I have not, would you be so kind to tell me about it.’

She said it was about an hour & half into the dessert & most people don’t want to make the trek to see it. She said it was pretty far out, isolated & remote. I stated, ‘Well, I’ve ridden the entire country, what’s another three hour ride in the desert gonna hurt, plus, few hours of exploring.’ I added, ‘Besides, it’s what I do.’

She giggled & inquired more about my motorcycle adventures since I saw her last year as her 3 children ran amuck behind the scenes. We each shared a little more history about ourselves, more on the historic motel’s history & talked more about Goblin Valley.

Last year I stayed about two weeks, mostly camping, but, the last few days I found this motel that looked unique & inviting that I decided to stay at to clean up & rest a bit before continuing on. That’s when I met her & her family. We got to talking & a wonderful acquaintance friendship developed.

I have a lot of my Great Aunt Ann in me, in that I’ll happily & easily strike up conversations with random strangers, especially when traveling. Not only does it add to the rich tapestry of my adventures with intriguing characters, but too, helps to pass the time in company kept during down times. You know, passing the evening with a drink & newfound friend.

Anyway, she proceeded to let me know it was about 200 miles from our location, a 3 hour tour. I thanked her, tipped my hat to her female wiles & said, ‘Here’s looking at you kid’, in my best Bogart impression & bid her adieu. We both chuckled at my flirtatious, playful silliness as I left the office to get ready for the adventure.

I knew the ride there & back would be a full tank of gas, as my Gold Wing got 200 on a good day, 220 on a great day. With no reserve, I knew I need to throttle conservatively at 70 mph to get the most out of a tank with no gas stations along the route.

I filled up my water bottles & drank my water fill to be thoroughly hydrated before departing, packed some food, filled the gas tank & hit the road.

The heat & high temperatures never bother me, though I know dehydration occurs very quickly in the dessert mostly because one doesn’t feel the sweat, it evaporates too quickly. Thus, many inexperienced vacationers run into trouble due to not knowing they’re rapidly losing liquid gold & end up suffering from dehydration. So, to avoid for this, I triple my H2O intake when being active in the desert-like States. Just a little road savvy tip.

Goblin Valley was in the middle of desert, on roads less traveled though recently paved with fresh black tarmac.

I got to thinking about how in this remote, roads less traveled, place the roads are pristine & how in heavily populated areas the infrastructure is literally crumbling. I just found it a bit nonsensically oxymoronic.

I knew from the scenery that I needed to make sure I got there at 100 miles so I could return & not run out of gas. It was 110 degrees that day which made the concern a bit more.

I knew Goldie, that’s what I called my Classic 1988 Honda Gold Wing cross-country steed, would get me through, hanging tough & hanging true. It always got me to destinations across the country safe & sound. Helping me to keep my focus crystal clear in view & keeping this crazy man alive, rubber down to the ground. That Gold Wing was stable & sturdy, I do miss it.

I followed the GPS spoken directions which corresponded with the map I reviewed before departing. I bring 2 laminated, folding travel maps with me just in case GPS goes out. The lady in my ear kept directing me deeper & deeper into the ‘no man’s land’ part of the desert. I saw maybe 5 vehicles the whole route.

Then, the lovely voiced GPS lady directed me to take a left off the route I was on into the heart of the desert. Nothing, I mean not a living soul was around. It was a surreal alien-like feeling, both, liberating & concerning in the same thought.

I looked at my miles which shown 95 so I knew I should be getting there soon. GPS told me I was at destination & to turn right. Problem was, there was just some 2-lane road that appeared to lead to nowhere.

I was looking for signs as Goblin Valley was a State Park. Again, nothing that even resembled a park, so I continued on. Though nothing looked like a park that lie ahead either, just open desert with some mountains here & there.

I went another 5 miles while GPS said to turn around. I did & decided to take that so called road to see what was up. I knew if I didn’t find it in 5 or 10 more miles I’d have to turn back for Moab.

After about 2 miles the road curved & became paved again & off to the right I saw what I’d hoped to be Goblin Valley. There was a mountain range, not pictured to the left of my motorcycle, that was blocking the park from the road I was on before the turn.

Alas! Signs started to appear & I pulled up, safe & sound, ready to explore this Alien Wasteland!

Stay tuned, more to the story still to come.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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