The World is Watching

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Read Time:12 Minute, 51 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how every second of every day, the world is watching. No, ok, well see everywhere we go, everything we do, we can & are being monitored in some way or fashion. Each breath, each step, each purchase, each stop, in your home & on the road, each text, phone call or email, no matter what we take, we’re constantly being watched, monitored & tracked.

The World is watching, so what’s the ‘get’?! I know I’m not the only one asking this question. Am I?!

Tell me more Uncle Randy! Tell me more!

Sure, ok, well, see…the Big Brother of the 80’s that once outraged parents is now the New World Order parental figure so commonplace that parents actually feel it OK Computer to constantly monitor their children. We’re less than half the man, woman & child we used to be cause now, all we do, is reside in fear.

Once we ran in the wilderness, wild, being kicked out by our Moms because Moms were home back then & they just wanted ‘Mother’s Little Helper‘ pill thrill over the other mother’s little helper vibrating her into forgetful eroticism over mother’s little helpers who’d eagerly await to help her anyway she’d allowed them to play with her, hum?

In today’s New World Order of things, the ‘dumb’ phone is the new Mommy, Daddy, friend, lover, sister, brother, children’s children having babies into a world still attached, unable to sever from the phone, the generalized other herd. Constantly attached, constantly our independence & privacy being trashed.

But there are some who take a slight bend to avoid the trend, keeping just out of reach from the purposefully imposed umbilical addiction to social media in tweets, snaps, blogs, pictures. These the people I care to know.

The generalized others, whatever it is or whatever it may be, if someone puts a message out there in cyberspace, the world is watching, waiting, craving in anticipation of the next big gossip, hyper-sensationalized story & they gobble it up like their sugary treats, they think so neat’s. These, the people I care not to know.

I’m all about watching & observing in the moments, like my sideview mirror pictured above, though prefer being present in my experiences, not looking at a device worrying myself with much ado about nothing. I just pointed & shot to capture memories as best I could to share with loved ones at a later time & date. Sure, I post my pictures & stories like this one, but only those who I’ve given my information to are privy to this Storyteller’s Website’s existence.

I purge for me, to expel my energy that’s running through my veins that if lays dormant for too long will make insane all of my brains. Those, that of which, are pretty vacant. Ha!

As a comprehensive observer, I love to notice & watch people, though once out of sight, out of mind, that is unless the sight was a memorable one that I must continue playing over & over & over again in my head until we meet again. Oh my! You’re in my heart, my love, I feel my love for you, I feel your love.

No matter person, place or thing, I deeply feel my love.

Most have allowed themselves to become so dopamine addicted to the hyper-stimulation of instant gratification that they’ve failed the children. As we failed ourselves, once, the children of tomorrow. Now, nothing more than today’s sorrow passed down the shithole only those of waste attract in haste.

People, we’ve allowed Industry of yesteryear that convinced us that Sugar is a good thing, that combustion fuel is ok, that smoking is good for your health, that whatever it is that the, World within the World, wants you to see, you’ll see what they want you to see. Now it’s hyper-technology ideology.

I simply ask you to reflect awhile in your own reflection. Be honest with yourself, make the changes you desire without hesitation. Watch yourself, watch yourself playing. Yeah, that feels better, doesn’t it?!

What’s so important that someone driving a vehicle cannot anymore, just drive, paying attention to their surroundings, to their children, to their passengers, to the music, to their own thoughts & subjective perspectives, to just FUCKING DRIVING!!! Even more shocking, there’s no questioning it, just blind, apathetic following.

Honestly, I don’t get it, nor do I care to get it. I could care less what you do when you’re alone with yourself without me. To each their own, enjoy! However, I do like to watch in patients you unaware of the observation so the real, true you can come alive & I can watch & thrive as you dive deep into you. Yeah, that’s the spot. Ramble On with yourself my distanced loved. I know you see me seeing you & you like it, so now, what you gonna do?!

I’ve never understood what the fascination is with the celebrity crowds. It’s just a man or woman or child, they’re just people. The celebrity fare, the vain, the criminally insane, they’re all really just one in the same, we just call it by a different name. ‘This! Is! Sparta!!!’ System of a Down should be wearing the ‘In’ Crown.

We place blame, what a shame, on everyone else but the one deserving of it. Who cares about fame, just the tame who want to be the same. I’m not you, I’m me, so how can it be that we’re all the same. We just become tame, lame, one in & of the same if all you want is, Fame!

Hey man, just leave me alone, leave me be, stop tracking me, stop monitoring me, stop the attempted forced thought control. I don’t want your apathy, nor your parental glee wearing your crown & gown looking like a clown. Your frown never turned upside down cause your head’s too far up your own ass to realize you’ve got no class. You’re just a vague remembrance of a whiff from my last fecal deposit, if that.

You can try to tear my utopia down, but my happiness will never succumb to your type of deaf, dumb & blind trying so hard to keep me from what it is I’m to become. I will never let you unravel what it is that I’ve done. I’ve lived, I’ve loved, ‘Truly Madly Deeply‘ to the depths even unfathomable to me.

And through it all, I choose never to stall, never to fall so far down that I lose sight of the light & the clear view of the night where most hide in fright, so afraid of their own sight in what they’ve allowed themselves to become.

As I sit in my four cornered room, spinning round a turntable stable of truth emoting through melody, no matter the source, always satisfying the customer if arrow true the course, I’ll just sing in my four cornered room.

Don’t understand where you’re coming from, I’ve allowed the world of doom to be bettered by the beloved fungus among us in the small but mighty psychotropic mushroom. Just another brush stroking the always blank canvas. I’ll paint ya if I need ya, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, I’ll tickle it too.

Are your eyes of disarray & disappointment or those of a free man that the Master never found, but the chains, though now unseen, always felt tight around the necks & wrists so securely bound.

The Dogs of War never found me or my kind, hiding in plain sight for those who see right like me, my kind of pleasure dome where beings are free to roam, unobstructed from their own devices created & recreated, making all, each their own, their own devices. Not those of mechanical psychosis, but those of their own thoughts, their own reasonings, their own instinctual directives.

I’ve always been looking in to find it all held within, though what ‘it’ was I was never certain & that’s the fun of it all. There’s no ending if there’s no beginning. I cannot be over if I never began at all. After all, who am I, who are you, who are any of ‘US’ anyway?!?!

I travel, I explore, I dare to care where there aren’t many who choose to give a second thought to what I’m thinking & I’m thinking what I’m thinking. What are you thinking?! I’m thinking I care a whole, awful lot. I’m thinking I try, try, try & try again & again & again until you say, ‘Oh! Baby! Yeah! That’s It! That’s Right! Just Like That! That’s The SSSSSS-pot!’

I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lived a life full of all it has to offer that I was able to grasp cause there was so much that escaped my clutch so tight in grasp, an unrelenting hold. What I was able to envelope helped me to develop through the eye of the storm that I was able to navigate through the darkness of the Hyde all the while playing the Jeckyl game as I’m forever in the mode to seek. Just a little peek, a-boo.

I speak to reject the weak, the meek who will not inherit this Earth, they will infect it, for they the lesser of quality, void of the truth to speak. Only the strong in the young will rise to the top of the mountain of the natural world of stupid diplomacy, the status quo of normalcy we call Democracy which is just a ‘Fancy Nancy‘ name for Communism. Opportunism, blind to its own endless possibilities in nature, when held in Society’s frail tranquilities only ends up spreading more of its ignorance around.

I find it impossible to navigate freely anymore without the computer always tracking me, stalking me, hunting me, always trying to tell me what to say, who I am, like it wants me to say I am I, I am AI, & how to make me better. As I typed this, this, MACHINE! Continually tried to tell me what to say with offerings in suggestions in the matters of what my mind had to say as I typed away.

That somehow I’m not fucking perfect for what it is I am & what I’m ‘supposed’ to be. Not like you or you or you! Nor, am I a digitized binary code, lab grown, future already sown into the life-fabric so very fantastic, never drastic, though maybe a tapestry orgasmic. Grow some dignity, some integrity, some uniquely you ingenuity. Oh, wait, you’re unable to be grown, you are not an organism, you are machine.

And more disturbingly so with ‘how’ ‘they’ want me to say it, to play it, to spread it, to plant it & to grow it. Instead, I rant it. SCREAMING!!! I AM NOT A ROBOT, I AM FREE IN THOUGHT, I’M SELF TAUGHT, NATURE MADE SOLO CRUSADE!!! FUCK OFF & DIE INDUSTRY!!! FUCK OFF & DIE TECHNOLOGY!!! FUCK OFF & DIE MODERN HUMAN IDIOLOGY!!! FUCK OFF & DIE TRADITION, CULTURE, SOCIETY!!! It’s all a LIE! Because of your allowance by the dumbed down are the reasons we’ve come to be the hot mess beheld.

I will fight all who try to invade, me. I’ve always reflected back into my reflection as I tripped & fell back into myself. Oh! Ever so close to be putting on that shelf of complacency of the generalized other normalcy that complies & bows to whatever it is ‘they’ say.

Nope, not me, NO WAY!

See, my Mamma told me, ‘They broke the mold when they made you Randy’, & to this day I still believe it to be true. See, I’ve lived a full life, been around a block once or twice or thrice & I’ve never met anyone else quite like me, & believe me, I’ve been looking & searching & trying hard to find another ‘My Kind’ of like mind. ‘Baby! Look at Me Now’!

Who gets to tell stories? This time, it’s me, my life’s tale in view from my kind of subjective perspective skew. I watch, I observe, I experience, I reflect, I remember, I share tales from my mind’s eye. Always looking to the sky, not for a Deity or divine intervention, I don’t believe in those nonsensical fairy tales.

Rather, I look to be humbled by my smallness held within my spatial perspective, infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, then ever fall on the impaling sword of blind belief & faith simply taken on another’s word bowing as they succumb to the maddening madness of the dumb.

What’s the ‘Get’?! There’s always a ‘get’, but if not this time & it be proven true, well then, …

… I love to be humbled, dumbfounded & proven wrong, for I am always & forever a wide-eyed, child of life, traveling around in awe & wonder in wanderlust, observing & sponging everything as I do.

I’ve created a life freer than most in removing the pressures of the outside world always trying to infect, impregnate, convince me in their coerciveness, to tell me which way is right or better or needed. They don’t know me too well. See, I had the best of teachers who’d always swoon to me, ‘I’m all right, the world’s all wrong’ & baby look at me now continually singing that song. Look Ma! I’m Dancing!

Be aware, be curious, be critical, be silly, be free, be willy-nilly, never be afraid even if those around you are, shed chilly, cold, distant, worn out, tired & old. You stay vibrant, young at heart, alive, vigorous & spartan in spirit, soul & heart, not beaten & broken, too weak to seek their inner vision, rejecting being bought & sold by the technological strangle hold.

Don’t do as you’re told, choose what you do even if they tell you to. Be you, be you, be you, 1, 2, 3! Just got to be me! Keep alive your inner child, wild, never tamed, attack life with youthful wanderlust forever trying new thoughts, things, tastes.

No need to take heed & heel, for the wind is just right, though just be careful, cause it’s the things we love most that end up destroying, & eating, us, deep in all our juicy, tender parts. Of course, I know the life I love, my love, will end up taking itself from me & gobbling me up at that my very end. Until then, I just wonder who all I’ll taste before then. I just hope they naturally sweet, what a treat!

Though even knowing this, I choose to Love Life, no matter what!

You know, you don’t know until you know, yeah, you don’t know until you know, yeah, you don’t know until you know, yeah, you don’t know until you know; so, what do you know?! What do you know?! Nothing! Yeah! I know!

Know, Information is not Knowledge! Knowledge is not Wisdom! Wisdom is not Truth! Truth is not Truth, It’s A Power Struggle surge implanting!…Fear! Fear! Fear! Fear! Fear! (break) Fear! Fear! Fear! Fear! Fear!

All I don’t know is that The World is Watching.

Curiouser & curiouser, I wonder as I ponder the yonder, who’s watching the World?!

Think About It!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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