Carpe Diem

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I’ve always lived in the moments, uncaring of the typical fears most have keeping them from doing so. I find people make excuses as to why they can’t do something, too afraid to be Getting Lost along life’s highway, too afraid to embark without a plan; everybody’s got a plan & a schedule to keep. To me, the best plans are no plans, no schedules, truly open to the present moments, fluid in life’s possibilities.

What if I would have waited to launch Getting Lost with Randy until now. GLwR would NOT have been the same free, open road travels, experienced. If I’d waited for another tomorrow to today’s world my travels & adventures would have been riddled with restrictions & much of it wouldn’t have happened at all. Instead my GLwR adventures were filled with unburdened, fantastic adventures that prevailed because I lived for the moment. I didn’t wait, I seized the day & got busy doing it, not making excuses.

I’ve ridden motorcycles pretty much my whole life, from my early teens in motocross to road choppers, but, nothing like what GLwR adventure in cross country journeys came to be. I let it develop into a life of its own. I didn’t plan, I just went, I just arrived, making it up as I went along. It was the freest I have ever been. No burdens, no obligations, no destinations, no limits, just wonderful open road happenchance experiences.

GLwR was born out of inspiration, love & freewill. I hope these will spread on to those open & willing to allow its embrace. It is your life to live Getting Lost any way you want. Surround yourself with like hearts & minds. We are the choices we make, we are too, the company we choose to keep.

Why put off for an uncertain tomorrow when you can be Getting Lost L…I…V…I…N for today. Right now, this very moment, is the only time you have & life is short, there are no guarantees in life, or, death for that matter. No one really knows anything about anything at all & those claiming they do are liars who always want something from you. You are already dying, get busy living.

Never surrender, never comply, never conform, never submit, beat to your own drummer, celebrate your independent individuality. Why live apprehensive, why be another mechanism fitting into the machine. ‘Why fit in when you were born to stand out’ – Dr. Seuss; why be a cloned drone in mold. Why kill any future you might have with fear, for fear kills the pursuit of the unknown, try your adventures Getting Lost on roads less traveled. Why just dream when you can live awakened within your dreams.

Each step, each rotation, each adventure, is one step closer than you were, one step closer than before, one step closer to who you might become; it is all about lifestyle in choices & opportunities embraced.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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