Estes To Vail – A Labyrinth’s Tale

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Read Time:3 Minute, 57 Second

Howdy Folks!

Riding from Boulder to Estes, winding through the mountains, my mind became a labyrinth. I began to wonder about how all of humanity’s insanities are elaborate, confusing constructed distractions to hold us in cages. Tearing out the pages we used to read, replaced by captivating screens screaming at us about all we’re not & what we’re supposed to be.

We’re told we’re free, you & me, the world our oyster as we fight for the right to work, to make money to buy manmade stuff we never needed anyway. All part of game within a system we were born into without any say, that of a life lived in forced labor, year after year, day after day. From cradle to grave, we work, we strive, we forget what it is to be alive.

We have to work to earn to spend to keep mass consuming for stuff we still don’t need all the while we labor our lives away for the Master’s sole & only benefit. All an oxymoronic conundrum of enslavement subliminal hum that’s quietly beaten into us like a repetitive drum whilst we spin around wheels in cages awaiting our 30 minute lunches & 5 minute water breaks. Pound, pound, pound, spinning, round & round & round it goes.

Work is only work in a manmade world, the natural neutrality is wild & free, where no ‘work’ is ever required or desired. Hungry, pick an apple from a tree, thirsty drink from a clear fresh water stream, need shelter build a home, want to explore, travel anywhere, anytime, you’re free to roam.

No borders, no directing signs or roadways, no combustion, no poison, no destruction called progress. No war called patriotism, no vanity, no calamity or insanity, only natural reality. No overpopulation, only balanced migration, no trash cause there’s no such thing in the natural world.

So I got to thinking about many things as I descended from the highest Estes entry point determined by an invisible line of claimed ownership as a paved roadway guided me in a preplanned mapped certain direction.

I thought about what the world would be if we listened to nature & rejected what’s become the definition of humanity. I though about man’s created gods & stories & lies & fables, about what’s it all about. I thought, what if we decided to…

Lift the veil, to derail, their attempted disguise so complete you don’t believe your own eyes. Never compromise, or you’ll come to despise, your own whimpering cries. Built upon lies, they will always rise, as the game implies, its Lord of the Flies.

See what you done, you came undone, when you stopped having fun. It was over before it ever begun, what apathetic tall tales you spun.

Decided to bow, stopped eating cow for plants, believed them to cherish & worship the plow. Got to get to sleep again somehow, too awake to bow, there goes the neighborhood sow. Don’t look now, she’s complaining about the ow, so many woes in a cat’s meow.

See what you done, you came undone, when you stopped having fun. It was over before it ever begun, what apathetic tall tales you spun.

Go ahead & look to the skies, nothing is coming to save you from your own demise you now despise. All you have become so willing to believe their lies, too afraid to stand alone against the conformity cries. No time for reprise, your choices your own so broken you have forgotten how you used to improvise.

See what you done, you came undone, when you stopped having fun. It was over before it ever begun, what apathetic tall tales you spun.

So willing to compromise your self-destructive tones sung to yourself to keep alive traditional ties. Bind the blind to the self-proclaimed leaders led to troughs of dirty water to drink poisonous lies. The disemboweled intestinal insides we implode upon ourselves when we peek through the blinds.

See what you’ve done, you’ve come undone, why’d you stop having fun. It never had to be over before it had begun, lying in apathy spinning with nowhere to run.

Forced lessons taught in education are found inside an unnatural box so standard replaced unorthodox. Technology gone insane the generalized others scrambling for the vain eggs impregnated by similarity. So greedy, so needy, our desiring wants draining mother nature’s love, we’ve foregone natural clarity.

What have you done, what have you done, you were over before you had ever begun. So quick to sell yourself out, short of breath, you are walking death, slave to the system’s labyrinth.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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