Just Sayin

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Read Time:51 Minute, 58 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…my first Stand-up comedic attempt? No, yeah, I know too, I didn’t know how to & just did in Getting Lost with Randy, Getting Lost in comedy, the best remedy.

To me Comedy is truth with just the right amount of humor to ease the Jagged Little Pill down the throats of those aimed at so it doesn’t shred the receiver too Bad, though doesn’t matter to me cause I’m So Glad, just so happy to be me & the ways I see the world so very differently.

So, ready, here we go, right to it, 1, 2, 3, just got to be me!…

…Have you ever wondered how people always try to give advice when not asked? Yes, no, maybe, probably not, probably so, I don’t know Randy, tell me more, tell me more! This New World Order, not a conspiracy cause it’s reality, of shit is such a bore, I’d rather in-depth read than be a social media whore.

More important & disturbingly so, advice is mostly given from people who are less in the know than the receiver, are the worst kind of stupid. They always talk to you like they know more, are better equipped to do so, hinted at with a strong sense of entitlement. You know the ones, those who always say, ‘I’ve been doing this a long time’.

That statement right there tells me everything I need to know, cause odds are they’ve been doing it wrong for that long & that they know nothing at all, & not in the good way of seeking out the new, being humbled in not knowing to learn & grow, but rather, the rigidity of their own ridiculousness that they’re in some sort of control as they try to wield it by claiming they know. Talking a good game, unable to play, you know, a bystander, an observer, a preacher though never really a doer. Yeah, it’s a NWO freak show.

You know the ones, those Raised on Radio, listening to Raised on Radio selected by their DJ’s Industry forced choice of only a select few songs from amazing artists that just want ALL of their songs played & their favorite TV shows commercialized with propaganda & ads galore, are those who really don’t care to know the real Journey as they waste their life that could have been awesome.

Yes, probably so, you’ve heard it before just in a different way. Good, well you’ll hear it again, or like always, you can just choose to gander at the yander yonder I did ponder on this most auspicious of days laid before me cause I chose to & I did, & just gaze with me awhile at the picture above, or not. Up to you. If in the mood for some word play on this day too, read on, read on.

I’ve been feeling a little bit frisky lately in pressing of the thumb in my Modern Day Cowboy, Lone Wolf song, cause I’m not numb to the scum surrounding me always wanting me to succumb to the dumb so happy to get a crumb thrown to them by their Master of Puppets, pulling those strings to make dance while words fall out with Hook In Mouth, as you Surrender all your life long.

So, I hope you pay attention to this mind retention that one day we all will die & most, only knowing this one rendition of a life able to live any way one choses, they just have to choose it, though most, too afraid of their own shadow to venture out beyond their own know to Something Different.

Though I’m going to warn you, it’s going to get messy, I’m in a mood with a bit of attitude that’s probably going to appear rude & that’s alright, cause I’m All-Right. It’s going to push boundaries & limits, it’s going to upset most & most certainly challenge, the ‘norm’, the status quo, those who claim they know, which is pretty much everybody I know, including myself, ha!

So, how do I know? How do I know what to read, what’s true or who to believe? Shit, I certainly don’t know, I only know what I think I know, my truth & what I see & conceive, & I’m about to vomit a lot of that here. I come at you, I’m coming for you.

I know if nothing else, I’ll never bore you, at least I hope I don’t, & probably make you a little sore as I explore your Love Zone so pink & tender with a little lick, maybe a prick, happily sniffing around your back door; see what I mean. Though if I do offend or scare you, just look at the picture & grin, wishing you were there. Hum. Have you ever been? No. Get there. Yes. Good for you. Live baby, live.

I’ll be shattering preconceived notions of the mindless oceans of vessels being imprinted, forced, coerced, spirits & personalities molested so that they become infested with the lies of tradition, culture & societies so wasted. Waysted, cause it’s a Teenage Wasteland, cause they’re all wasted in Baba O’Reily. At least, I hope I will, shattering your Glass Houses of boys & men draped in blouses changing what they are so they can become the new star cause they couldn’t do it with their own, natural kind. Yeah, I said that.

Whoa! Wait, should I read on? Up to you sister & brother, mother, father, sister & daughter, auntie, uncle, nana, papa & now I’m sure, the ever watching Eye in the Sky drone clone always being flown to monitor who & what we are so they can capture & control us from a far. I don’t know, up to you. Proceed at your own risk to your psychological sanity. So, please, tread with caution. Just Sayin. Ready? Ok, here we go…

I’ll never tame my societal, cultural critic’s cynical soul who knows no other way than to rip apart the dumbed down entitled who are now the inherited dystopian Meek, who’ve been running this shitshow of long-suffering to the rest of us they’ve loved to bestow. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, the Rich literally get fat, who my friends, wants that?! High on the hog, side by side with trust as The Dogs of War always keeping an eye from above as the Big Brother, eye in the sky, keeps a never-ending watch over the herds of turds spiraling down toilets so abundant, so redundant, they overflow to what we’ve become in quite the shitshow.

Now, atypical for me, I will tenderize & soften this beat down by stating that superficially, it appears their intentions seemed of the concerned kind. I say, superficially, because I’ve known them a long time, as they’ve known me, we call each other family. We don’t choose our family, only our friends. However, there is nothing, I mean nothing that irritates me more than weak people choosing to stay around ignorant, rude, mean, abusive, neglectful family members just because they’re family. Just goes to show that what I always say about the power of imprinting early on & how we never really change once the imprint rooted.

Normally, I choose to go straight for the jugular, as I don’t typically act like a Kittie & kittycat kitten about, I don’t play with my food before I kill, then biting off the head & bringing the body to my mastered owner to leave at the doorstep & feet; I’m my own master. Though & maybe, just maybe, I’ll decide this time to eat it.

See, if it’s a sweet little pussycat, Big Cat or little in kitten so smitten playing like a little kitty, then I’ll lick it & play with it for quite a while until full of my baby’s produced elixir runs like rivers never thought of as icky, no matter how sticky, sweet waiting for at least little tickle drips in uncontrollable quivers sends the best kind of shivers that push out & pull in with the best kind of squeeze.

Like a Bear, Big Cat or my preferred Wolf, Lone, lonesome until it’s playing fun time, I’d rather be direct & to the point when it comes to matters of food & fact. If it’s strictly for pleasure, I’ll toy enough to please to the deepest release unless she wants just a little tease, bringing me to my knees as tongued lips part whimperingly whispering, yes, please.

What?!?! Don’t ask me, just go with it like I do, now back to it, this tail that will spin you right round, again & again & again. What can I say, it’s my heart & mind at play, neither, never the other, to betray, nor do they know what the other will say, to each their own unique way as they come together in united copesetic, never proverbial, always of substance passion play in oh, that just kind of All-Right sort of way.

Anyone who has children, & most certainly, those of us like me, who work with large groups of small children daily in Childcare Centers, Daycares & Schools, know that the Littles we love so much are cesspools for sickness. Sneezing, coughing, hacking up all kinds of shit around you, filthy they are & oh, we still love them so much, we have to or we’d kill them; ha…ha…ha! Think about it, if your friend or family member did even a fraction of the shit we let the little ones get away with, we’d have already ended the problem of overpopulation.

Though, it’s not their fault. First off, they don’t know any better & secondly, naturally, they’re just beginning so they need to build up both internal & external strength to protect & defend themselves from amassed societal runoff. They’ve got to get sick to get super-charged fit, though unfortunately, we’ve lied & misled them to believe that germs are bad & we’d rather give them poisonous chemicals in soaps, lotions, sanitizers rather than letting their immune system protect them naturally of course. We’ve become byproducts of our insanity now passed on our incompetence authoritative capitalistic entitlement ways on to the innocence held within children, making them scared of their own shadows they bathe in history’s sorrows rather than celebrating their own unique Euphoria.

Third, it’s like what we’ve done to our livestock, corral them in cages, pens, behind bars, living too abundantly & in close proximity, promotes this New World Order of Industrializing everything, making all cheap of quality & keeping all in tight, controlled quarters whilst commercialization sweeps the entirety of all nations, sickness so deep & so complete as we track them in their every move, hum. When do we let a child just be a child, running wild & free, discovering all there is in just them being their own unique ‘me’ in a world where critical thinking, independence, privacy, autonomy & individuality have been bread & thrown out with the bathwater.

Is it a conspiracy ‘theory’? or is it real? Hum? Is it live, or is it Memorex? Hum? Ah, the good old days of lies bought & sold as truth, hum, ‘What cigarette do you smoke, Doctor? Camel‘. Wild stallions, cowboys & Marlboro WTF??!!

It’s all just The Grand Illusion.

So, in this dogmatic archetype constructed, we sicken ourselves & Our Children’s Children’s Children & all those children yet to come. In these conditions they bathe in bacterial & viral variations of all sorts. It once was just nature, it’s just their nature trying to cope & sadly now, it’s our created nature they’ve inherited from our cesspools of sicknesses & diseases we’ve created & left behind from societies so unkind.

Then we, not me included in this scenario, in the NWO Caregivers, are left to reap what our little ones from past generations have grown, sown & reaped as we weep in our Frankenstein manifestations.

Isn’t pretty, this beautifully knitted, disease-ridden hideous quilt, but especially now, it’s still nature’s way for strong immune systems to be built no matter the mess created by the meddling hands of man’s spectacled society always adorned with sparkling gems & dreams of gold.

We’re not meant to be chemically induced with poisons sweetened artificially by their refined surgery juice boxes with straws we’re told contains real fruit & vitamins & ‘healthy’ fixes for ailments unknown or foreign in their nature. Nothing but lies! They create the problem, then they create the supposed cure that just rapidly cycles through more & more problems. Yep! Look Ma what we did sow! Isn’t it grand!

Why do we always need to do shit to shit?! An apple’s an apple, just fucking eat it, that’s it. Simple, right?! So, you’d think, but oh fucking no! So much for the softening, I’ll beat it for awhile, then I’ll get tender, ha!

We’re meant to be running naked, raw, pure, wild & free, contained only by our sphere, gravity & natural boundaries, not by another human’s hands. Not too many of you, not too many of me, not too many of anybody & certainly not too many out there can see what I see, for each, we unique in our own take on reality.

One’s good for me, another’s failure to even see. One’s identity, another’s commercialized reality. One’s creation, another’s destruction. One’s secretive perversions, another’s daily repulsions. One’s I’m going to tell, another’s fantasy spell. One’s delight, another’s discomfort. One’s hidden private, another’s open delight to ignite just the right kind of right. Yep! That sure feels good & right, so, why not let it all burn bright. Bad is only bad by those that never had the glad, with the right kind of being bad, that’s not bad at all, it’s the best kind of all-right.

Once we were balanced, strong, sickness & disease free, free from the pollutants of modern man’s maniacal gains through monetary capitalized industry. Once we were balanced, in harmonious synergy, ebbing & flowing through the tides of life, unobstructed, unmolested, uncongested, free to be.

We didn’t need a doctor, fabricated plasticine homes & all the destructive forces raging at us to consume & be part of the way outnumbered connected hive. We didn’t need anything we’ve created from our societal hive. We were just one with nature & let it run its course. No sickness, no diseases, none of the modern Generation X diseases, our hearts, minds & bodies our own, nature grown, left to our natural devices. Our intuitions & bodies know what to do without any thought or doubt, it’s sympathetic baby, can you feel it as you cry for Mommy & Daddy, if one’s around, to hear it, hear you as you see & call it.

Our Immune system is all we need, well, used to be, now, it’s being overrun with our created stupidity. It was once how we’re built to defend against bacteria & viruses, as we’re armed with an arsenal unable to be matched by the concoctions brewed in sterile labs by those in white coats to show how clean they are as their poisons in little pill forms & elixirs happily escape out their protected, sealed door.

Sterilization, sterilization everywhere to wipe away all the germs without a care & replaces them with chemicals our bodies don’t know how to handle, to what ends we’ll sow without a care, cause nothing out there we’re reaping can dare to compare to our narcissistic flare of self-destruction by slow suicidal monocultured genocide sweeping worldwide as we, just little specs lost in our own formaldehyde, hoping to be just barely kept alive as we weakly survive. We’ve been bred to forget how to thrive.

So, anyone who knows me, knows I’m rarely sick, don’t suffer from aches & pains, take no medications or pills of any kind, don’t buy into, literally, the pharmaceutical propaganda trillion-dollar rĂ©gime, that plagues the typical American & New World Order generalized other scheme, that which so many are so very willing to consume in their never-ending quest to stay alive.

Hum, I wonder why Randy’s choosing to write about this, hum? Think hard, I bet you can guess.

Yep, you guessed it, or maybe you didn’t, no matter, here it is. I recently came down with something, flu, cold, virus, bacteria, bug, whatever, who knows, who cares, not me. Why? Because I know my natural body will take care of me, naturally, like human bodies have done for millennia before me & before the medical, scientific & pharmaceutical industries. Doctors! I don’t need no stinking doctors! We’ve been bred in outsourcing fears. The Medical Profession is a sham! A multi-trillion-dollar industry led, guided & developed by money by megalomaniacs for their own power & profitable gains from inflicting pain & suffering on those they say can barely remain beneath the worn feet from that who has so many slain.

Oh Randy, you’re being a silly little rabbit & shit! Trix are for kids! Exactly!

I’m a naturalist, a purist, I’m open to everything, closed to nothing save the things I’m not interested in anymore, tried & didn’t care for or intuitively know as I knew it’s just not for me. Even with those, I’m open to the fact that they exist & I might rethink the idea or possibility. Though I only concern myself with what’s real, tangible, right in front of me, right here, right now. The rest, I don’t really care.

I realized early on in my life, that if I care about those who don’t care about themselves & put them first, before myself, that I’d be sucked dry of my unique special essence. And to me, that’s one of the big reasons we’re in such a mess, in our societal collectiveness, being told to put everybody else first. One of the best religious, scientific, political, cultural, societal traditional tricks out there.

You know, you’re ostracized, outed, Outkast, black sheep & selfish if you’re self-amassed rather than for the inferior surrounding me, among the many labels of the self-caring individual who puts themselves first over the herd.

Me personally, I’d rather have a few, quality, skilled, critical thinking skills & individuals around me than a billion of the submissive & surrendering. So, I took care of me first & foremost, always. Yes, it’s true, it is survival of the fittest, no matter how you cut it, no matter how many generalized others other lies they try & spew to keep you from you. The amassed stupid always trying to distract all to their retarded dye cast. I prefer a little White Rabbit as I dab it so as not to scab it, cause soft & tender, for me, is just the ticket, cause the wet pink is too tempting not to taste & lick it. Hum.

Look! There’s a mast! They didn’t even know what that was. They just tried to understand a White man’s version of what it was to discover a new land & new people in saying their kind of, ‘hi! let me in & instead of making you friend, I’ll kill you off & take what was once yours as my land to own so I can enjoy my self-entitled vacation’. Yep, reaping what we’ve sown.

So, I got a pretty high fever, got chills, the sweats, diarrhea, headache & some aches & pains just for good measure. You know, it’s what a flu will do. So, what did I do? I did what I do, let it run its course, that of a natural source. I bundled up when chilled, I stripped down naked & pure when dripping in sweat, I moaned & cursed about though so happy to be about, I gently wiped my ass with a damp paper towel so as not to irritate, massaged my temples & muscles & waited, all the while happy to be alive. There’s no love without pain & life is much, much better, happier, without the vain. 1, 2, 3, just gotta be me!

I got up many times throughout the night dripping with sweat to pee, fluids getting the best of me & to eliminate the dead invaders my body had killed. The last time I woke I felt really hot & shaky as I stood, had to follow The Edge of the bed for stability, had to pee bad. I was maybe 2 feet from my bathroom when I woke enough to realize I was going to pass out & tried to sit down & that was all I knew until I woke on the floor in a small pool of my own blood; though I didn’t know that right then.

Apparently, I hit my head hard, twice, once on the corner of my wall, spit my head right open, must have bounced & hit again where my skin ripped from my skull.

Yeah, right I know, WTF! Though shit happens folks, thing is, most just don’t talk about it or share their happenings with others; always secretive, always lying to themselves & the world. Me, I’m an open book, wear myself on my sleeve cause I don’t give a FUCK how bad others suck in their collective created much that I’m happy to be a passerby. So many secrets kept to themselves.

Me, I’m not ashamed or embarrassed & I’d go it all again, wouldn’t change a thing cause even people who take pills to try & bring down fevers suffer afflictions, it happens & I’d rather it be a natural happening being than superficial thing always misbelieving the natural in The Call of the Wild spirit. Really, can’t you hear it?!

Now, I didn’t realize I had cut or hurt my head when I roused. And when I woke on the floor I was discombobulated & a little groggy, foggy, but felt something off on my head as I began to pull the flap of peeled skin off my head which really hurt & brought me to awake consciousness. My fever had broke!

However, I had to shit! More specifically, I had to blow up my Porcelain Throne, yeah, I had to, Diarrhea! Stella!!! Yeah, luckily, I felt it & didn’t shit on my floor alongside my blood, ha! Actually, I was so happy to get some more of those little dead boogers out of my system.

So, I placed my sweaty cheeks on my bamboo toilet seat & that’s when I put my hand on the back of my head & realized I had blood on it & what had happened. I cleaned both ends, head & ass, assessed all to make sure I didn’t need stitches or an Iron Butterfly & after that Pollock scene sprayed all over.

Come on, we’ve all had some shits as we Run the Jewels to remember that we left on the Whitewalls after Smokestacks grown from Industrial Metamorphosis that ran away from our own Metamorphosis. I didn’t so I took care of it & went back to bed.

Other than a little discomfort in slight ache on my head, I was good & sickness was gone.

Getting Lost with Randy’s one in a 20-year sickness, that’s what I’m talking about, ha!

Of course, I made the mistake of sharing with my so-called family of friends that I wasn’t feeling well. Now, especially family, are supposed to know you, right?! What kind of person you are, beliefs & non-beliefs, particulars, idiosyncrasies & so on, respecting those differences, right?!

Nope! Not just family, people in general don’t really know others, even those they call partners, because they’re too wrapped up in their own heads & lives to really notice anyone else but themselves. They don’t care enough to truly listen, observe & be present in their interactions with you, nor give the respect that you know what you’re doing & just go, ‘wow, glad you’re ok’, nor to recognize the real, true you. They just say what it is ‘they would have done’ & start vomiting what it is they too think I should have done or what they think they heard was best to do & usually, of course, it’s different from anything at all I’d do.

All I have to say is look at you, then look at me. Who do you think is, in a collective totality of living happily ever after way, is living & doing it All-Right between the two, me or you? Then ask, how’s that working for you? Then ask, how’s that working for him? Then, once realized, just shut the fuck up!

So, my ‘family’ begins to tell me, me! A man in optimal health, collegiately trained in Psychology, certified as a Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist, Nutritional Consultant, consumes only whole, pure foods, weight trains regularly, is active, practices & plays music every day, studies something new every day, can ascend mountains after motorcycling all day, can run, jump & plays Tag with School-age children for hours a day & chases Littles around all day, who’s mission in life is to amass as much knowledge as possible, explore everything I’m curious about & then some, being adventurous & taking calculated chances & then learn from my mistakes, observe & grow & play & thrive, as yes, I’d have to say, I’d be pictured in the dictionary as one of those who’s figured it all out. So, I’ve been told anyway. Ha!

No seriously, just reporting the facts mam! I’ve been called a whole lot of names over the years, some not so good, but some amazingly complimentary & some of my favorites have been Renaissance Man, Polymath, a Randy-of-all-Trades cause who wants to just Master just one skill when I can Master many & a Multipotentialite, yeah, I know, that last one’s a mouthful, but, oh, such a tasty delight! Ha! Honestly, this is me in my amassed totality of giving a shit about actually living life & in all of it I am nothing more than a sentient being putting his time to good use in being curious & asking questions in wanting to know & learn & grow & experience, & that’s exactly what I did & am continuing to do. Great thing is, you can too, if you choose to, that is, if you take action in your own life’s existence, rather than playing bystander & passerby as your poor-me’s do nothing but cry, cry, cry! It really is up to you & just as you are what you eat, you are what you choose to, & don’t choose to, do as you are nothing more or less than an accumulation of your choices made.

I’ve never followed the herded mentalities sold, I’m The Hunter & all I know and am, is, Axios! Are you?!?!

Full of myself, maybe, probably cause I love the way I taste, who I am & what I’ve become & continue to be & when I look out to the world, I like my own internally developed lifestyle reflection effortlessly lived reality better than what it is I see outside, surrounding me laid waste. I don’t see natural beauty in most all humans anymore, just wastes of space, energy & resources as we’ve overgrown in our own obesity’s Industrial child lured, tamed, maimed, trained & detained at the border’s wall, too afraid to fall to hear one’s own unique White Rabbit call.

Me! Trying to tell me what I should have, what they would have, done differently in their way of pills, pills, pills, chemical elixirs, running scared to the doctor. Why?! I don’t care what you do, nor do I tell you not to, well, here I do because, you know, I’m making a point. I don’t do that in general conversations with people, unless they’re irritating the complete shit right the fuck out of me, ha! If they tell me a story, I listen respectfully & give input free of advice or distain or judgement or scorn or what they could of, should of, done differently. I just listen & converse. I don’t try to coerce or diverse, negate or condemn their heart-felt source. Doesn’t matter if not a true course, it’s theirs, even if Getting Lost in prayers, I respect all kinds, walks & forms. Though I so recognize the insanity of a bought & sold false paradise.

They, those fatted by the Americanized troughs, sickly, diseased ridden, obese & tired, full of industry, commercialization, bedazzlement & mediocrity, those who only outsource, those who can say but never do, those who can barely walk as they hobble & sloth their way to the industrial trough, tried to tell me what was best for me to do like I’m an idiot. Like I’ve never been sick before & dealt with these matters with myself, friends & families & all the 1000’s of little ones & people I’ve shared my time & life with over the years.

No matter it’s been over 20 years that I hadn’t been sick, until I started working with little children again. Hum, maybe Randy’s on to something?!? Wait, how can that be, he doesn’t like, nor buy into Industry, he doesn’t eat cake, he doesn’t take pills, he doesn’t go out to eat, he cooks for himself, he doesn’t like drama, nor stress, isn’t financially strapped, rides his motorcycles any chance he gets, reads & writes a lot, prefers the company of children over most grown folk, likes to laugh, play & is a silly heart, making fun of everything that isn’t him. Yeah, that’s a true statement.

Hum, though I wonder, maybe I should pass on the Candy & have a healthy dose of Randy instead of what we, human livestock are being fed. Hum.

You see, I’ve lived a rich life full of great knowledge, mentors, family, friends, lovers, interests, adventures, peaks & valleys. And now, that my life-song is more than half over, I want to share my accumulations with those I love, primarily with the children of tomorrow, the future who have still within them the possibility to still become & too, that of change if heading down a premature death path. To shred what our ancestors & we, me & you, have left for them, nothing but a chemical-ladened wasteland, an imprinted propagandized Monolith too afraid to ascend this monocultured & sterile mountain, for we need to return to the wild child so feral, so raw, so pure, so real if you’d just let them be, Let It Be. Hum.

To awaken to their potential to be different because those doing what yesterday’s, Yesterday in traditions told, bought & sold, have done nothing but continue the cesspool of spiraling shit. I want to pay forward all that I’ve been so fortunate to obtain & get to know with the children of tomorrow.

Like I didn’t know I’d get ill, of course I did. Like I don’t know what’s best for me to do in best practices in preventive measures, of course I did, that’s why I hadn’t been sick in 20-years, not even a cold. Even traveling across this country for 4-years on a motorcycle, not once sick. Like somehow, they, the walking dead do & know better how to live & all things better to happily live than me, the purely true.


You know, I often ponder the yonder with majestic sights like the one above, but it never fails to blow my mind in awe & wonder comparison to that of when I ponder the yonder in the stupidity of the modern world human so amassed with man. Now that’s truly an Idiocracy sight to behold.

This, from people who are always sick, are obese & grossly out of shape, take vast amounts of pills & pharmaceuticals due to diseases & other physical ailments & over the counter meds, outsource everything due to incompetency’s abundant, run to the supposed doctors for every & any little boohoo poor me’ism out there, will put any & every, thing, in their mouths, listen to any & every, fool, believe in any & every, false god & lie in work pool, society’s industries spew without question, the list endless.

These people actually believe they have the answers. Yeah, I know, mind-boggling. Though, only if you have a mind to mind in matters that matter at all.

Saddest of all, they consume products created by Industries lying to them purposefully to get their money & loyalty that they have the cure, the fix, the remedy ready to mix, the elixir, the truth always in how I licks her.

Hahaha! Too freaking funny, yep, I crack myself up! &, yes, HA! Some more!

These, the blind people who are quickest to provide counsel. Too funny to me that they never listened to Seuss, the good ole Doctor, like The Sneetches who now they’re trying to condemn yet again, cause anything that’s too good to & for them, as they look in their self-loathing mirrored reflections, they want to destroy so they don’t have to reflect any more on their own self-pity horror mess freak-show they’ve allowed themselves to become. Let me say it again, that they’ve allowed themselves to become.

Sadly, funnier still, they then have the audacity to point fingers in all other directions, rather than gaze honestly at their own reflections. Hum, maybe that’s why the Jews cover their mirrors when someone dies, to hide the horror of themselves in realized reflection at how they treated that person all those years whilst alive.

Randy! What is it with you!!! WTF!!!

Yeah, I know, just had to dig a bit. Well, I mean, they used to dig their own mass graves for themselves & their friends as ordered right?!?! Yep, they could have fought back, they had the numbers, instead they dug their own fucking graves & were shot where they stood after, & then their families & friends were lined up & shot next! Yeah! WTF! WTF did they allow & somehow, I’m not supposed to shred them to pieces for their negligence & failure to fight back, the Jews just gave in to the worst kind of oppression.

Wow! The places my mind goes sometimes. Round & Round, it’s all connected, everything’s connected to nothing but everything all at once, a balanced combination of linear & nonlinear thinking as my mind gets to tinkering.

Now, myself, even though I’ve legitimately counseled many people in many different ways, genres & philosophies, & I have to say, am the best capable of most I know to do so, I don’t. Why would I? That is, unless someone asks me for my advice & even then I tread lightly. I most certainly am not arrogant, conceited, ignorant enough to speak to things I don’t truly know about, nor, to things that aren’t asked of me, except for times like these where I’m attempting to make a point.

Honestly, I just don’t care, I just like the stories, in those moments, it’s not about me, it’s about them. Then, after that, yeah, it’s all about me yet again & again & again, you know, me, is all about who you know I are, no matter how near or how far, I’m my own shining star.

They do, & do it all the time, give counsel, & worse, the fools rush in to believe & listen to them. Then, we look in disbelief & we wonder why the world is so fucked up. The blind trying to lead the blind focusing on the falsity tree. Forest, what’s that??!! Though talking to one with 20/20 vision they look to the supposed deities hiding somewhere up in the skies, seeing & living in the concrete Welcome to the Jungle, hoping to create another blind. No, not me, the only kind of blind I embrace is in camouflaged hiding in plain sight, becoming one with nature as I hunt. Like a truffle, I absolutely LOVE the smell & taste of the cunt. Too much?!?!?! Too soon?!?!?! Ha…ha…ha! Only is she’s 5’3″, ha!

You know, I don’t anymore care, I choose to live, Where Eagles Dare! Blizzards of Buzzards along with a murder of Crows all around me trying to pick my lifeforce bones clean, no relief in sight, try as I might, I’ll escape into the night as wave after wave of endless nonsense tries to permeate my reality’s core, nevermore, what a tiring bore.

I must endure to continue to explore beyond to my Evermore or is it Nevermore or is it The Battle of Evermore?! I sure don’t fucking know cause I never know my own way, I let nature takes it’s course, but one thing’s for sure, I never, EVER, listen to what it is ‘THEY’ have to say.

Their unprovoked ‘duh’ advice was that of get rest, duh! Drink lots of water, duh! And my favorite question, did you go to the doctor? Brother, Sister, other generalized other, look at you, then look at me, truly look, what do you actually see??!! Do you think I go to the doctor, Doctor Doctor, Doctor! Doctor!, Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor), just put me in an Iron Maiden torture device that Iron Maiden brings into clear view just how messed up we’ve become in our take in askew.

I’m a result driven, best practices, kind of man. I’ve trialed & errored through the early years of my life, learning as I went what worked best for me & what didn’t. And, what you see before you are the lasting effects of all that works. So, why would you ask me dumbed down stupid questions? I’m not your kind of company. Yet, amazingly, they still are blind to their own incompetence & stupidity, a broken record that shouldn’t have even been given the chance to be played. Broken is broken, but we’ve made sickness & disease the new kind of Token.

Am I in great shape, yep! Did I retire at 43, yep! Am I financially sound, yep! Am I emotionally & cognitively mature, yep! Am I well read, studied, rounded, yep! Am I diverse, yep! Have I lived more than most, yep! Am I experienced in a plethora of interests, yep! Do I push the boundaries, limits & status quo, yep! Do I take calculated risks, yep! Do I learn & grow from my mistakes, yep! Do I respect my limits, yep! Do I piss most people off, yep! Am I honest in the ways I see it, yep! Am I unconventional, yep! Am I, not like the others & unique to myself, yep! Am I well-traveled, adventurous, constantly learning & growing, yep! Do I play & laugh & explore & learn & grow each & every day, yep! yep! yep!!! Have I lived an amazingly fulfilled life up to now, yep! If I died today, would that be ok, yep! Is there anything that I still need to do, nope! Do I care what others think of me, nope!

Is there anything I still have yet to say, YEP! Oh, great! Ha!

I’m Just Sayin, I’m nothing special at all, not at all. I’m just what nature intended us to be, our evolution, not our arrogant pollution, if we’d all just be one with our Mother, our source, we’d all eventually be, just not so amassed, all at once; but we’d be. It’s almost as if our need to mass breed is our understanding that a mass extinction event is about to concede. I didn’t choose to be in a world that I didn’t help to create. I didn’t hesitate when I needed to masturbate. So, I don’t retaliate until I’ve had time to calculate.

Proceed with caution as you read on if your too sensitive to your own shortcomings, both naturally & chosen, thus now, living in nothing but ‘boohoo’s’ & ‘poor me’isms’ filled with Blues. It might be best if y’all just fuck right the fuck off. Now, run along to yet another propaganda, brain washing trough so you can become the fatted cow they were hoping, as you’re reaping proof of what it was they wanted to sow.

Emotions are hard to hide when worlds collide so most prefer to live In The Dark unless you’re In The Dark to your own kind of emotional taste. Hum?!

So, honestly & in full transparency I’ll too share, did I stumble & fall? Yep! Of course, I did, A LOT! Did I hit every mark? Nope! Missed quite often. Did I give up, nope! did I shut up, nope! did I cry, sometimes, tears of sadness though most of unimaginable joy, yep! Did I do some stupid shit, yep! Do I have some regrets, yep! Though with regrets, it wasn’t so much of a thing where I wished I hadn’t done something, because it was who I was at the time, in those moments. Rather, I wished I would have known more & had more resolve during those moments in my past that I would have acted & responded differently. I just wish I would have been me now, sooner, my regret is not realizing & awakening to truths sooner. Or, maybe I was just rawer & purer, attacking the constructs directly offending me without filter, without caution. Hum.

See, for me, 1, 2, 3, I just got to be me. I am who I am, comfortable in my own now becoming sagging skin, ha, though without chagrin & certainly no sin, for those are for the sheep & lambs, the weak & meek, the zealot & oppressor, the controller & the authoritarian, the tyrant & the politician, the supernatural & the fantasized & fantastical, the dictator & the false god creator.

Me, my own best friend & lover of this opportunity at what I call my life, hasn’t been wasted on me, a never-ending life journey of try, try, try & try some more in seizing my moments, my opportunities that my preparation allowed for luck to happen upon me. Though with one caveat, don’t keep beating my head against The Wall or The Doors that I’ve chosen to walk through, I opened it or broke it down & continued to explore, unless I’ve exhausted all attempts, then, I’d move on to something, someone new to get another notch in differing unique skew & not care at all not to walk through.

Sure, sometimes I’ve gone against my own self-mantra & have been burnt, though usually it’s due to the one or those I’ve tried to help attempting to seep their poison into me. Though luckily, never consumed me. I have to say, I’ve been told that I’m loyal to a fault, though the only fault is that my loyalty is not equaled so, the only fault is that I didn’t see quicker their inequality in disloyalty.

So, my curiosity, freeing, never killing my inner kitty playing with The Pussycat Dolls. So, what in their small-minded little worlds do they think I don’t know about how to take care of myself when the rare sickness strikes?! People like to think they know, like to hear themselves talk, but rarely do they listen to the words that are coming out of their own mouth, & very rarely, do their own actions match what they say. Blah, blah, blah, baa, boohoo all you Baa Baa Black Sheep, now be a good little sheep & go back to sleep as you count yourself in your friends of endless stupidity that you so happily keep.

Do they not think I don’t know all the ins and outs, that I haven’t considered every option & have made choices based on those?! I mean, WTF is wrong with people in their thinking anyone wants to hear what they have to say when someone is just reporting what happened or what’s going on. Just fucking listen & say nothing in in return or advise or state what you would do or what I’m or another person should do. What The Fuck!!!

Look around you, you & you & your ancestors too, left me, US all, this Industry’s witches sickness brew left to fester, seep & stew. Now, be a good little boy & girl, drink up, don’t make a fuss & cuss & most certainly care not for what’s in it, don’t ask any questions at all, just listen, just be obedient, just do as I say & do as you’re told, now, sip & drink it into you without a thought. Good! Now go back to sleep you walking plastic dead zombie little fuck!

What?! What?! What???!!! Damn Randy! That’s a little dandy full of one that’s randy, Me So Horny, Me So Horney, Randy, with your, 2 Live Crew, give me some of your deliciously different kind of candy!

Just shut the FUCK up & listen for once!!! Look at you, look around you, what do you see? More look like you than me. Then, look at me, collectively, who’s right, who’s wrong based on what you actually see, hear & feel from me in lifestyles lived & choices made for a human ancestral sentient being song sung. Oh my! So very cheek & tongue. Ha!

All I have to say is, Let the Children Play! Enough said!

Nope! You won’t leave me alone with your never-ending propagandized messages defending your agenda by always sending your unwanted opinions via devices taught & reared in us that we have to have or our lives will suck, so I’ll fire back at you tenfold, no matter how old, I’m not one for doing what I’m told, nor fold & as I grow ever so young through middle-ages that’s thought of as old, in today’s world I guess it is, to that of rapidly approaching Senior, I’m happy in my contented life with my composure & demeanor. A life-living my dream-weaver dreamer, living life believer in my moments, my stories to share & tell if anyone care to hear what I have to tell in my own reality’s reliever conceiver.

Like my friend in spider, I’ll reside inside her, my spider, my dream-weaving webbed lover like no other, catch me in your webs any day, any, way, I’m here waiting for you to suck me dry of all that you did liquify if you really want to eat me up cause I really want you to & I really want to, to you too, eat you up, that is if it’s your kind of just right delight that you’d like me to release a part of you, you knew was there, but were too afraid to experience & hear from one who thinks all things about your love box & I’m ever so very unorthodox in my point of view that tends to be so very different than the ‘normal’ trends to see…

There’s just too many of us.

What happened to normal conversation in social interactions, a give & take, a bantering about life, not a ‘look at me in what I think I know about you or your situation when I don’t ever look at me & that’s why I’m a hot fucking mess’, poor me song being sung. What happened to learning by observing from those who live better than you, the true learning in the happy fortunes of another & celebrating that, hoping you might have something inside you that can relate to & embrace all of that.

There’s just way, way too many of us.

Wow! I love to digress & that was a doozy! Back to it, though before I do, I have to say, each digression still has a significant connection in my mysterious madness stew…

Their unprovoked dipshit advice was to take pills to bring down the fever, nope! It’s not good for older people to have a high fever, nope! Actually, a higher fever is exactly what all human beings’ bodies need, young or old, to do to fight off viruses, fungi & bacterial infections, it’s called an Immune System, duh!

It’s actually good for you to heat up to a higher temperature from 101-103(4), sweet spot, depending on the infestation, your body knows what to do, it’s smarter than me or you, to kill those little boogers off, to rid them out of you. And what are we now bred & told to do, use a chemical to stop your body from working properly, in its very own capable way. Yep! That’s what you do.

Now, a high-grade fever of 106+ for too long in day to days could be the end of your days, well, that is truer than true & one of that magnitude isn’t usually good, through & through, duh! Though sometimes our bodies need it to be this high for an hour or two due to it knowing if the infection is that bad & the only way to destroy it is to turn up our natural internal furnas to that heat level, cooking the shit out whatever it is trying to consume us, well then, so be it, I welcome the heat. Shit! I’d rather die hot than cold, for cold pierces deeper as that’s no joke the more you grow to that of old. Fuck the COLD!!!

When we counter nature with synthetic, we defeat our natural purpose infecting us with Industry ever so subtlety & unconsciously, hum.

Look, I could go on with a full Immune System educational spiel, though I hope my readers are aware & educated enough to know about real anatomy & our biological workings rather than listening to that of technological industry always trying to sell you the cure to their created ailment. But if not, look it up, research it, pick up a book & study it, learn it, retain it, practice it, live it, love it, be it cause it’s you. You owe it to yourself to love yourself enough to educate yourself by being curious, reading, learning & growing, especially knowing how it is your own body works & what it’s capable of, what it can & can’t actually do.

We are certainly limited by our physicality, but nonetheless, we are amazing creatures.

‘The more things that you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go’ – Dr. Seuss

Quit listening to all those always trying to tell you what’s wrong with you & what you should be & do.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, that fat people talk about eating in what’s ‘healthy’ or not, that unhappy people tell others how to be happy & claim they are themselves, that typically women who were abused, emotionally & physically, as children end up being ‘parents’ & ‘teachers’ & do the same things to future generations those very things they claimed they hated that were done to them & often vowed they’d never do to their children, that in the Professional World of Sports that Sports Drinks are even a thing. Oh! The chemically derived poisonous stew they try to brainwash us into in claiming the best way to recover from vigorous workouts or games in electrolytes made in an industry’s laboratory, that we meddle with everything when we should just leave well enough alone. But we need Sponsors!

It’s all in The Game, The Game, The Game you decide to play, it’s all lame, it’s all dead these days of new food created to barely keep US alive. They’ve infiltrated the natural human condition hive, convincing us we know nothing & sadly, as I look around, their propaganda has rendered the once vibrant, alive & thriving human sentient being, useless, incompetent, insecure, dumb, retarded, stunted, defunct, wasted, sad, sick, diseased, relentlessly poisoned by the ‘healthy’ cures & created ‘natural’ foodstuffs, mind, body, spirit & soul, if there is such a condition.

Shit! Shit’s natural too, would you eat it? Yep, if they covered it in sugar, milk chocolate or some other bullshit & told you it was good for you, well then, if they say it’s ‘good for you’ it must be true, now, gobble up that bowl of porridge poopoo. Um, tasty! Hey, do I have some on my face?!

I just call the soul the personality of the creature, the innate, the unteachable, that born unto you or not, the essence undefinable that we each, uniquely inherit. Either you have it, or you don’t. Either you get it, or you don’t. And, yes, I know, most won’t & don’t.

That’s ok, I’m cool with being just one of those children not like the others, an observer in outsider, a wallflower, a reader & thinker, a tinkerer & doer, a tryer two-wheel wind rider. ‘Why fit in when you were born to stand out’ – Seuss. Thanks Doc! You’ve always allowed my imagination a reality in beating heart alive with a Tick-Tock Dr. Seuss clock being thought evil by those conformed as I’d race around it. Yeah, I’d Rock Around the Clock.

I love to read because I’m able to get another’s take in point of view about whatever it is they’re trying to convey without distraction, without force, my choice in picking up & choosing a book, article, record or idea, whatever that I find interesting, free of all the madness, noise, distractions & attempted coercion.

It’s like with my regression to my childhood with all that I do these days, the good old days, as I pick up a record, not look to a digitized, clouded device that chooses for me, or turn on a commercialized radio station playing across the nation only songs they want me to hear. Just one of the ways I choose to choose in matters of heart & gray matter that matter, not the chitter-chatter, chatter they try to serve up on their manipulative microwaved falsity platter.

I know, how about everyone just shut up & write about it. This is why I prefer books, calm, peace & love while in solitude & a more reclusive lifestyle in being alone, my own best friend & selective in those I let in. Unless I meet those, someone’s who are kindred in spirit, then, I can’t get enough of who they are & what they have to say & their stories that keep me at a ‘tell me more’ cozy bay. What can I say?! I just have to hear it.

I write to share my lessons learned & experiences with anyone who cares enough to listen & maybe, just maybe, these will impact to ignite growth in understanding & wisdom much like those who’ve I’ve known personally & those I’ve only known through their writings & works, who help to shape & make me what I am today. A heightened sense of sensitivity, my own ray of sunshine.

I have no one to pass these most valuable awakenings on to & I’m unable & unwilling to keep them in by keeping quiet. I’ve got something to say, many things actually & my vibratory energy will not be ‘Sitting by the Dock of the Bay‘, it needs to be expelled & expressed to all that lay weigh in attempts to sway as I Sail Away to Sail Away, Sail Away as I Come Sail Away.

I’m nothing special that’s for sure, just a simple, humble man, living life beneath my means, best I can for me, purposefully, vibrantly, colorfully, independently, caringly, respectfully, simply, basking in serene serenity of my own tranquility as I recognize all that’s fucked up because it allows me to realize I’m not participating in any of that crap so that I can do all I have to do to adapt, adjust & celebrate the simple, pure fact that, I’m not like the rest. If there is one, I’ve passed the test. If not, I’m, for not.

I’m not patriotic to anything, I bow to no one, I don’t like watching sports, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t eat out much at all, I don’t care about what other people think of me, I don’t condemn due to differences, I don’t take pills, potions or false notions, I don’t eat processed foods, I don’t watch commercialized TV, I don’t eat refined sugar & I don’t ever, never-ever eat cake, no matter the endeavor! Ha! A joke between 2 people once very much in love that I still cherish to this day. Thanks for that K!

Take the picture above, The Grand Tetons, Wyoming, are you fucking kidding me!!!

Just the picturesque calm, quiet sounds of natural life, no dramas, no opinions, no poisons, no Industries, no monetary gains, no pressures, no aspirations, no needing of plans or something to do, no nothing save just being, being in the moment, one with nature, my, our, one & only true Mother. For without Earth, none of us would be at all, at least not how we’ve come to know ourselves. Just look at that!!!

It amazes me at just how obnoxiously, noisily, busy this manmade world truly is, making Much Ado About Nothing, yet making a lot to do of nothing that matters at all into everything that matters for all, now to most of US we fall to their forced patriotic call of their created technology’s child.

Me, I prefer, & will always be naturally wild, in my growing of my young inner child In the Woods wild, wild child that they always make nefarious to keep the wild at bay. Nope! I choose to set sail. So why don’t you join in & Come Sail Away with me.

Well, we sure got an ‘A’ in our final curtain call that’s always been coming for US, didn’t we.

Just give me a little Steely Dan, The Royal Scam & I’m a happy man, without a plan Stan the Man, Musial witch is so unusual in it’s mutual realization, or just give me a little Joe Jackson, Night and Day who reminds US that everything we’ve made gives US Cancer, so in these natural realizations I know that I…

Live Every Moment‘, LOVE, Every Day, just a little reminder the R.E.O Speedwagon kind of way.

I earn what I receive when I see through your eyes & I’m so very happy to see, meet & greet you, In Your Eyes.

If I pissed you off so be it, if you’re happy to meet & greet it, I’d love to rub it hard & beat it though you might not really want to up close & personal reach out to greet & meet my scrumptious tasty meat as you come to it face to face, in both, a wonderful taste left in both your & my mouth to baste as I choose to lay waste to all that do nothing with their chances given. This is it, our shots come to life, get busy living or you just might get Shot In the Dark.

Me, I just find things funny each & every day, & when you add some Still Crazy After All These Years, with all I’ve seen & done, I have no fears.

Some are content to just be, & yes, that’s part of me, content with my own unique reality. But there’s just this deep contempt for all that oppress, force & contain, trying to make all the same as the rest.

Always trying to coerce & convert, some subliminal, some direct, some by force, doesn’t matter the course, I’m not taking the test, I don’t need no education, nor their kind of thought control. I prefer deep heart & mind penetration from the purest of nature’s natural source, rather than Spreading the Disease.

I Rage Against the Machine alongside Zack & the boys & I rage against Governments, I rage against Religions, I rage against Politics, I rage against abusive, controlling, neglectful Parents, Society, Culture, Conformity & Calamity, I rage against Vanity & all that that wants to conceal rather than reveal the truth in matters that should matter but don’t, I rage against submission to rid the world of blind faith tradition that shackle & chain the very said souls they claim to protect & are free, especially women & children.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, women & children carry the burden of men, beaten & torn down by all factions wearing a crown, doesn’t matter the ridiculousness of the clown, they’re always beaten down.


I live, I observe, I process, I express, I play, I say, I do what I love & love what I do, Getting Lost with Randy in some kind of special way, each & every day, each & every day. To me, it’s all emotive conceptual word play in the most delightful cerebral way, thanks for letting me pick & diddle your brain for a little tickle, cause if you’ve made it this far, you must certainly have one.

And no matter if it was a bumpy or smooth ride, made you sweat or relax, get angry or giggle, it’s all just a pickle in a jar waiting to be eaten, typically by a girl who just wants to put it in her mouth to bite that salty, tart, crunchy phallus-shaped veggie, right the fuck in half! Fuck the MAN!!! Though if the man is kind & tender in mind, heart & touch, she might just take it in her hand & mouth, gently caressing her love for him expressing herself to tickle it just right to produce a little salty, vinegar result.

Oh, what fun it is to have a slaying Slinky, tongue & cheeky ride tonight. No matter the taste & texture, wasn’t it great fun to give it a try & just Ride the Wind just right.

Yeah, to me, it’s all just Comedy.

Just sayin.

Think About It!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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