Escaping Humanity’s Insanities

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Howdy Folks!

Just another Teton lullaby, keeping me company while camping. This my daily view, that which I woke to every morning & closed my eyes falling asleep to. Nothing like a mountain, up close & personal, to set the free & wild loose in my heart & mind.

The mountain tells it all as it says so much without uttering a single word and still the mountain remains strong, majestic, pure, wild, free & true.

I pondered a while at the absurdity of the mechanical, nonsensical, creations of man, from meddling hands & I thought…

Technological insanity, how absurd, the congregational herd. Always stressed out & easily distracted, talking a lot, saying little, spinning endlessly on the manmade mechanical wheel.

Desperately laboring away to be fed a little nibble of bread, slave rations filled with chemicals, eating poisons until dead. Hypocrisy spewing from forked tongues claiming cure all valuable potions, lost our sense of logic, fueled only by vacant emotions.

Most too busied to take notice, how absurd, they’d rather congregate in flocks with the herd. Once we were fierce predators, now, we’ve become the prey to false idol worships. Apex predators reduced to blind worshiping, mass breeding slave laboring herds for the system’s consumption. An unnatural reduction, how absurd.

We created ideas like heaven & hell, personified gods, to gain control over simple minded people happy to surrender & bow in their compliance. Giving up their independence for governmental campaigns that rule by imposing enforced fears in psychological warfare on its own citizens that it claims is keeping safe. All the while sending their children off to fight old men’s wars for maniacal megalomaniac gains, how absurd.

The massed herds lacking in independent, natural self, take knee in submission to bow, surrender & pray. Outsourced till their dying day, they fade away looking to a supernatural savior from the heavens to save them from the manmade world that never comes. Manmade gods are nothing more than false ideology whores feeding off naivety & gullibility of the blind followers as celebrators of pain & suffering, how absurd.

Why surrender & pray, caged in boxes? Physically & figuratively locked inside blind faith ideologies void of any real actualities. Mindlessly performing superstitious rituals that teach pain, suffering & fear are the hearts of love. Making much ado about nothing, the song remains the same in distraction games, how absurd.

Children of nature forced to believe, to attend, to comply, to assimilate to another’s taught mind control, how absurd.

The mountain, free of all this, allows one to just be one with natural harmony. A place where natural being is all one needs to know, free to wander in awe & wonder, celebrating life itself, naturally, how wonderful.

For the natural world, when left to its own devices, is free with abundance for the balance of natural selection, how wonderful.

I choose Getting Lost on the mountain over the fabricated artificial creations of men any day, for nature is the only truth in which I prefer to play, how wonderful.

I choose to live within my fantasies & dreams in the natural world, each & every day, while rejecting & avoiding, best I can, that of the manmade, how wonderful.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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