Pacific Coast Fog

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Read Time:7 Minute, 32 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…

After leaving San Diego & luckily avoiding a ticket by a welcome random happenchance, I proceeded on listening to my GPS for directions.

Yes, I also made sure to look for any signs too, if & when, I had to make another U-Turn or another ‘questionable’ maneuver that could be deemed unacceptable.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Thinking about how fortuitous the Gas Station Attendants interaction intervention was, I smiled as I road. Lifting my helmet visor, I smelled the ocean air & saw the ocean, off in the distance, rapidly approach.

Giddy, I heard my GPS lady friend say, ‘take the next exit, PCH 1, to the right’ in however many miles or feet she said. The signs confirmed & was leaving Hwy Route 8 for my quest up the PCH 1.

A wave of fortunate gratitude at my life’s lived experiences flashed before my mind’s eyes. Combined with this Getting Lost epic adventure, tears filled my eyes & ran down my cheeks as rubber touched down on the PCH 1.

Land in cities, mountains & populations to my right, nothing but crystal blue ocean waters & skies to my left. What a life, what an adventure, WTF!

I happily cried celebratory tears at my many awakenings to live differently than most throughout the years. For these awareness’s, interests, internal passions actualized from an instinctual, internal drive to actually live out my dreams, crashed upon me, like the waves crashed upon the beach to my left.

It was so powerful, I had to pull over & just sit a bit, taking the totality of it all in.

I’m a sensitive man, so I notice & pay attention to everything, taking it all in. I deeply process all I’ve been, all I am, all I’m currently investing in regular as this allows me to always be grateful for the life I’ve been given, & have chosen to be livin. Hyper organized & structured in personality, motivation in what I like & who I am has allowed for deep appreciations from my attention to the details, down to the fractal. For all the parts, just as important as the sum.

I live a lifestyle that allows me to enjoy the simplest of pleasures. I feel nothing gets past or lost on me, allowing me to live life to its fullest in complete dreaming reality. Having less stuff & responsibilities has always allowed for me to live more.

I’d rather read a book, watching sports are a bore. I’d rather hike a mountain until my feet get sore, than walk a department store. I’d rather have a glass of wine, alone, removed, deep in my own thoughts is where I prefer to spend my time. Lucky for me, I’m my own best friend.

Thanks Aunt Ann for teaching this student your kind of kindness, independent reality. Yeah, you were all right, the world was & is all wrong. I too, sing your lifelong song. I know, I’m all right, at least for me in my lived life. Cause when I compare my life I’m livin to those around me, I want nothin to do with their reality. Doin the opposite of what ‘they’ve’ told me to has always made me the freest of free.

As I looked out upon the ocean, my mind raced to how fortuitous events, combined with my purposeful life’s direction has led me this very moment. I realized that if I would have chosen a different lifestyle, or, listened to what ‘they’ said, no matter who ‘they’ were to live differently, this day, this experience, this Getting Lost adventure probably wouldn’t be happening.

I choose not to live in fear. I choose not to care what others think or say. I choose to live life my own way. I choose not to live in another’s directed constructs for me to follow, I decide what’s best for me to eat before I swallow.

I though about all the jobs I’ve had that never paid very much in monetary value, but, so priceless in the deep human connections I made, forever changing, influencing & affecting my life. I thought about all the self-interests I pursued that allowed for amazing opportunities & experiences to present themselves. I though about all the people in my life who shared with me who they were, taught me about myself & supported me throughout the years. I thought about decisions I made & those I choose not to make.

My mind raced, the tears fell to happy, happy memories. Even those that some might think of as ‘bad’ or ‘sad’, I cherish as happy. For I choose to focus on the positives that spawn from each & every negative in appreciations at having known it & lessons learned.

At least for me, that’s how I choose to look at it all in my own unique subjective perspective take on it all.

I sat a while pondering the yonder, Getting Lost in the scenery & deep thoughts. I realized it was time to get going, the daylight was more than half over & I noticed, in the far distance a blanketing cloud, far out to sea that was heading inland fast. I knew this to be the Pacific Coast Fog that occurs in the Summertime that rolls in late afternoon into the early eve.

So I mounted my steady, steel stead & rode up the PCH 1 as yet another dream actualized. As I road I began to realize that I was actually living dreams within dreams within dreams. Dreams of no debts, financial independence, no responsibilities, no drama, motorcycling my whole life so far, pursuit of interests, reviewing all my choices that led me up to this very moment.

Living the dream of motorcycling the PCH 1 while in the dream of motorcycling the continental United States. All by myself, no plans, no destinations, no worries or concerns, just going & living, day to day, going where I want, doing it my own way. What else is there to say, other than my life & this Getting Lost journey, so far, have been nothing less than SPECTACULAR!

Getting Lost in my own thoughts, I came to reality as I rode, passing by Oceanside. The Pacific Coastal Fog was coming in hard & I had ridden in some of it, not good. It was coming in at an angle so I was able to break free of it for a bit, but knew all too soon, I’d be back in it. With little or no visibility & pretty dangerous for cars, let alone, a motorcycle, I knew I had to make a decision, & fast!

I knew I could do it, ride quite a long way if I wanted to, I’ve ridden through worse. But, I realized that it wouldn’t be good on many levels. Mainly, that I’d miss all the visual splendor as the fog put a thick misty haze in the air. I could taste it, hear it & feel it as visibility dwindled to maybe 50 yards.

I felt like I was in the movie, The Fog, & the TV series, The Mist; very surreal.

It was getting dark too, & this, with the fog, I decided to turn back to Oceanside to a motel I passed about 5 miles back. It was getting cold, I was damp & I was exhausted, excited addrenalin though, kept me going.

I made it back to the Motel & another fortuitous event happened, there was only 1 room vacant & I got it. Apparently a cancellation happened just minutes before I arrived. It happened to have an oceanside view too, how wonderful!

I wouldn’t have minded if all the rooms were occupied though, I was prepared, as always, to set up camp on the beach if I had to. I would have just parked my motorcycle a little down the road & camped on the beach. However, I have to say, sometimes, many times, the modern day creature comforts come in as a very welcome friend.

I unpacked my motorcycle, got situated in my room & walked to the beach. There were large bonfire pits all along the Motel property filled with wood & logs. The desk clerk told me they’d be lit this eve when I arrived. So, I went back to my room, took a nice hot shower, ate a packed traveling meal, went back to the beach around 10 pm when I saw the bonfires being lit.

I sat seaside until 1am, just looking out at the ocean & all the stars. The fog had blown over inland by then & there was nothing but crystal clear skies & visibility. I knew I made the right decision & was super excited for the ‘morrow, as they were forecasting wonderful weather for my continuation of my PCH 1 adventure.

Just at sunset, I was fortunate enough to capture this spectacular shot.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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