All In Good Time

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Read Time:10 Minute, 47 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how, every night, for 2 weeks, I went to Arches to watch the Sun setting & the Moon rising. That is, if I wasn’t camping there already. Simply, spectacular! As you can see, no one there but me, just how I prefer it.

When I shed all that man made for the endless perfections of everything natural, my instinctual acuteness heightened to absolute. Acute, astute, aware, sensitive to every minute sight & sound, every smell & movement, every vibration & feeling. Instinctual & comfortable, familiar & absolutely au natural.

Raw, wild, pure, where’s there’s no start to ever have an end, where all just is, one big natural journey. It all gets convoluted by the oppressive mind that thought of the most restrictive control over everything, the noose of time. Tightening with each second’s tic, every tock of the clock, endlessly racing to our death, blind to what’s really going on. Man’s forced design.

When I quiet within the natural world, the manmade world shuts down. Moths drawn to the big city lights, so in nature I can find my heart’s delights. Bedazzled by the crashes of noise in the hustle & bustle, mesmerized by the drama, the lies. All wanting to be lord of the flies, kings & queens of the technological compromise.

They can have it all, all that manmade stuff, I’ll huff & puff, blowing it all down, screaming enough! & take that Arches sunset in Moab, Utah any day.

To me, there’s nothing light until I dive deep, places most don’t want to go, too real, too dark to conceal, no place for the shallow. Awareness knows no day or night, black or white, wrong or right, hearing or sight, taste or smell. For these & more are all one in the same to the young & wild at heart, in tune, no time, only undefined presence.

I know people who say to me, ‘Randy, just let it go. What can you, or, anyone really do about it?!’ Well, nothing with that attitude. So, to my reading friends, I say, ‘NO! I won’t let it go!’ I’ve been singing this song from the day I was born. I was aware that I am alive and that meant something to me, still does. I’m not complying, I’m not giving in.

NO! This mess we’re living in is not alright, it’s not OK, it’s not something I want to stay quiet about, never have, never will. I will never consume a single pill. I will never take a vaccine, I will never believe what ‘they’ say, I choose not to hear them anyway. I trust in myself by living a full, vibrant, thriving life. I seek, I practice, I gain, I grow, I understand, I know.

I’m not jaded even though I know. I’m not broken, even though I’ve been beaten. I’m not stupid, even though they tried to dumb me down.

One, two, buckle that shoe. Three, four, lock that door. Five, six, go pick up sticks. Seven, eight, now lay them straight. Nine, ten, you’re now a big fat hen. Rhymes that hide in plain sight telling us all what to do, blind, most just sing along, becoming another clone of the many, lost are the few.

One, inside a realization an idea grew. Two, forever changed by considering something new. Three, unafraid to start a band. Four, tired of being society’s puppet whore. Five, I’m alive! Six, I’m not doing your tricks. Seven, blurry places with blurry faces. Eight, tired & running scared on wheels forever spinning. Nine, I’ll never be confined by time…8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 to…Ten, what then? All those programmed around me say, same ole same ole, back to the grind, racing here, racing there, wish I could, but, I can’t. Yeah, I’m not part of that maniacal patriotic rant.

If I’m feeling frisky, I call them out, ‘Hum, actually you can, you’re just choosing not to. How about you really say what it’s all about, switch the ‘I can’t’ with the truth in ‘I won’t.” Could a should a would a, it would only be true if you spoke honestly in saying, I once was a true version of me, but, somewhere along the job line rats race hustle & bustle, spinning endlessly on that wheel of industry, I lost myself. Put the real me high up on that shelf, I don’t anymore, recognize myself. Mirror, mirror on the wall tells all, who’s the fakest of them all, & only you’re reflection’s looking back at you.

Who are you? Who am I for that matter?

Shatter, scatter, pitter patter, little feet are all that should matter. Instead, most look to their children as a bothersome bore. Those not knowing what they’re doing are the quickest to point fingers trying to reduce another so they can feel better about their shame of self. A life lived wrong, tries to teach their offspring their same ole depressing song, miserly loves company.

Liar, crier, pointer, denier, out of the frying pan into the fire.

One’s perception another’s unnoticed subconscious rejection, void of detection, it’s out of control this rapidly growing delusional infection.

If I’m aware of it, but, choose not to care about it, the attempted forced illusion of playing their manmade games doesn’t exist. Things exist because we choose for them to. If we choose a ring, a wedding, a job, a government, a bar of soap, we allow them to define us, giving up our own self. We don’t have choices, we only have their design. We give value by giving currencies in monetary frequencies to an intangible in idea, that then becomes our reality. Fake made actual in ritualistic stuff we don’t ever truly need.

No one knows, we can only speculate & even that, doesn’t matter. Nothing matters, nothing that we’ve made & created anyway. All this meaningless stuff, all these pointless ideologies, all our insecurities implanted by forces of fear, campaigning for our patriotism. Their Master & Servant game.

The contrast between the manmade world & the picture that drew you in to open this post, wasn’t taken by a man who eats toast. We do what we do, we are who we are & all we’re not, everything else is just distractions.

We’ve been removed from our natural womb, domestication is animal death, farming is botanical death, civilization, humanity’s death.

We’ve overgrown, we’ve raped, pillaged & polluted, poisoning every living thing the Earth has grown, we’re reaping what we’ve sown. I speak to the dire only hoping to inspire, for we, the destroyers are the only one’s who can undo what we’ve done.

Sunset, moonrise, nothing else matters when gazing at the forever changing skies. Getting Lost in deep thoughts motivates me to live, to come alive, to see differently, removing myself from the hive. I’m life, I’m alive, I thrive!

It’s funny, bees make honey, sustaining life, thriving off its sweet, naturally rich, golden goodness. The only thing humans make is amassed mountains of filthy waste. We kill the bee, worried it might sting, not realizing a thing. Cause when they dance & sing, they pollinate the world so we too, can eat their food & the food they help to provide. Bee naturally alive & thrive or eat man’s created chemical poisons & slowly die.

Kill the bee, destroy the hive, starve the world. Kill man, save everything!

A Mad Randy traveling fool. Getting Lost in the natural world teaching me more in one day then any classroom could do. More than I ever learned in school. What’s free in the wild, society makes laws to subdue. We’ve become the Bear we trap in the zoo, walking a worn path, insanity’s aftermath.

Now, I’m not a smart man, I’m as dumb as the idea of a pill to swallow in fix for all our woes. Or chemotherapy or radiation to cure the cancers we cause. Or combustible fossil fuels for energy we call progress in industry. Or an aluminum can created to feed troops of soldiers so they could push on to kill on command for wars waged & raged against our fellow man. Justified by the selfish greedy raping of natural resources hand.

Or, a story told long ago to rule the land of a man called God. The great ever seeing, ever watching, eye in the sky put in place to forever control me & you. All thought to ease death’s diseases, we enlist maniacal means in thought cures in our effects from our unjust causes.

See how dumb I am. Anyone who doesn’t blindly follow the herd in a God’s name, a man who doesn’t eat cake in the chemicals they make, a man who invests in himself over the herd, how can he be trusted, he’s not like the other’s. How absurd! Who is this dumb man who doesn’t believe in all the trash made by the monetary hand?

I stand at the precipice of day & night. Getting lost in the desert between light & dark, where here, as one fades the other emerges when the nocturnal awakens & surges, all light purges. Places where mans dirtied meddlesome hands haven’t killed & destroyed by their illusions of time, created just to earn a dime.

What a crime, to create a lie in shackle, limiting by defining it as Father Time. As you can see, our fleeting life mortality, man knows not what he’s doing, nor, all that’s come before, so quickly we choose to forget.

They try to take the beauty we can make away by negating the good we try to do. They say kindness is weakness, they say loyalty a fault. They say you’re acting like a child, grow up, get a job, you need to make money!

Kill the child, kill the young at heart, killing the youthful truth where the wild things are. A place I prefer to play, to scream, to shout, look here, this is who I am & what I’m talking about. Little one’s possibilities crippled by the vicious, repetitious, controlling adult hands. Sad, how they’ve always lied.

Taught it’s good to quickly want to ‘grow up’, then, regret at shedding that youth too quick, too late they’re caught up in the game. A cog, just one in the same, a generalized other, our lives fly away. Bye, the old, tired & sick, want nothing more as they long to be young again, feeling like it was over before it even began.

Laboring for another man is what we’re told we have to do, what life’s all about, letting a job, a career, corral, confine & define you. Putting off the real you for tomorrow’s that never come, you frolic in their created world of dumb. Lying on death’s bed, regretting everything they were told to do, all ‘they’ said would make them happy, didn’t. Now, finally in the finality, the old realizing too late. Wait, I’m late for an important date! My life!

It’s as vicious of an insane cycle as when parents end up treating their children in the very same ways they hated as children that their parents did to them. Round & round it goes, the lineage woes, till beaten & broken.

The child wild, retreats into hiding, unless one’s love is willing to seek & awe & wonderous innocence willing to come back out & play. The wild child disappears, forever lost to the adult occult. Once vibrant lives paying the ultimate cost. The dirty little secret of industry’s death game ultimate cost.

Change in the manmade world is a rare breed, dying even, if not gone. People don’t change, no matter how hard they claim. See, if you’re really paying attention to the actions in behaviors, rather than the in their attempt at distracting by words, you’d see they just became better liars.

My mind raced to thought after thought until satisfyingly purged. I willed a cessation of thinking about things to relaxed vacancy.

So, I just gazed at the scenery, into the horizon, up to the stars, marveling in my not knowing, reveling in my not caring, simply happy to be mesmerized by the great expanses of space, mind, heart & spirit. I stood alone, undefined by man, & certainly not by their silly insane ideology known as time. What time is it? What day is it? Does it really matter?!

Day after day, night after night, I visited Arches, Getting Lost in just one of the magnificent sceneries along my journeys, letting my mind take flight as day became night.

The always invasive manmade world finally fading away to be just what it was meant to be in what nature made in, pure, unadulterated serene unity.

All in good time, time out of mind.

Think about! Or, don’t.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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