Life’s Roads

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how I never need to have anything to do when I don’t have anything to do. Huh? What?! Ha! No, I don’t think so, haven’t tackled this particular topic now up for discussion.

I’m of a belief that just being in a moment, without any rhyme or reason to run & do or have a purpose, is my most celebrated place, mind & heart. It’s Leather & Lace to stay out of the race of rats who do nothing but pollute & tear up the place, that’s not my taste.

I’m patient, I appreciate the sweet, I hunt & wait until I find that sweetest of treat in fresh pink flesh. We’ve lost our natural truth in primal for that of the patriarchal, cause After the Fire, the fire still burns, grilled meat over charcoal, poisoning ourselves every chance we get.

We’re all Don’t Talk to Strangers out tonight & we’re all on the prowl, I’m watching you with the utmost of voyeuristic delight as I notice you’re watching me, we want it too, together in a new endeavor, nothing’s forever, so just go with what you want, & I know what I want, I Want You to Want Me.

This world of Industry has convinced everyone they need more, that they’re not good enough, that they always have to have something to do, that being alone is a bad thing, that saving & being thrifty is being cheap & not really living, that everyone has to always be giving, giving, giving of themselves for others, that everyone should share, that all are born of sin living in fear of a loving, ambivalent, menacing force of the most hypocritical course & most of those others are the meek weak who’ve overbred & overgrown to a diseased, cancerous mass that now, we’re all supposed to take care of.

Whew! Though loved that run-on or was it just a Runaround as I live Where Eagles Dare, Flying High Again & Free, Free in the things I’m trying to say, I don’t know, but it always comes down to Master & Servant.

I’ve never felt like I’ve fit in, never wanted to, as I prefer to be removed, observing, watching, calculating, understanding what & who it is that’s at play in their fucked-up game with our lives they’ve decided to play & we’re, me & you, expected to just follow the script, to just obey what it is they say. Nope. That game I choose never to play. So, when I saw the end of Men in Black, where the Aliens have a bag of galaxies & worlds of worlds contained within their marbles, removed, watching, onlooking on to see what becomes of their games set into play, I fell in love with how I interpreted this scene so serine.

Now, here’s what will really blow your mind, is anything I’m saying, true? Imagine that, a world of fakery once sold to the few, now, generalized others so reduced to living within their spoof, ‘He likes it! Hey Mikey!’

See to me, I’ve always felt like a Stranger In a Strange Land, like we’ve been way off in all we’ve been told that we bought & sold over & over & over again, & depending on the conqueror at the time, we’d be forced to buy their particular religious & political view, just a Stranger In a Strange Land.

I live without plans, I live in my moments, I live for myself & my very few select Clan, I live simply & happy to be alive each & every day, I live to find the meaningful moments, I live to reject the taught, the forced, the mass herded mentalities in their totalities of misguided fortunes laid to waste in their need to have haste to mass consume & have, Have, HAVE! City air, toxic taste.

We made haste & now, in our own filth, we do baste in our shitshow shit soup as we care not driving down Rodeo Drive in our Mercedes or BMW, cause ha! So many people don’t know what BMW stands for so if you click on the link & actually read it, you’ll learn something new today in at least one takeaway from my efforts to enlighten & brighten your days to an Intellectual, Hazy Shade of Winter kind of way, though I prefer Spring & rolling or lying in the Clover, or Rover, Land or Range or classically in our own Coupe de ville.

Have what?! I don’t know cause I’ve never really met a generalized other that I’d want to ever call sister or brother to talk to long enough to see what they always need so much stuff. Hum?! I wonder if it is to fill their endless pit of pity party trying to stuff their overflowing nonsensical guff full of Cannibalistic impurities so Ritualistic in their obscurities, they need to call themselves Sinners & bow to their Deities.

Happiness is a state of mind, a Cult of Personality, & The Heart Wants What It Wants, Anyway You Want It, that’s the way you need it & that’s how I’ll give it to you cause I Was Made For Loving You. I am So Into You, my lost Voodoo child is still see how foolish you’ve been, cause that’s How Much I Feel, feel for you baby. So, Please Don’t Go, stay with me awhile in my Boogie Wonderland. See, you’re my favorite kind of candy, my Special K, The Special AKA.

Hello me, hello you, if I love me better than you, I can love better on you than most would ever want to cause I see the real deal you. No matter the, you, I’ve found, I’m just living my life living in A Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy cause it’s a great place to be, just happy being me in my own Fantasy, cause it’s a fine line, fine line between Pleasure & Pain.

I don’t know about you, but to me, it’s all about lifestyle. No, not subtle, but all in to complete immersion in one’s own mission to do & see, to be & be & be, to seek & find in Hide-and-Seek to take a Peekaboo look at the totality of all that is in front of you & that passed by in your rEaR vIeW in that I was so happy to get a full whiff of you in all your glory when you let me see & taste what you were made of & what was really inside of you.

As I strolled down this path less traveled, a Road to Nowhere in particular, my mind raced, A Million Miles Away. Slowing down On the Road to stretch my legs a bit like so many before me & so many hopefully, yet to come, the perspective changes taking a break from two wheels to that of two legs.

Walking into The Mist, morning brings a New Order of The Things to Where the Wild Things Are in all their quiet, secret in their Nocturnality, bedding for the day while the rest of the world working lives away, for they prefer the night to play, where I’m sure there’s a Nosferatu or two wandering about.

Who knows, not me, I only care if they choose to wrap me in their cloaked wings to drain me of my life’s blood. I just know I don’t know though I know that I don’t know that I don’t want The Thing to become a thing at all. Hey!!! Who Goes There?! Hum.

I have to say, I do enjoy it their way more often than not, hiding in the Shadows of Darkness, free of the sunlight save for the moon, especially when full & bright, those ever so blind can only truly see.

Spinning my records at night sets my heart to the best kind of right, with no top light, just a few Himalayan, Salt Lamps with a serine orange hue for a subtle, relaxed arena for my mind to Get Lost in the music in songs dear to my Heart.

Sometimes I laugh, many times too I cry, though most times I just contemplate all their messages they’re trying to convey. All Kindred Spirits I must say.

I’ll just stroll awhile A Million Miles Away.

Think About It!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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