Throw Away Conventionality

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Read Time:9 Minute, 48 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you about…a word that I heard & instantly understood its meaning in state of being I would never become.

Conventionality, a bathing in normality, a showering in commonality, a generalized regularity, a traditional typicality, an ordinary superficiality, void of any truth of self actuality, that of the being conventional reality.

Duality, how can you be two, when you choose not to see the real you. Charades hide behind the mask, disguise all the lies. A maze that trails behind, running to similarities.

Connections can be instantaneous, friendships in true deep relationships take a lifetime to get to know another. Even then, though, you don’t really know, no one knows the other. We’re all so different, no matter the thought connectivity.

Opposites don’t attract, they detract. A craved deflection from the similarity in believing that in something different, a new love will begin. Love is Blowin’ In the Wind, like Dust in the Wind, an infection of chemical direction. We drown in lust thinking love has set in.

Lust thought love, the true heart’s crime. Love takes time, a truth when unconditional, is nothing short of sublime. If love honest, it unites passions deeply rooted to explore an equally connected awareness. Love, a condition of the heart’s perspective that doesn’t require a detective in asking why, or, is it real. If true, it just is, it’s something you just feel, an awakening no man, woman or child can ever conceal. If Love real, it just is, if Love true, it just is; Love, just is.

Obligations are conventional, a convenient way to keep others bound to you through Invisible Sun ties, chained in lies. The ties that bind are still just choices made, or, not, still a choice. No matter the attempted justification in reasonings used for the allowances of one to be bound in a restrictive state of being.

Taking a knee, bowing down to the crown, kissing the ring, doesn’t matter it’s all submissive, subservient. A willingness to surrender oneself to the master or commander, parent or teacher, flag, god, government, it’s all the same being sold by a worm-tongue traditionalistic preacher doing what’s been told. Get in line, follow the leader of lies, led by a deceiver, comply to become a false god conventionality believer.

One’s conventional is another’s oppressive. One’s restriction is another’s obligation. One’s freedom is another’s chain. One’s no care, another’s vain.

Freedom, a word created because it’s the opposite of what once were realities, now, lies we’re living in, trapped, caged & enslaved. A false hope never to be attained when living within the world of man’s created vain. Shackled by invisible chains that bind, tying up the heart & mind in that of the materialistic kind. It’s like trash, there was no such thing in nature before we meddled & created it.

Am I insane, no, I don’t keep doing the same things & behaviors expecting different results. Though I am most certainly Crazy. Crazy in love & love’s heartbreak, Crazy in life’s awe & wonder, Crazy Train rides in the lies of it all Drowned and Torn Asunder, Crazy in how I feel for you, crazy in freedom’s awareness’s I’ve been grasping for, that no matter how close I get, are just out of reach, & my internal Compass that always points to that of love & Freedom.

Crazy for life & crazy for possibility, opportunity & the realization that I am the sum of all my choices that I’ve made so far. I’ve chosen well & if you need proof, my life tell, I’m living well. I’ll never fully or truly be free, to do what I want, when I want, how I want, or, even, if I want.

But, that’s alright, cause I’m all right, the world’s all wrong, gone insane from the oppressive, from the vanity as poisonous ways caused a landslide Calamity Jane, where’s Mary Jane, I need a natural flower break from the follies that men make in their never give only take, take, take all the power.

Funny, growing up I was told often I needed to ‘get with the program’ or I wouldn’t amount to much, you know, you’re Not Enough, You’re No Good, Somebody Get Me a Doctor! Hum, I love me in all my idiosyncrasy, why don’t you? I thought, Wow! Why all the fuss, why do you, a stranger, care what I do or don’t do so much, what’s in it for you? Why do you care what I become or don’t, amount to or not, &, by the way, Who Are You???!!!

One’s amounting to is another’s, could care less, don’t you get it, you’re supposed to be my teacher, but you’re not my Teacher at all, Teacher, Teacher. Though I’m still Hot for Teacher if she’s sexy & gets me the way I do. All you’re doing is regurgitating rhetoric you’ve been taught, expecting me to conform & see it their way, that now, has become yours. What a vicious cycle, attempting to kill the independent, critical thinker, young at heart just getting his/her/their start.

Though what I realized was that as I grew, I neither needed to conform to their programs or rules or standardized, generalized other schools of thought, not cultural, not Religulous, not political, not ritual, not technical, not societal, not anything that was made before me that I was expected to just accept & participate in. No! I realized I could live by my own choices, my own devices, my own realizations, going through & living life my way. Yeah! That’s what I say. Bye, bye now, I’m going outside to play.

Obviously, I choose the latter & never looked back. I got used to just going & doing things my own way. They say, ‘Zig!’, I say, ‘Zag!’ They say, ‘Pledge!’ I’d ask, ‘Why?!’ They’d say, ‘Do as I say!’ I’d reply, ‘No way!’ They’d say, ‘They say, ‘Obey!’ I’d say, ‘Go away!’ They’d say, ‘What’s wrong with you?!’ I’d say, ‘Why do YOU care what I think, feel & do anyway?!’ They’d say, ‘It’s just the way it’s done.’ I’d end the debate with, ‘Well, it’s not MY way, I guess I’ll break the mold!’

No, I’ve never liked being told what to do, who to be, what to think, feel & believe, those were never songs I cared to sing along; Baa Baa Black Sheep. I’ve always found that people who think they’re right, certain & blindly follow without care, concern, or, question, those of weakness, wading in a sea of shallow, are the most dangerous I’ve ever known. For they, the Homegrown oppressors in arrogant entitlement, their certainty in being right.

I remember caring for a young girl that was debating with her father before he left for work. He said to her, ‘Do it, or, else!’ She replied, ‘No, I don’t want to now, I’ll do it when I’m ready.’ He said, ‘I’m losing my patients.’ She said, ‘How can you lose your patients, you’re not a Doctor?!’ Smacking him across the face without lifting a hand. Great comic relief from the mouths of babes. Just one of the reasons I’ve chosen enlightening children as a career, providing critical thinking & independence of choice, possibilities beyond their constricting devices that attempt to strangle the happy life out of them.

They call it teaching, I call it thinking, they call the shots, I smash their pots, they try to convince, I provide, they claim tyranny, I grow possibility. Allowing another to construct their own course, wherever their life’s dreams may roam, the most amazing of gifts that keeps on giving without ever expecting a return, save for the passionate living life burn.

Now, I have to be honest, it took all I had not to break out laughing. After he left, we laughed & laughed & fell apart. I complimented her on her wit as we chatted about the interaction. She admitted she didn’t mind doing what he was wanting, that she was about to get to it. I asked her why she choose to upset him, she simply said, ‘It was my choice, it wasn’t up to him.’ She paused & added, ‘Too, I just like to get under his skin, it’s great fun.’ We laughed some more. I told her I hoped she never loses her wit, cunning, or strong will confidence in self-esteem as I watched her walk away, a beautiful moonbeam Wild Child.

I’ve never understood doing what the others do, nor, wanting to. I mean, it seems to me that’s what’s insane, being the same. I love to play, just not their way or in their game. To be tame in one of the same, living in vanity’s cage, or, by myself, igniting my own life’s passion flame. I am wild & raw, pure, connected, aware, nature’s warrior free of man’s cargo cage so I set rage in youthful fires internally bright, hoping to smite down those convinced they’re right.

The certainty that nothing is certain is certainly relieving. The modern world intentionally created so many illusionary pressures to keep people from naturally living in dreams. Earth was once vibrant & bountiful, not Eden, that’s a lie told for control, but it was a thriving garden where the apple a nutritional source, not a metaphor for temptation. A place where nutrients & all we needed were provided naturally, not created by someone insane, poisoning us in lab coats, claiming sterility.

An apple an apple, a pear a pear, neither in despair until man assumes their care. Both left alone, to their own & nature’s devices, they are perfect for what they are & what they provide for the life forms that are made by nature to consume them.

Everything is connected if one has the care to pay attention, letting the heart & mind to take notice. Nothing needs any kind of dissection to find greater meaning, no interventions other than attuned attention, for unconditional love is all that’s required to understand. In the observations of the world, my lessons vast, in those no classroom, parent, teacher or instructor could ever teach.

Intuitive observation solely comes from within. Coming from within, the essence of the being. Reality states of being in serenity that can only be felt deeply to an emotional understanding that words cannot even do justice to. It’s not cliché, it’s not nonsense, believe in yourself, follow your instincts, intuition, & always, always, follow your heart.

Instinctually innate, why create when the creation inevitably becomes an obsession that ends up owning all you are.

My footsteps my own, sometimes wild, sometimes carefully, I take a Walk on the Wild Side, Wild Side!

Just be, be yourself. This short life in this shell we call a body, our self-awareness, well, for now, that’s all we’ve got.

Get busy living, nothing else is important. Choose your own path, set your own course, ride life’s highways your way. Black Beauty is a kind of wild & love you’ll never know, though if you did you’d never know what you might find, who you’ll meet, random happenchance resides in your feet taking you on a wonderous Journey.

Oh, the places you’ll go, the Seuss one man show, just think of what you might discover & uncover, the more you travel, the less you’ll realize you know & what great fun to uncover to discover & rediscover that you know nothing at all, so, just go, Go, GO!

It’s up to you, your choice, so, whatcha gonna do?!

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time….

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