Make Time To Notice

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Read Time:9 Minute, 43 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how I always took the time to smell, not only the roses, but all the flowers I discovered along my travels. No, well let me tell you, flowers come in all shapes & sizes, colors & odors. Some fonder than others, though all dependent on the subject’s perspective always subjective.

I’m an acute observer by nature as it was never something I consciously chose to do, it just happened. Just like how I was conceived, like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Like expecting parents, hoping they’ll like & love their child, though they’ll never know until that infant begins to grow & become & express, blossoming into whomever it is they are going to become.

If you don’t make time to notice, you’ll never notice what you’ve become. Life tends to bend & blow, whisper & shout, tread lightly & stomp about, allow for comforts & many, many draughts, though through it all, if you don’t care to smell it all, how do you know if you’re even alive. You might miss the call.

Let me smell you & I’ll tell you what you are & most are sterilized, perfumed & plasticized, most happy to compromise all of their senses for false circumstances as their ignorance dances with the Devil in the details as their life derails due to their own blind doing now their undoing, not caring enough to notice.

Hum, quite the conundrum all this humdrum speaking to the sum of masses ample amount of dumb, dumb! So I just succumb to the realization that life is in the detailed delight, most times hidden from sight & try as most might, they let go when they should have held on tight.

Believe in the magic! Thanks Fantasia & thanks Walt! I’ll never be too afraid to care, to be myself, to do what I do, in plain view I’m camouflaged & hidden from view. While the others say, I DO!’ I say, ‘So happy it was not me & that is was you, promising vows of being only true to one to love for the rest of your life, for now you have a wife’. Yeah, say goodbye to life as you nest away, hunkering down in a lying life.

It all happens at night, when my writer comes in clearly as my words take flight, it’s true I work best at night & it’s quite a sight, try as you might, you might just find something beautiful that’s been waiting to come to life for you, no Sunlight required, just the light of the moon, which ironically is still the Sun.

I write, you read. It’s an interactive word dance that flows from my being into words I’m seeing, sharing with anyone who cares about the revealed details I experience & express, so I’ll happily confess that the words escaping me are from unknown depths, even to me, until they reveal their message reality.

I prefer the flavor of meat that rises from the depths, you can keep the shallow, the superficial, the fakers & bakers who’d rather consume artificial concoctions purposefully created to mislead you. Though know if you do, continue to choose doughnuts & pastries, over life living & giving foods for mind, body & spirit you’ll probably never comprehend the messages I’m sending, you won’t be able to hear it.

Life eats life to survive, humans have created a superficial hive, built on maniacal creations that leaders happily infect nations of drones, barely kept alive, unable to fathom the realms to thrive. If you consume death, you become death, if you eat life, you become life, if you give up, you become complacent, if you dance & strive, you thrive.

One’s food, another’s poison. One’s words, another’s practices. One’s retentions, another’s care-not. One’s attraction, another’s repulsion. One’s common, another’s foreign. One’s contemplations, another’s voids.

I don’t mind when I toot my own horn, cause it’s my roots as my words perfumed in truths smell floral in their burnt offerings are my sacrifices to life, to life! L’chaim!

See, the only time we should be looking to the skies are to appreciate the colors of the atmosphere, to twinkle with the stars at night, know time of day by following the sun & to let the life-giving rain cascade down our faces, not adorned with silk & laces in silly humans as rats’ races, but rather wash in humbleness of our insignificance, save unto our own actualized reality, reveling in the freedom of knowing that none of this matters, I don’t matter, you don’t matter.

It’s just some of US have something differing to say amongst the mindless chatter. My heart all a flutter with the pitter patter of little feet pulsating my cranium into an ooey gooey gray matter of my own subjective perspective of sensory matters of information processed. It’s a fact! Rain makes you beautiful!

So many things make me curiously confused. One, for example, I’ve never understood how some are willing to poison a land & a people just because they have a different deity & steeple. Or how an insignificant job working a production line provides more fiat currency then to those rearing & raising children. Or why the color of one’s skin provides either rags or riches, shackles or stardom.

‘Black or white, who’s wrong, who’s right? It doesn’t matter. We’re all red, on the inside, when, we’re, dead!’ – Song, Black or White, Album, Cavernous Realms by Yours Truly

I love being a Homesteader surrounded by Urbanites, my skewed views provide the most tickling of delights. My mind is wild & free, they can chain & cage my body, but they’ll never take away my reality, my thoughts, my sanity or my natural serenity dwelling deep inside me.

Give me fat, juicy meat, dripping of scented wilderness, caught, trapped, hunted out of the wild, minerally basted most call ‘gamey’ which is funny cause they’ve never participated in the hunt, nor have they ever eaten life & when they did, they spit it out calling life, gamey. Hum.

A child of the hunt, I sniff out the most delectable, smelling its sweetness in aroma provides the tastiness of the flavor that I savor, licking my fingers clean. I lick & eat it all, including the spleen. No, it’s not mean, I mean, to eat another life, is life. What’s mean is caging & corralling animals in their own filth, fattening up for the fattened up stupid silly humans to consume, totally unaware they’ve become what they eat.

I’m a revivalist, a survivalist, a certified retroactive novelist, I wear myself on my sleeve of skin & my skin is not thin. Thick as thieves my swirling thoughts conspire to ignite the Ingenius, original, adaptive prose to defeat my foes, those who resort to the reactive who don’t take the time to critically think before they respond.

No, those silly little humans not swimming in my heart. My natural spring-fed pond only provides genuine, sincere, childlike, young at heart creatures, barefoot & fancy free, those of like heart & mind are all I have chosen to allow to play.

Like pictured above, the natural world is my playground dearest to my heart, the one that I truly love. So, in the great words of Ferris Bueller, on his famed day off, ‘Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it’ – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Ask yourself, have you ever seen a flower so beautiful before, have you gotten this close to notice what you notice gazing at the picture above?

I’ll tell you, probably not, most don’t even care to notice their own children, let alone a flower.

I absolutely love the nuances, the subtleties in life. I love to observe when most don’t know I’m paying attention because that’s when they’re true to who they really are. How those behaviors change once the subject notices that they are being noticed create a deep wedge in inconsistency of self. Those whose behavior is consistent no matter watched or observed, being just who they are, well, my friends, those are the select I call family & friend to the end of my days in times spent living.

Problem is, they’re hard to find, few & far between, usually being like me in choosing to remain unseen unless the observer equally keen in their particularity to notice. I’ve only had a few throughout my lifetime so far, only a handful true, somewhere between a nickel & a dime, no baker’s dozen in my arsenal.

Anyway, it’s your time, it’s your dime to make a call for help or stall & procrastinate or fall & cry about it or sprawl out whimpering or crawl sniveling or drawl your weapon & stand tall to fight for your right to party! After all, it’s your life, or is it, you make the call, it’s your choice & that’s the problem.

To choose or not to choose, that’s the question, & somehow, that’s too much to ask the human cow at the trough to process through the matters that matter in the deeply contemplated meanings of life. After all, they’re being fed, led, I prefer the hunt instead, I prefer to eat life, than eat what’s always been dead.

Life is simple if you make it so. In all its complexities boiled down to cause & effect, cause I’ll never pause if you make me erect, I’ll inject my love into you if you want me to, but you got to want to, cause if you don’t, I won’t. You got to want me baby like I obviously do, so do what you do & let me take all I’ve noticed about you & take care of you.

I impulse, my guns locked & loaded, I’ll wait till I see the pupil dilate before I unload, letting you know I’m still here. For I cannot live without paying attention, it’s the only true payment I’ve ever given, & it’s to life.

To live, not to give or take, but to interact equally where everything that lives must eat another form of life for it to survive. Contemplate that a moment. Are you able to wrap yourself around that, my little pussycat. It only hurts if your mind tells it to, otherwise its a slippery ride when we try to trifle with life.

If you question, you notice. Questions unleash curiosity’s infinite desire to know you don’t know & even if you did, you’d still ask a question. Life, is ever changing, if you don’t take notice, you’ll miss all its got to offer, cause the truth is, it’s all around us, you’re in it right now, yeah, life’s tricks you’ll never understand if you take the time to notice so you’ll know.

If you observe, you notice. If you notice, you’ll appreciate. If you appreciate, you’ll pay attention. If you pay attention, you’ll feel deeply. If you feel deeply, you’ll care. If you care, you’ll love. If you love, you’ll lose. If you lose, you’ll cherish. If you cherish, you’ll share. If you share, you’ll embellish. If you embellish, you’ll lose yourself in the details of the noticing of it all. A Siren’s call, a Siren’s, call. Do you notice it at all?

What I know, I can’t explain, but I feel it, I’ve always felt it because I paid attention to my life & took notice.

Think About It!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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