My Wolf Song

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…’I’m all right, the world’s all wrong’, just another of my Great Aunt, Ann’s, favorite Lone Wolf songs sung. No, yes, probably, as I tend to repeat over & over & over like she did, stories dear with many lessons learned along the way, like the records I spin right round & love to hear.

My difference, I’m full of contradictions in my own pursuit through introspection & contemplation, then take action & I don’t care if anyone likes what I do or who I am. I prefer being alone, you know, cause, ‘I’m all right, the world’s all wrong’.

Like pictured above, I got lucky to capture this most majestic moment, though at a distance via a telephoto lens in professional camara I also packed, just in case I happened upon moments like this while hiking & camping, Getting Lost in the mountains, Getting Lost in the wild, Getting Lost from the madness.

So, to respect my kindred spirit, leaving well enough alone to howl in peace, love & respect, I just observed. Spirits interlinked at that moment, thanks for letting me know, I hear you, I see you, I feel you; beautiful!

Now, some might prefer to say Bark at the Moon, thanks Ozzy, though I prefer to howl, though I do so appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there & deviate from the norm to say & express those don’t want to, but oh, so need to hear. No fear, no fear. Just another Lone Wolf howler I love to hear. Just like some choose to focus on the tree, I see the forest & I Can See for Miles & miles & miles.

Who’s The Who, Who Are You??!! Natural, wild in your ways, or societally paved, manmade graves.

Over & over & over again, like the phonograph records, Divinyls, just one of many I do so love to hear. Like Chrissy spinning right round, Aunt Ann would repeat the morals & values she thought & as she spoke these to me, she lived, & didn’t even realize what she was doing for me, she taught, I learned.

I know what I want so my kind of cunning developed naturally & adheres to contemplating & attacking ideals from many different angles for a more precise perspective. Just like lyrics, we remember them, we sing along with them, & if we’re listening as we listen over & over & over again, we hear their messages.

It was curious for me though as she preferred to be social most of the time. Me, I can blend in if needed, through preferred for me is me, myself & I, removed, with id, ego & super-ego hanging around too. Not arrogant, though those not really paying attention might think me so, just confident, determined just to be me in how I see fit to be in my Silent Lucidity.

Not Bound up & wound up so tight, unable to have clear sight, no! No! I’m no Double Agent, hidden, I’m Driven, but I’m in no RUSH, though run with their Trio-pack, I prefer to roam & take flight, free to live my kind of, I’m all-right.

I live in silence, practicality, determination, critical thinking, simple, minimal, productive & essential. I know what I want. I prioritize myself first. I love to process everything, paying attention to the deepest fractal, the nuanced, the subtle that most miss, before I take action. Though, if need be, I am prepared because I’ve gone over countless scenarios in my head if instant intended action is needed.

If I’m not fit in mind, body, spirit & soul, what good am I to myself, let alone the world around me. If I don’t like & love myself first, how can I like or love anyone else; if I don’t like & love me, who will? I mean, after all I am stuck inside this shell known as Randy, I sure hope I’d spend my life getting to know & being happy within myself, otherwise, what’s the point?! Why go out when you could go in, & I’m all-right in.

I’m not miserable so I don’t prefer that sort of company & I find most around me to be stuck in all sorts of misery. They love that kind of company. Simply, I’m not that kind & I don’t mind, for my body, heart & mind of the succulent kind, the sweetest of savory, if you dare to indulge my kind of flavor you’ll most certainly want over & over & over, again & again & again, want so very badly to have around & savor.

As for my Aunt Ann, I can only hope that I’m a chip off her old block, though in my own way for I’m no copycat, parrot, cover band, duplicate or drone in clone. Like myself, she had no children of her own, though would story tell for the youth of tomorrow to hear & I was listening.

Like her, I now, My Lone Wolf Song more than half over, I’ve returned to my childhood telling my tales to the children of tomorrow as we frolic together in the clover, dancing, playing, just waiting to see what we’ll discover, uncover in our Roundabout. Yes, yes YES!.

Philosophies in living in sayings that would fill her head throughout each & every day. Those, she lived & was never too afraid to tell her life stories to those too, who would lend an eager ear & listen. A skipping record of intricate messages so simple that I loved to play again & again & again, as I’d listen eagerly.

It’s funny, the same messages always felt different because each new day I was new in some way by having learned & experienced the world in awe & wonder lessons laid before me if I’d pay enough attention.

Once gained, I could then teach by passing these lessons on, spreading the self-aware, self-awakening love on, so it’s no surprise that the same messages always felt new, nested in my grey matter & heart, then took flight & flew into any ‘Who‘ who’d care to listen. I don’t know, maybe Horton & others who really, really love you.

She didn’t always agree with me, nor I with her, but she always encouraged me to live life for myself, to be & live in my own unique way by her never choosing to scold or condemn me for my in our differences.

Her stories not forgotten, her spirit held in my heart, her messages absorbed & transformed into my unique views. Though hers, all originals as I can only hope, mine are too.

To some, Aunt Ann appeared arrogant, self-absorbed, better than most. The truth. She was. Though justifiably so. Look around you, who are you, how do you live, how do you play, how do you work, how do you spend your free time for you? My Aunt, happy, successful, content, never arrogant, she just didn’t care about you unless she did. Like me, she didn’t rely on others to make her happy, it came from within.

Take a deep look at those you allow to surround yourself with & then look at those who she chooses to share herself with. Hum, yeah, she ran with a pretty Rat Pack crowd. We are too, the company we keep. How many live true to themselves, true, to each their own kind of real. Do you or you or you?

My Aunt Ann did, until her dying day. She went out her way on her 99th birthday, me by her side until her last breath, natural, as comfortable as possible, favorite music from her favorite singer in favorite song sending her off to where, who knows, certainly not me, cause right now, that’s not my reality, words read from Walt, not Disney, sorry little children, this was a grown-up child’s sort of read in Song of Myself, gently selected from the Whitman shelf.

Many people were jealous of Aunt Ann because she was a strong, secure, independent, self-made woman who loved only one man & happened to have accrued a lot of money due to their lifestyle, wit in smarts & choices made throughout their lives. After all, they were the accumulations of their choices made. Not a combination of attributes most cared to stomach, especially when looking in their own reflective mirror.

See, that’s the sad reality of jealousy, it clouds one from the truth. And the truth was, Aunt Ann was kinder, nicer, more personable & just a better, all around, person than most others. It had nothing to do with the money. Her true wealth was in who she was as a person being sweet, young at heart, innocent, strong & kind, one with her own heart & mind. Yep, she was, still is, my kind & we never blind to the next find to enlighten us to each our own kind, cause we’ve reaped what we’ve sown, happily so. Look ma! How I’ve chosen to be grown!

She was mostly one of simple pleasures though she liked the finer things in life & wasn’t afraid to celebrate her life by wining & dining & dancing her way through life.

She wasn’t one to hold a grudge, or, care too much about dramas or what another did, always saying, ‘To each their own’ & moving on to another topic.

She didn’t force herself on anyone, she was who she was, comfortable in her own skin loving to tell her stories with no chagrin.

She was confident that she was all right & the world was all wrong. In that I’d have to agree. Luckily for me, I adopted this philosophy in reality singing, I’m all right, the world’s all wrong, life-song.

She invested in herself first, a lesson unconsciously, though happily, learned. One, not understood nor cultivated or appreciated, nor created, never defeated if no expectation desired. I prefer a continual clean slate of being in what will today bring my way, what will I uncover & discover in life, my lover like no other unless kindred in spirit of this soloist.

Lone Wolf, Recluse, Gypsy, Rebel, Troublemaker, Getting Lost wonderer in wanderlust, Sigma Male, Alfa Male, INFJ, INTJ, Friend, Lover, Shithead, Asshole, Jew, ha! I don’t care the names some have called me, cause I am undefinable. Unique unto myself, like the Song of Myself, I am Nature made, free of any title, definition, category or classification, for these the simple-minded attempt at making sense of the nonsensical & indefinable.

I will live & I will die, what I do in-between those, up to me & me alone, I don’t adhere to your constructs, I’ll create my own reality’s way, a life-path from which I’ll never stray from these roads never traveled until me. I’m not my Great Aunt, nor am I, anyone else, nor do I ever want to be. I was born to stand out, as was everyone else, though it seems to me that everyone else too eager to put themselves up upon the compliant conformity shelf, unable to anymore see their true unique self.

Problems are we’ve grown to overgrown, we’ve allowed ourselves to be dumbed down by outsourcing, by blind faith following, by allowing ourselves to be removed from our natural sources & have become too many, too meddling, too cumbersome for this planet to handle & care to tolerate anymore. Humans are a hot mess & horrific eyesore, don’t think so, just visit the new trough in grocery store & look around. Um, yeah, Pixar got it all right in WALL-E, can’t you see & hear the true tales spewing from the mouths of babes.

Born slaves, we’re the Autocracies whore. From shore to shore, from mountain peak to cavernous valley realms deep, red rivers run as eyes weep from the War Pigs on patrol, once realized we’ve been bred weak so that the powers that be remain & all that they unjustifiably so, try to keep, we’ve been too bred to be compliant, complacent, bowing, kissing the rings of Queens & Kings, of Industries & Governments, of Megalomaniacs full of Grandios Delusions & Religulous rule. We’ve become the forever fool. It might be time for a Black Sabbath.

Self-Actualization is a powerful tool, as is Self-Realization in one’s own arsenal to one’s own betterment, but only if one is willing to be honest with oneself.

Adopted at 2 days old, I’ve been thankful for each & every day, for everything I am, for everything I’ve become. For every chance, opportunity & breath I take. Things could have been much different, much worse. Too, things could have been much better, though I seriously doubt that.

I’ve given my life to a constant perpetual motion in learning everything & anything I could that I was interested in. Luckily for me, I had & continue to have many, many interests.

Both formal & self-taught, I’d visualize my wishes to actualization with vivid imagery. My mind is always active, always observing, always calculating, always seeing, contemplating, remembering, visualizing & taking action. I do, do! Ha! I said doodoo! Yep, that child-like heart keeps me giggling, laughing & laughing until I fall apart.

Sparkle & Sparkle some more, cause it’s just a game & I’ve figured it out. I beat them at their own game by recognizing the life of shame & I steer clear for shame doesn’t exist in the natural state of being, it’s just another creation by the meddling hands of man.

Hey, ‘What’s Your Name?!’ Hey, ‘That’s Not My Name!‘ Thanks, The Ting Tings.

No hesitations on my part, if I liked something, someone, I’d pursue it, if a good fit, whatever it was, I’d adopt it into my lifestyle, much like I was adopted into my family’s lives, I’d too, only let the right in good one’s in & develop them within myself until it was like as autonomic as breathing, heart pumping, organs functioning without thought, truly incorporated, interwoven into me, connected to only others who get that they too are, ‘all right’.

I appreciate everything, don’t take notice of what I don’t have, only focusing on what I do, unless it’s an interest, ideal, observed way of doing something better so that I can be the best me I can be. Many who read my words often say, ‘Randy, you’re such a ‘Hippie‘, to which I say, ‘You’re right, a Hippie heart & mind is a pretty great reality’. Though if I’m feeling flirtatiously frisky with a charmingly bad attitude I might add, ‘I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to my word play manipulation, maybe you haven’t really been reading, nor hearing what I’ve been conveying, I’m not a Hippie, I’m Randy. I don’t fit into a created definitive cage’. Though I never mind being called a Hippie. Just don’t call me a Jew, ha! Here’s a little backstory…

I was adopted into a Jewish family, supposedly per my bio parents’ request to be raised a Jew. From day one I’ve never adhered to a manmade religious construct, too many hypocrisies, too many inconsistencies, too much oppression, bigotry, racism & anger toward other beliefs built into every religion, all the while claiming peace & love. I never felt a genuine, sincere, honest connection to any religious affiliation, ever!

Nope, never bought into that bullshit! So, the story goes in my mom’s tale to me that at around age 5, I was going to Sunday school. One day at Sunday school, the Rabbi was meeting with my parents because I was asking too many questions & rejecting the teachings in class, thus being told I was a troublemaker & bothersome. During the meeting the Rabbi says to me, ‘It’s important to follow God’s lessons & teaching of the Jewish people, Randy, you’re a Jew’, to which I was told I replied in matter-of-fact tone, ‘I’m not Jewish, No! I’m Randy!’

Yeah, that about sums it up. Even at age 5, I knew myself to be a Lone Wolf through & through. I digress, back to it…

I’m never trapped in a cage because I choose to engage with a lifeforce love-rage to just being happy to be alive, so therefore, I thrive as I dive deep into the abyss of love, of love. If you’re unable to love yourself, no one will ever get through to too, Love Me Do. Ha! Love me some Beatles, those insects are pretty infectious.

I’ve lived a life filled in meaningful wealth, a plethora of realization that I can, & do, do, (ha! I said doodoo again) whatever it is I want. It’s all about the silly, inner child that’s still connected to the innocently wild, void of parental direction or distraction, nay saying authoritative rule. I’m no fool, I don’t need no education, not theirs anyway. I tore down The Wall long ago, never to add another brick, ever!

Now, yes, I tell myself daily & too, the children I teach they can do & be anything they want. Nope! That’s a flat out lie! Had ya going there for a moment, didn’t I. What I do truthfully explain to them is that they can try & try & try & really wish something to happen, though the reality is, you is what you is & can only go as far as your own, ‘is’, can take you.

Ambitions need to equal & be, each their own, within natural abilities, logic used & reasoned out with a healthy dose of sense & sensibility, with a dash of humility & always rooted in reality. Not everyone is created equal, sure, they should be treated equally in just the basics in respect to being a human being, but we are NOT created, nor or we all equal.

We are each different & unique, each excellent & limited, each play at life our own way, each, each like to eat a nice ripe peach, ‘You know, I can, uh, eat a peach for hours’ – Castor Troy, Face Off. Are you the predator or the prey, how do you fit in the games we play?…

No sugar coating, no additives nor preservatives, no artificial anything, just the real deal, be who you are & naturally seal the deal.

No, you’re not perfect, there’s no such thing.

Funny thing is, if your personality all right, the intuitive innate aware enough to be happy, no matter what life hurls in your direction, if you choose, you’ll find a contentment in constant state of perpetual happiness. It’s not cliche if it’s true, or maybe it’s a true because it’s a cliche, who knows, chicken or the egg, what came first, I have no idea, nor do I care, for if I waste time on nonsense, flash, that’s my life passing me by.

I’m in the moments, like pictured above, right here, right now, nothing else matters because nothing is certain, guaranteed or for sure. And if I waited, hesitated, lived in fear, moments like this I’d never have experienced to then share with any who will listen to my life stories remembered in love that I do so love to share & tell.

Each day new, even if it feels the same, break the mold, the mundane, shed the vain, fake, same & tame. Be naked & wild in your perspective outlook & take hold of your flame, be exposed & vulnerable, be open to all, closed to none save those overtly bedazzled & broken, those who try to corrupt, cage, define & limit you. Seek the new, seek knowledge, seek you.

If you live with no expectations, you’ll have no disappointments & if you have no disappointments, you’ll steer clear of let downs & sadness.

Set your sights & take flight, & try, try, try & try again with all your might, though know when to cut & Run the Jewels. Listen to your world, really listen & fucking HOWL! Just HOWL! HOWL AT THE MOON!

Stay hungry for the real, never try to conceal a differing ideal, revolution is life evolution. It’s simple really, we’re stuck on a sphere in the middle of nowhere, so why should I care, I’m stuck in the Human Race?! Young & Wild at Heart as lips part to enjoy each other’s sweet verbal tapestry.

Am I insane or is it just a Trip at the Brain. Hum, what are your Tendencies? Mine, definitely not, Suicidal. No, NO! I’m not having Suicidal Tendencies, are you??!! If you are, call the hotline, I don’t want that kind of negative vibe on me unless it’s the musical kind of grind, boned to the core of your morrow so sweet.

I digress, though you have to admit, life, more often than not, quite the mess; back to it…

Try & try & try again till you achieve your desired ‘get’ or try as you might until you realize, speaking honestly to yourself, that whatever it is you were desiring just isn’t right for you, no matter how badly you might want it.

Though if you’re close enough, why not just go ahead, sniff it, lick it, taste it so sweet, suck it into you. No Remorse, no regrets, if you like it, you like it. Come on, be like Nike & Just Do It! Right, be like Mike, like ‘Ike‘! I know, how about just be yourself, like nobody else, be you, your own wolf, lone or one of the pack.

Don’t get what I’m saying, what game am I playing, I don’t know, though, just don’t waste your time & energies on what you don’t have, cultivate what you do. This life we’ve been born into goes fast, even when things are seeming to take forever, life is speeding by & it’s true, before you know it, it’s over.

‘And you run & you run to catch up with the sun, but it’s sinking, racing around to come up behind you again, the Sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older, shorter of breath & one day closer to death’ – Time, Pink Floyd

Who you are matters! Be patient, don’t waste time on someone or something who doesn’t get you, deep down, just doesn’t get you. Wait for the one or ones who’ll choose to live to be with who you are! Live life true to you, share in another only if they can truly, madly, deeply see & love the real deal, true you.

Those who notice you, the real you, adopt them into your life cause they too will sing your life song, as they will yours & together, you’ll be ‘Singing in the Rain‘ & dancing together no matter the weather…cause anybody who’s anybody knows, ‘Rain makes you beautiful’ – Ann E. Meyer

What you do or choose not to do matters! How you act matters! What you think & feel matters! Who you surround yourself with matters! Even Getting Lost in the 8+ billion people, you matter! First to yourself, then to the others you hold, & that hold you too, dear.

Grow that garden tall, celebrate in all you are!

Care not for that you’re not, be you.

1, 2, 3, just got to be me! Look at me! Look ma! I’m dancing!

‘You’ve got to dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like there’s Heaven on Earth’ – William W. Purkey

‘I’m all right, the world’s all wrong’ – Ann E. Meyer

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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