The Man In Black Walks Out Of The Desert

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Read Time:4 Minute, 18 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…when I walked out of Goblin Valley.

No, well, pour yourself a good libation, take a toke or two or three. Sit back, relax by the fireplace & get cozy. Snuggle with a loved one, or, put some vinyl in Classical or Jazz on. Do whatever it is you love to do, as I share another chapter of my story with you.

So, after some hours of exploration, I knew it was time to get going. Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Though it’s always better to have lived to have known, loved, met & lost, than to have never known, loved, or, met at all.

So, after taking it all in, I decided it was time to depart & made my way back to the rest area for water & shade.

I noticed a couple at the rest area & another car up at the rest area as I started walking back. When I pulled in there was no one around, just a car or two with folks parked, resting in the shade.

During my 3-hour tour, I didn’t see or cross paths with another living person, nor, creature for that matter. So, it appeared like I was the only person in Goblin Valley the whole time I was exploring. It was just me & the Goblins & other hoodoos working their magic in voodoos.

As you can see from the picture, the valley was a web of intricacy. A maze of protruding hoodoos that wrapped their way into other parts of the canyon, lined with winding, curved walls.

Just when I thought I was coming to a dead end, another section opened up. In the three hours I didn’t explore the same area twice, that’s how big it was.

The part pictured is just the beginning or end or middle or sideline of the park depending on where you start & how you choose to look at it.

The valley continued on to those green colored distant mountains & to the left & right of the picture for quite a distance.

I emerged from about dead center of the picture. A pronounced figure in black appearing from in between the sandstone hoodoo constellations.

As I got closer to the rest area the couple was beginning their decent into the valley. They both looked up & noticed me. I waved, they waved back.

They were descending down some natural-like steps, rather than attempt the loose-stoned, hilly, way I choose. I prefer to make & choose the roads less traveled, off the beaten paths when I can.

I continued up the hill, the same path I took down, to my motorcycle. I got some water, stretched a bit & looked back into the valley. What I saw is the picture I choose for this post. As you can see it was, & is, quite the view.

The couple came back up within 10 minutes & the man walked over to me.

He said, ‘We were looking out into the sandstone colored valley & we saw a man in black walk out of the desert.’

I said, ‘Yeah, black’s my thing,’ we chuckled.

I continued. ‘That reminds me of my favorite series of books from Stephen King, The Dark Tower Series, the first book being The Gunslinger. The first line is “The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”‘

I told him how for me, that one fist line paints so many pictures & conjures up so many images & wonderful memories from reading those books. I explained that I was honored by his statement to be even the slightest in comparison to the man in black.

I geeked out with him a bit on some aspects from the book. I started with Walter Padick is The Man in Black. That he is a demonic sorcerer & an emissary of the Crimson King, also known as Randall Flagg, from The Stand. That he is the nemesis of Roland Deschain, The Gunslinger, who is the protagonist & hero of The Dark Tower series.

He seemed to be still interested so I went on, ‘Roland is the last of the ‘gunslingers’, or, peacekeepers & diplomats of his society. He is also the final human descendent of Arthur Eld.’

He said he’s going to have to read The Dark Tower series, seeming still interested, though I felt it was time for me to stop talking about it. One’s geek is another’s disinterest. So, I thanked him again for the reference that conjured up fond memories & passed the ball.

He proceeded to ask me about Getting Lost with Randy from the decals on my motorcycle. I told him about the history, some of my past adventures, my current adventures & where I might get to after Utah.

He told me about his current vacation that he & his wife were on & some of their adventures as well. We chitchatted a bit longer & bid each other adieu.

One more post to finish the tail.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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