The Randy Special

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Read Time:9 Minute, 38 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how The Randy Special got added to the Moab Diner’s menu.

No, well, this way to your table, I’ll be your server today, what can I get for you. Do you have any specials? As a matter of fact, we’ve got a new one just added called The Randy Special. It’s named after a particular culinary cross country motorcycling adventurer, I think you’ll like it as it’s one of our most popular specials on the menu. Sounds great to me, we’ll take three!

Read on, the final chapter is about to unfold…

We talked a bit about my particulars & he confirmed that the normal menu items & what their diner uses to cook with in vegetable oils & fake butter would not be doable for me.

He then went on to explain that he had an idea that might work that he wanted to run by me.

He asked if I’d do poached eggs to which I said, ‘Yes! That’s a perfect idea!’ I asked if we could replace the typical sides of potatoes in fries & mashed, toast, bacon & bagels with something alive & fresh, like fruits &/or veggies.

I suggested that the fresh fruits be sliced &/or diced, &, veggies could be sautéed in olive oil & minced fresh garlic.

He stated he wouldn’t be able to do the veggies, EVOO or garlic, he didn’t have those. But, he had tomato, avocado & banana for the fresh fruits & could slice those with the poached eggs. He said the poacher made 5 eggs & asked it that would be ok, to which I happily agreed.

He explained they had an old school, cast iron, poaching skillet in the back that hadn’t been used in over 50 years, that he knew of, but, was still in great shape. He added that he’s always wanted to use it, but, never had the opportunity like this one to do so.

He asked if that would be good & I told him it would be great. Actually, better than I had hoped for.

He asked if he could use a little vinegar in the water for poaching, to which I said of course, that’s a classic trick to bring the whites together better when poaching eggs.

I said, ‘Even though it’s optional & not necessary, I’m fine with it.’ I mentioned too, to make sure to use just a little vinegar as it can easily overpower the eggs & ruin the dish. He nodded in agreement.

I complimented him on his culinary knowledge, & on his willingness to take on my, ‘dietary particularities’ challenge, we both laughed.

Excitedly, he hurried back & disappeared into the kitchen to begin his mad chef skills & I, in turn, eagerly awaited his creation.

The server refilled my coffee & we chitchatted about Moab, her life, my adventures, the diner & a few other topics, as I sipped my coffee, tummy growling.

I thought to myself while I waited, how fortuitous, yet again. A random happenchance suggestion, a decision to take a chance, a willing Diner & Cook & a potentially wonderful outcome.

The rest of the time I was eagerly waiting, I reflected on my past & most recent adventures. All the amazing people & places, food & smiling new faces, experiences & festivals & remote camping in far away places.

I made sure to live in the moments, to observe everything around taking mental notes for tales to share.

I took out my copy of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman that I always carry with me when I travel & read a few stories to fill my mind with another’s tales of adventures to pass the time with an old friend.

After about 20 minutes, my server had a plate in her hands as she was heading to the back of the diner, where I was the only one seated. I knew it was for me & my mouth began to water in hopeful anticipation.

As she walked over, I saw the cook/chef wave to me from his post in the kitchen, giving me a thumbs up.

The server put the plate down, I looked at it, was blown away & returned the thumbs up to the chef. I took this image, pictured, wrote this story & posted it for all to read on my old site, recalling it for this new one.

As you can see from the picture, he outdid himself! There was not a single item or dish on the Moab Diner menu that even vaguely resembled this simply perfect, breakfast, masterpiece!

5 perfectly poached eggs, & that’s no easy feat, sliced avocado, tomato & banana. Simple, whole, pure, honest natural foods, just the way I like ’em!

The server looked at me in awe & wonder as I pulled out my little travel bottles of EVOO & Sea Salt. She asked, ‘Do you always travel with those?’ To which I replied, ‘Of course! I’m as particular about my oils, salt & other seasonings I put on my food as I am the food itself.’ She grinned & chuckled.

She said, ‘That’s very impressive & very unique, I’ve never seen that done, nor, met anyone quite like you, before.’ I laughed & said, ‘Yeah, I get that a LOT, though not sure if it’s an insult or compliment, so, I take it as the latter.’

We both laughed out loud as other diners gazed in our general direction at the Getting Lost fool, all back of the diner bus, lips glistening with drool, in anticipation of this special dish, one that I knew would be delish!

I continued, ‘I always live by the motto, better to have & not need, than to need, & not have.’ I added, ‘Preparation is all the battle.’ She said she liked those philosophies.’ Then added, ‘Enjoy!’ We can’t wait to hear your review.’ I said, ‘Will do, thanks!’ She departed & I got started.

I poured the Extra Virgin Olive Oil over all, including the bananas. That’s right, don’t knock it until you try it. The savory, peppery, fatty richness of quality EVOO, with a pinch of Sea Salt on all foods, to me, is a homerun & knockout!

I use that simple, pure, combo of seasoning flavors on all the food I eat & it’s never, not even once, disappointed. I want to taste the actual food I’m eating so I always use the ‘less is more’ motto when seasoning, only as a compliment or accent, not as an ingredient or a dominant flavor.

Try it, you might like it. And if you don’t, at least you gave it a chance.

Anyway, from the first bite to the last, it was fantastic!

The eggs were silky with a 50/50, semi-gooey center, melting in my mouth. Every egg was poached perfectly. And, my friends, that’s no easy feat, poaching eggs correctly is a skilled artform, as is hardboiled.

When I eat poached eggs, I eat them whole, to me, the way they are supposed to be eaten, so, all the goodness mixes in your mouth. Well, that’s the way I choose & prefer to eat them anyway. You do what you do, to each their own.

However, if I have an egg, sunny side up, or, a raw quail egg yolk on beef tartar, or, another meat, I will break it over the top awaiting the golden gooey goodness to melt into it before I indulge. But, when poached, I eat them whole & let the flavored texture explosion all take place in my mouth.

I finished everything on the plate, even the romaine & iceberg lettuce most would just see as a garnish. I actually used them to make an avocado & tomato lettuce wraps.

Taking a very deep breath, after that highly anticipated, deeply satisfying meal, most call breakfast, I cleaned my area, moved the plate to indicate I was finished, sat back, stretched out a bit & relaxed to aid digestion.

The Server came over, filled my coffee & took my spotless, totally cleaned dish & said, ‘Well?!’ To which I simply replied, ‘Perfection!’ She went back & told the Cook who gave two thumbs up this time, which I mirrored.

They came over to my table to chitchat a bit. I gave a detailed description of my food & overall experience at the Moab Diner. They expressed a deep appreciation.

I let them know I’d be in town for about two weeks & asked if I could come here every morning to get my special. They laughed, & said, ‘Of course, we’d be honored.’ The Cook added, ‘I’ll teach my sous cooks how to do it for you if I’m not here when you come back each morning.’

I thanked both of them, asked if we could do a group hug, to show my appreciation, explaining that I’m a hugger, to which they agreed.

I then expressed deep appreciation for the totality of my Moab Diner experience & told them I’d post this amazing experience. They were thrilled!

I thought to myself, what an amazing experience & all because of my food particularities that I never compromise. So much randomness had to come together for the totality of this serendipitous experience to have occurred.

I finished my coffee, reflected on the experience, bid adieu & went out to explore more of Moab with a very satisfied, perfectly satiated belly.

When I returned the next year, they remembered me, though the cook moved on, they still had The Randy Special on the menu.

I was disappointed that the Cook/Chef had moved on, he was a cool guy. But, the new Cooks were taking on the challenge to make the special.

It was good, though not as good as before. I noticed right away from the strong vinegar smell when the plate was placed before me, that the new cook(s) was using too much vinegar which is never a good thing when poaching eggs.

This was confirmed when I tasted one of the poached eggs. I immediately rinsed the remaining for with the water from my table, using the bowl they were served in to wash them & asked my server for a new bowl.

I said to my server, ‘It appears the new cook isn’t too familiar with poaching eggs, he’s using too much vinegar.’ I asked if I could talk to him about how to do it. She said sure, I met with the cook & he corrected the vinegar amount to 1/4 a teaspoon rather than just pouring an unmeasured amount in. He brought me out another new batch & it was perfect!

I finished the first batch of eggs after washing them off, as I don’t like to waste food if I can help it. So, I asked for a ‘to go’ carton & saved the new batch for later in the day. Eggs never get old to me.

This, like all the other stories that ended up Getting Lost with the old sight. Though luckily, all my Getting Lost with Randy stories are forever etched in my memory, able to be recalled anytime, anywhere, over & over again until my final breath.

I ate The Randy Special for the rest of the two weeks I stayed in Moab.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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