Who Are You?

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…that no matter how it may feel, or what others might say, or that others might tell you that they’re right about what they’re trying to tell you who you are & what you should be, that I’m here to tell you they’re probably wrong.

No, well it’s true, others will always try to control you, but only if you allow them to. Otherwise, they don’t even see you.

If they don’t notice you, they will never know you so stay out of their sight & put them in your review.

Never forget who you are. Who you are, is completely up to you.

If you choose not to read on, I don’t blame you, I don’t know if I’d embark on my kind of chatter, though since I love myself, I probably would, ha! If nothing else, look, look, really look at this picture I was so very fortunate enough to capture. WOW! Yeah, I know right?!?! How’d I get so lucky to take that!

Talk about Earth Tones! Let your eyes feast on all of nature’s delicious, eye candied treats!

Though, if you do choose to dare in adventuring onward, grab a fermented grape to drink, red preferably, take a puff from a stinky flower and allow your mind & body to experience the fungal power, my favorite trifecta, a perfectly blended trio perfecta!

No matter if you do choose to partake to skew the picture to another dimensional view, just make sure that you go back up to the top of the post, on a computer or laptop, brightness up to 100% & slowly descend to the picturesque abyss and let your Pure Imagination radiate into it as you watch as the lighted tones shift though never do they begin to Fade to Black cause when I look at that, I see nothing but my happiness for a natural life.

So, who are you? Tune in or tune out, I don’t need to shout cause it’s true, you are what you do, so, who are you? In the end, it’s a Powersurge, who are you, who are you, Who Are You??!!!!

Who you are, you are. You are what you do & too, what you don’t do. It’s always been solely up to you & no other. Sure, there will be those you look to, to help you, though only if you ask for it & want them to, otherwise, step away. No one should try to guide, steer & influence you without your consent to do so, even if it comes gift wrapped with a pretty little bow cause we reap what we sow, it’s as simple as that!

The rich get fat, imagine that, who wants that?!

This world has grown so invasive with an impregnating commercialized entitled narcissistic point of view.

Not father, mother, sister or brother. Not governmental body or industrial materialism war cry. Not another generalized other who tries to influence you in attempted smother your unique ability if realized to counter their influential brew. If strong enough to remain unaffected, unobstructed, undetected, you’ll be uninfected, staying true to you.

Your actions speak volumes to your truth, more than any words can do, though if your actions mirror your talk, yeah, walk the walk & I’d love to hear what you have to say. Talk is cheap, we are the company we keep, it’s up to you to stay true to you. Company not only in those physically around you, but too in what you choose to read, the thoughts that fill your head, the feelings in your tic toc heart, the subtleties in how you choose to live. You choose what you do & what don’t, do you want to do what others do or do what you were born to do, be you, so, no matter…

If you’d rather blindly follow than lead your own course your own way, be true to who you are. If you’d rather obey all those titles taught to be in authority than question & stand apart, be true to who you are. If you take all at a superficial, face value, than diving deep, be true to who you are. If you prefer gossip over looks rather than read books, faces buried in technology over actuality in human contact proximity, be true to who you are. If you’d rather pursue a god, person, ideal, than create your own reality, doesn’t matter, it’s up to you, just be true to you.

Just don’t coerce, tell, command, direct nor expect another to be an ideal in what you want them to be. What is it that should be their druthers, it’s to each their own preference in matters that matter to them.

Either celebrate their cherished differences or leave them be. It’s not up to you or me who they choose to be.

Just make sure to pay attention, observe, for as we all know & As the World Turns, people like to put on acts, especially with the illusion of drama, fear & control, & they usually travel in attempted influencing packs. Making themselves feel bigger than they actually are in their meaningless attempts at teaching & trying to show how things are supposed to be done.

If you see those type of folk coming, run, run, Run! Let them alone, let them alone! This is why I let them blow by me as I choose to be a passerby & I do what I feel like I want to direct & choose for myself, to do. It takes a strong person to stay & stand tough, through & through, bide & true to one’s own self.

You know, it really is about me & you & you & you, the ‘I’s’ have it. We each feel the world revolves around us, even if we don’t admit it or try to show how willing we are to do for others. Truth is, it does. We all are our own reality, different for you & me, the trick is to find those of like heart & mind in similarity. Kindred spirits, of likeness kind.

It boils down to cause & effect; it boils down to genuine sincerity. It boils down to peace & love, not the false idols & gods told & sold in fantastical tales of old to control us to our fearful core. All religions try to wipe away the natural for the supernatural, making everything natural for the human animal condition a sin. Born into tradition of servitude, over before you did ever begin, though only if you let them corrupt you to their world of servitude & sin.

I am, so I choose to begin, anew, different than they’re used to.

Don’t believe me, good, pick up a book of yesteryears yore & let an open mind explore. Shed imprinted preconceived notions wrapped up in influential potions & just read, not just the words & lines that contain them within, but too, those of the in-between’s rhymes, hiding the meanings, usually swaddled in fears of undetections for years, thinking they’re caught, that far too often, only bring sad, painful tears.

The truth of all matters is that nothing at all matters until you decide it does. What’s the deal with all the suffering chagrin, over before you ever got to begin cause everything you want to do is defined as sin when it goes against the grains of authority, no matter the presented platter.

Their god they’ve created in all watching, always seeing, eye in the sky in their industrial war cry to bring the fables to modern day tables. Corralling us in stables, poisoning the troughs as the fatted calf humans running to be fed, no matter milk or bread, no matter the artificial spread, if you don’t paint your doorways red with the blood sacrifice in the hopes, Creeping Death will pass you by, but it won’t, cause it wasn’t anything at all, didn’t happen, it was all just a ruse in carefully crafted perfected LIE to confuse & use the amassed others around to do their bidding. No kidding, fucking brilliant, right?!?!?!

Do as I say in the commandments I present to you or die, Die With Your Boots On!

Desperate faces look to the sky, asking, ‘Why?! Oh! Why?!’ Unable to see the forest, to lift the veil to see The Great Oz wielding mechanized gadgetry, a puppeteer of illusions to only add to your already full vat of created confusions, Getting Lost in maniacal delusions, tree that’s really, just blocking what I’d like to see.

It’s time to give pardon to their intrusions & recognize the truth in their attempted sales attempt & wake up to the disillusionment rhetoric.

Internal motivation should always be your own director in Prime Mover. Driven from fierce passions held deep within, expressed for no other reason than it feels good. If it feels good, take to it, just don’t overdo it, if it feels right, take flight, just respect your limitations but relish in its delight. It’s all ebb & flow, the balanced, harmonic in the symbiotic. It feels so good to be you when shed from another’s influencing view because it’s your own unique subjective perspective perusal you, see yourself, you see you, though only if you choose to. No one else exactly sees as you do & that’s the beauty of you.

Problem is the world made of lots of stuff for people to ‘own’ to feel like they have something, anything, settling for anything, just to say they have something. Inside, made of nothing, shallowness in superficial oceans claiming smarts, intelligence & success, when all they are is a materialistic hot mess.

People, especially droned parental units, who will say they know what’s best for you, when they don’t even know what’s best for themselves. & even if they do, they don’t take they’re own advise. So, as always, it’s do what I say, not what I do. Why? Simply, to control you so that they have some semblance held within the realm of illusions of control so they don’t feel so helpless the realization that they sold out their own life-show for that of the backseat, just staring out the passenger window.

I like people who stand out, who are not like the rest, outside the car, being alive for themselves. Those of strength of self, who’ve invested in themselves, realizing this is their one & only shot at this, what is ultimately their own life & no one else’s. Those who invest in themselves, are internally motivated by themselves, not needing, nor, wanting anyone around, just to have someone there as a security blanket.

I like people who don’t live in fear. Those who choose for themselves what they hear. Those who chose their words from thoughts wisely in what they say so they know by living in actions that equal the words that they convey. Those who would rather go without, waiting for quality & a great deeply connected passionate fit, than to settle for mediocrity so they’re not alone, snuggling up to just any moistened slit.

Those who can say, yes, yes I can & will because those who say neigh usually, like a horse, just take a pill in pile of hay.

Those who prefer to be alone, who stand out, who refuse to just blindly following along singing someone else’s patriotic song. Those young at heart, free in spirit, not caring if nobody else can hear it. Those of cerebral, conceptual, intellectual mind, a unique kind, choosing to be removed from the grind.

One’s patriot another’s terrorist. One’s terrorist another’s freedom fighter. One’s freedom fighter another’s butcher. One’s butcher another’s artist. One’s artist another’s novice. One’s novice another’s veteran. One’s veteran another’s slayer. One’s slayer another’s patriot. Just sayin, Slayer, what a band!

Those living in their dreams, seizing the moments, not making excuses in reasons as to why they can’t, but rather, being present in experiences because they say, why not. I want to do! I want to do that & that & that! I want to experience that & that & that! &, oh yes, & that too!

Those who recognize, it doesn’t matter if there’s something after this in our somehow own unique take on our own consciousness energy that might, or might not, take flight to another reality view. All we know for certain is the right here & now & that’s even up for debate. Point is, why stagnate when you can blossom & permeate your life, saturating yourself with you until you are unable to.

The modern world is more plasticine in play pretend than its ever been. Fools rush in, for a sucker is born every minute, actively willing to participate in the new world order circus freak shows. Critical thinking is no longer taught, nor cultivated, nor celebrated. Now, it has to be sought in self-taught thought. I’m just happy I’m self-sufficient to be efficient in my own unique lifestyle, writing my own epitaph as I do, for after all, it’s all about lifestyle, my story, my style, at least for my brief life lived & I’ll celebrate in that until I can’t.

I prefer consistency of character, purity of heart, genuine, sincere honesty with a dash of wanderlust, a heaping amount of youthfulness, witty charm, radiant demeanor with an endless curiosity. A childlike, young at heart constant, neverending point of referential point of view.

A zest for truly living life, willing to explore all the while being fascinated by the massive complexities held within the seemingly simplicities of it all. A constant dance Getting Lost in a perpetual state of being courageous to see life with heart & mind eyes wandering in awe & wonder.

A lifelong journey to find a true kindred spirit of like heart & mind to share in the world’s attempt at control with the creation of Time. I’ve found endless lacking, some with a little bit of one or the other, very few with parts of both & only one or two, who heard their true self call of the wild child with symbiotic harmony in natural chemical connection in whom I could reside & dance together, within the wanderlust realization that anything’s possible.

It’s a funny thing, that which we call life. A magical tapestry of simple beautiful pleasures, that if left alone to our own natural devices, would have remained a kaleidoscopic archetype.

So, to find another polymath able to understand the bigger pictures down to the tiniest of fractals & how it all universally ebbs & flows within it all, has been quiet the adventure, thus far, only leaving me parched.

Always hopeful for the maybes yet to come, quenched for now by the friends in strangers I’ve yet to meet, I continue on my solitary journeys, searching for my kindred one’s of endless possibilities spending my life on the edge of reality.

This is why I prefer the company of children, no matter little or grown, for a child in mind, heart, lifestyle like how I’ve evolved to be are always open to understand the possibility, the potential, the I want to, I can & I will, where adults in rigid programed grownups trap themselves in their own self-defeating I can’t traps of making excuses for their inability to be young at heart & not to do.

I’ve always refused to settle for something, someone, to fill my own void. I filled those on my own, then, I look to those special someone’s, those special things to enhance my already spectacular world.

See, most present big, but, fall way short over time. Most lie to start a friendship relationship & get upset when I walk away or call them out on their own fake projection of who they want or wish to be without anything of substance to back up their apparent mediocrity.

True love is chemistry, not fear, not lies, not makeups, clothes, cars or another disguise. The hyper-stimulated, orally fixated, any thing or one will do are all tricks to hide the real you where you’ll fit right in as just another drone clone where your never satisfactory life will remain & you’ll never emerge to begin. You’ll be Getting Lost from yourself, you know the little one you believed you should put away, up on a shelf, never again to play, play, play, those who will never again will Play That Funky Music. Sad really.

Never forget who you are, & if you’ve yet ever to have been told, you’re a unique brilliant star, shining bright & Shine On You Crazy Diamond, burn blinding bright while you can. For like all stars, all life too runs its course & burns itself out.

How will you live, who will you be, what will you do, what will you see, who are you in your own subjective perspective.

It’s wonderfully sad but true, all life as it was dies & who knows, maybe to yet again be another conscious sentient being, but, maybe not. In the time it took you to read this, these could be your last thoughts.

There are no guarantees, no one or way is right or wrong, nothing is certain, especially that there’ll be another tomorrow. I don’t know about you, but, I’m getting busy living like there’s no tomorrow.

I don’t want you to want my approval, nor, do I want you to want my take on it all, make your world up for yourself. For approval denotes a certain sense of superiority or dominance over another who’s bending knee in subservience.

So many require another’s approval, another’s presence to feel worthy, to feel value, to feel needed desired more than to live a life for themselves. Those the meek who are weak & they’ve inherited the Earth from birth, Cradle to the Grave, once a man twice a babe, nothing more in their entire life than a Slave, cause we’re all slaves it just depends on which you are, typically to another’s set point of view in how they choose to own you, chained, indebted, indentured servitude, doesn’t matter their witches brew, for now though, you can choose to listen to Slave & let your mind open to see their take on things.

A life worth living is a life unforgiving to the force you’ve been dealt, but it’s you that’s forced to wear the seat belt, though you’re free to ride true to you & play your own unique way, if you choose to.

Don’t you see, their lifelong attempt at your conformity, they want you subservient as you pay to pray to the stories they’ve sold you on no matter god, country or government. No matter renter, squatter, owner, nothing’s another’s property, nothing is ever truly owned, for all is borrowed, including body, heart & mind. It’s not kind or unkind, it’s just the reality of it all.

So to blindly follow another’s cause they’ve adorned in costumes you’ve been imprinted upon & force fed to swallow & see for the rest of your reality, well, to me, that the true tragedy in Divine Comedy.

Portraits of painted black silhouettes who Paint It Black while the herd plays multiple games of Russian Roulette. Spin the wheel, seal the deal, what will your fears conceal.

Are you true to you, or just a cheap knockoff of someone else’s spiel?

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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