Yes, I’m A Technoholic

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Howdy Folks!

So, did I ever tell you the one about how the only music I liked listening to on all my Getting Lost with Randy journeys was Techno. No, well put this musical yarn on the turntable & spin me round, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record).

For some reason, when I ride anywhere at all, I prefer no singing at all. Music is a very emotional ride for me & I love all music, from Classical to Techno & all in-between. I deeply feel what the artists convey, instrumentally & lyrically combined.

It amazes me how many people I converse with, who attest that they don’t listen to the words, which is inconceivable to me. It’s like trying to write without a pencil. To me, the lyrics are an integral instrument, in & of themselves, that add so much depth & clarity to the instrumental accompaniment. To not listen to what the words are saying, limits what they’re, the artist &/or band is, conveying. Can you hear what I’m saying, or just reading the words, or just seeing the letters, being singular, misses the entire message, spectacular!

I absolutely LOVE the rhythmic pulsing in primal beats that the Techno artists who unleash their inner beasts onto those who can understand, hear & feel what they’re trying to reveal. The vibrations, the rhythms, the beats, the build ups to deep drops to mellow bridgeways, fantastic! Even though most is created with machines making programmed sounds, they are musicians in their own rights. Techno DJs are like Ringmasters, though, they too are the animals, clowns & all, wrapped into one. The artistry in special effects, affects the afflicted who choose to ride the mechanical highways, trying to avoid running over a Deadmau5.

I have to say, his artistry captivates my soul to the point of numbed heightened awareness ignited to the precipice of euphoric happiness, so close to the edge he takes me, to an almost unconscionable in his take on an honest portrayal of the primal, au natural, morality we want to lick, it tastes so sweet, the moist pink flesh, what a delectable treat.

The beat fires up the heat, dripping sweat from head to feet, isn’t it neat, no need to be discrete cause everything is obsolete, in the world they made for you to be betrayed as the freedom beats, at your bare feet, are laid. Exposed, you just can’t help, but to move your body, delighted to dance.

Now, when I land at a destination & just meander about, Getting Lost in the new discoveries that lay before me, I switch to the poetic verbiage put to lyrics, taking me places my mind loves to go. Over the hills & through the woods to my Techno Grandma’s house I go, where a warm fire, some hot cocoa & snuggles with a wolf in Grandma’s clothes awaits, ‘What big eyes you have Grandma!’

As always, I ponder what will I find today, only I will know & through it all I’ll let the Techno music flow to valleys, across streams, climbing mountains, living my dreams watching sunsets & riding under nightly moonbeams, from here to there, as far as the eye can see.

My Techno reality gets the best of me in bestiality, where the only beast is music in its unconventionality lullabies that lure me to a hyper-aware, awakened, sleep, a slumber-like Trance, sleepwalking, walking amongst the sheep, little do they know they’re prey to the societal show, most just animals in their zoo, I wonder all the time what’s on their mind that they need & choose to be so unkind in their shallow piece of mind.

Visuals steal me away from myself as my ears transport me to multidimensional realities, no I’m not afraid, I want to know who’s behind the door, pull back the curtain, nothing’s ever certain, not even taxes & death, well, that’s dependent on one’s particular view, will you be born anew or turn to decomposing dust.

Funny, the workings of one’s mind, most just fade away, pawns in the grinding grand scheme of things, for we don’t get to choose our family, nor, our ability, skills, talents & natural awareness, no, we get what we get, though while we’re here, we can make the most of our days, by learning new ways to better spend those we have left of our remaining days.

We might have decades, maybe years, & for some, only minutes or seconds left to be in this reality. The certainty, it, we, each of us will end. So, have you yet to begin, or are you beginning anew each & every day.

I choose to transport by attending a few Techno festivals along my unknown routes, mostly just going, though I learned early on that if I didn’t get a ticket ahead of time, I most always missed being able to seal the deal. Why? Because if I came upon a show I wanted to see when I rolled into town, SOLD OUT SHOW, was always the sign I found, left to sit out of the crowd, which normally I’d be happy about, unless there were some musical artists about, playing, dancing & singing about this that or the other. Well, then, I’d most certainly want to attend.

So, I learned quickly to check to see if there were some bands & shows I wanted to experience, as I knew loosely, the section of the Nation that I’d be adventuring in, & if so, would book the show & take my Getting Lost self in that general direction. Though I’d still just roll into town & hope to find a Motel or couch surf with a kindred spirit. Even more adventurous, needing to find a campsite, farmland, or, just some random, wrong turn, sort of road to pull off & set up my camp in resting spot.

Still, no routes planned, just going that-a-way, or, there, or, there, or, here, I didn’t care as I rode away from one location, I set sail to another. I loved not knowing what I’d uncover, what I’d discover, with no one other than myself.

Though in May of 2015, I found myself in the Big Apple, New York City, at the edc, Electric Daisy Carnivale, with a 2-Day, VIP pass to a peace, love, unity & respect celebration like no other I’ve been to before, pictured above. It was a mind & heart altering experience of celebratory happiness felt by all who attended. I attended alone, though, felt surrounded with love in kindred spirited, daisy-chain connection of serenity.

I’ve always been a true soloist, a Pandit, a Nomadic wanderer, a solitary man, lone wolf, outsider, rebel, though I’ve always felt I’ve had a cause, wallflower, whatever defining box you, the reader, might want to try to trap me in, that’s up to you. Me, I feel you can’t define the undefinable. For to me, most everything we’ve been convinced ‘they’ tell us, ‘they’, claim to know, they don’t, nor, do we. So, I let it all go, just live in the moments, as if each were my last, because some day, sooner or later, it will be, that’s why I get busy L…I…V…I…N!

One’s definition, another’s cage. One’s rendition, another’s chain. One’s blind faith belief, another’s insane.

All I know, is that when I hit the open road, no matter riding to the store, the gym, to a friend or families house, or adventuring the open paths unknown, it’s done so in the effervescent world of Techno, with fizzy bubbles of enthusiasm oozing from every pour in nuance of my being.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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