Lucky Break In San Diego

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Read Time:6 Minute, 17 Second

Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…

I wanted to start at the beginning of the PCH 1, or end, depending how you look at it in where your ‘starting point’ begins. I wanted to motor up the coast from San Diego though Oregon into Washington where, for me, my PCH 1 dreamy ride adventure would conclude.

So, after riding around in Arizona for a week or so, coming from the Henry’s before that in New Mexico, I rode into San Diego.

Super excited to be in Cali & getting ready to embark on a wanderlust ride, I motored on & arrived in San Diego around 4 pm. Traffic was horrific, especially coming from the dessert open sand dunes on vacant tarmac where I didn’t see another vehicle or person for hours on end.

Listening to my GPS lady friend again who told me to take a U-Turn due to a traffic jam, I began to make the maneuver. I was in the middle of the turn when I looked up & noticed, of course, a sign that said no ‘U-Turns.’ I was already in the middle of it, too committed to try to stop & back up. I realized that trying to get back into my spot in traffic would have been too difficult, so I made the illegal turn. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!

It was then that I heard the siren from behind, of course, so I pulled into a gas station to my right & parked my bike. Now, I’ve only been pulled over one other time, in my whole life, while motorcycle riding. So, I’m not accustomed to the procedures, especially in California.

I attempted to get off my motorcycle to talk to the officer & give him my license, insurance & registration. When a booming voice came over his mounted outside speaker, ‘Sir, stay on your bike! I’ll be over in a minute!’

A little freaked out, my mind was racing, did I do something? Is this standard protocol when pulling over motorcycle rider in California? I’ve heard stories about the toughness of the California PD & Highway Patrol.

Needless to say, I was a bit concerned, though wasn’t too worried. I know each state is different about its rules & regulations concerning ticketing vehicle violations. I knew I didn’t do anything & was just going to get a ticket for the U-Turn, so I was relaxed when he approached. It’s a funny thing about being pulled over by the Police, even if innocent, they & the situation makes you feel guilty & defensive.

He said, ‘Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?’ To which I replied, ‘Yes, I made an illegal U-Turn.’ He replied, ‘That is correct, why did you do it if you saw the sign?’ I stated, ‘Honestly Sir, I didn’t see it when I first started the turn. I wasn’t looking for signs at that point. I was just listening to my GPS who told me of bad traffic & recalculating the new route. She told me to make a U-Turn & as I started, I was in the middle of it when I looked up & noticed the ‘no U-Turn’ sign. But, by then, it was too late.’ He asked, ‘Where are you coming from & where are you going?’

So as not to bore you with all the dialog between us, I’ll just hit on the highlights. I told him that I was from Missouri, taking a cross country tour & was looking to start my PCH 1 journey. I explained to him I’d never been to San Diego & just defaulted to listening to my GPS to get me through the traffic & I was just trying to find the PCH 1.

Though he appeared to be impressed by my brief story & adventure, it was evident that he was still going to give me a ticket. I was not about to argue, I was in the wrong, no matter if my mistake could be viewed as ‘justifiable’ enough to give me a break or not.

As he was getting ready to head back to his patrol vehicle to start the ticketing process, we heard screaming coming from the gas station. We both turned to look as it was growing louder & louder.

We both saw a very angry woman who worked at the Gas Station, come out & was quickly making her way toward us, screaming at him. She was yelling at him saying that he, the police, sit in her lot to catch people making a U-Turn, how it wasn’t fair & how the police should leave people alone & get out of her parking lot! She stated she’s tired of people getting tickets in her lot, like this poor guy, referring to me.

Apparently, this situation must be a traffic violation trap hot spot & happen a LOT because she was really pissed off & screaming at him. The officer handled it like a champ!

He calmly tried to calm her down, asking her to move away & return to the gas station & he’d come talk to her about her concerns. That directional order just made her more angry as began to add profanities to, her already very colorful, description of how she felt about him, the situation & the police in general.

After a couple minutes of screaming, threatening to call his Captain, the station, the news & a few others I couldn’t make out, she started back to the gas station. She stormed off, back to attend her Gas Station, still screaming at the top of her lungs. The officer looked back at me upset & flustered. I apologized for pulling into this particular gas station which caused this situation.

He looked at me & said, ‘It’s not your fault, where else could you have pulled over.’ He handed me back my ID, Insurance & registration & said, ‘Go on, continue your ride, stay safe, but, make sure to pay attention to the road signs & not just listen to the GPS.’ To which I replied, ‘THANK YOU! I will, I’ll write about this on my website.’ He smiled & said, ‘Welcome to San Diego! Now, I’ve got to go deal with her.’

And off I road. As I motored away, I came to a stop light that was red which gave me a minute to look back, curious to see how the gas station attendant drama was playing out. I saw in my side mirror, that he pulled up to the station, was radioing in on his shoulder walkie as he walked to the Gas Station & entered. I wondered what ever ended up happening with all that, but, was just glad this random fortuitous happenchance occurred to set me free without getting a ticket.

Part of me was so happy that happened, but too, I was concerned for the disgruntled worker or owner of the Gas Station. I thought to myself, the police must really do this a lot to upset her so much. That, or, she was just having a really bad day that might be about to get worse.

Either way, another notch on my serendipity belt.

No matter, I was free again to continue my journey on to look for an entrance to the PCH 1. The light changed & off I road.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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