Traveling Mountains Without Fear Or Prejudice

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Howdy Folks!

Hidden beneath, out of sight, out of mind, the goings on behind the scenes, under our bare feet are intense plate tectonic pressures, forcing upward a formidable fortress of wild solitude.

If you dare to give a mountain a roam, you’ll never be the same, you’ll never want to come home.

As I ride across Continental Divides where tectonic plates collide I get to thinking, wondering in my wandering. Nature’s wilderness call. Continental Divides are where like hearts & minds reside. Majestic mountains to explore & live in dreams & possibilities. Where all are equal, living as one.

I ponder as I behold the majestic yonder, did I ever tell you the one about…

I travel in adventures as I do in day to day life, without plans, without fear, without schedules, without prejudice. Nothing to bog down my natural wanderlust arriving by free-flowing happenchance. A life of flexible routines that have proven the test of time.

A Pandit, a nomad, a drifter, an awe inspired wonderer, traveling in wanderlust, blowing in the wind, I am nothing but dust. An easy rider floating on the open roads less traveled. It’s all about lifestyle.

I travel minimally, just as our long forgotten natural hunter-gatherer native ancestors did. There was no desire, & certainly no need for excess, using only what’s needed to thrive, without fear or prejudice. Without entitlement or oppression, where a mutual respect was given to their style of livin.

They understood & celebrated their humble balance in it all. There was no excessiveness, no waste, no such thing as trash. Everything had a purpose, everything nature made, from nature, return to nature.

I’m a native, I’m an indigenous anomaly, trapped in a world raped by technology. I long for the world of theirs Getting Lost in yesteryears. A place & time where I could truly be free. Far from the meddling hands of modern man, living balanced, harmonious & free.

As I grow, standing alone & removed, like the mountain, my knowledge wiser, my tolerance less & less for trivial societal matters & people’s mindless endless chatter.

One with nature in splendid natural reverie is where I prefer to be. Creature comforts, only for those felt by those who prefer to remain caged & trapped. Those who took the Blue pill choose to no longer see or dream.

I choose Red, in Alice I’m happily led. Together down the hole we spin round & round. There is no end, feet never touching ground. A dreamlike state removed from all manmade technology, living in natural reverie. We hit the Hookah, a caterpillar unseen by most, our most transformative friend.

I rage my own war on societal constraints by growing wiser & wiser by living wilder & wilder. I have always been a societal, cultural critic as a preferred cynic. I crave a natural world removed of humanity & all of its oppressive hypocrisies in perjuries.

Yeah, give me a mountain any day over manmade mumbo-jumbo. Nonsensically created passion plays of fakery in false idol worshiping in money, gods, fashions, things in stuffed animals. Nothing but play pretend puppet shows as the circus has distracted all.

I’d rather hike a mountain than chant ‘hey, batter’ or surrender my autonomy & independence in archaic ritualistic religulous banter. I’d rather look out from a mountaintop or lay naked in an untouched field, absorbing & adapting to all the magnificence surrounding me naturally.

I’d rather be celebrating natural life, than bow to pray in worship to false idols & fantastical stories of supernatural gods. Purposefully created by man to keep us chained & bound. We’re forced to surrender to just another lying human man, just a man. For man’s creations have led to our demise.

The mountain cares not for any of that, for it doesn’t care at all, it just is, strong & tall, providing for all who hear the natural call. The natural call of the wild, the untamed, the unmaimed, those who refused to be chained

The mountains just are, they don’t require anything, they’re beautiful in their au natural, just as they are. In all their magnificent splendor, untouched, unspoiled by the destructive hands of man.

I find all I’ve ever needed high upon a mountain & within nature’s free bounties.

Looking down, observing all around, the answers clear that all the unanswerable questions & distresses were created by the meddling hands of man are for not. Mountains are pure, wild, where most of humanity not dare & try to reside.

For, I, as we all are, are only one with nature if we’d just let it all be, getting us back to our originality. We’ve allowed ourselves to become deaf, dumb & blind. Always fighting the primal, locked away, deep down inside.

Though somewhere deep down we recognize the discord &, with another manmade poison in pill, we make ourselves numb. Completely removing us for the call of the wild, void of life’s natural thrill. When we take a pill & numb it all, we miss the call, we stumble & we fall.

Choosing manmade concoctions & stuff, over living in natural purity will be the end of us all. Naturally balanced, harmonious, connected is the way to be. No creations necessary when living wild & free in a mountain’s serenity.

The mountain is where I choose to reside, even if it’s only within my own mind.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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