Peace & Love Dove

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about my emergence into Yellowstone National Park? More my rebirth really, I’d have to say, as I only did say I found very unique grounds to play, my way. The only way in being true to the real you, do what you do. Never compromising the uniqueness of the true, real deal, in your own unique point of view. A deliciously concocted stew of only the truest of true potions do I ever brew.

As I rode into the park a van like no other stood out to greet & meet me & as I was about to ride by, I paused & stopped for a while with a big smile to ponder this yonder creation & then away into the Evermore of what was still yet to come, that known as Yellowstone.

When it was time to go, as ‘parting is such sweet sorrow‘, I still got a clear view because Objects In the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are, sad but true, as I steer clear of the liars, the deceivers, the make-believer’s in wanting to be false relievers claiming they’re the conceivers & they can claim all they want, they sure aren’t the conceivers of this van, nor Yellowstone. Ha! Hum?

So many ways to spread the message of Peace & Love, with the stereotypical Dove, but that’s ok cause its still ever so cool. Cause anyone who’s anyone knows, All You Need Is Love. How we each choose to traverse this path is each our own unique subjective perspective.

This person, these people chose to drive around in their Church, always making visible the nature of their Steeple, which I really dig their perceived message. However, I beg of you though, please, just don’t become Cult people claiming all must follow your way of right life & try to convert others. Well, that is unless it’s a Cult of Personality. Otherwise, just be you & let others see, if they want to play your way, they will. I say, let’s give each, all their own, way.

A Cornerstone.

The more I learn, the less I know, but know this, if I love you, I’ll LOVE on you like no other, this dreamer in a dreamland, livin high! I like Dreams & Dreaming cause dreaming is free.

I looked upon this van just before the magic of Yellowstone brought to life a most amazing of realizations as destinations broke all variations of the vibrations that I’ve been so longing for & going on for longer than I could even imagine in time out of mind.

I just embraced this, like all my Getting Lost with Randy rides & adventures thus far because I’d been riding through my dreams of my dream’s dreams.

My mind warped-wrapped in metal scrapped by Presbyterian, Nigerian, slave owners selling the warriors of old for the New World Order’s monetary collections of all patrons entering the National Park, no matter skin light or dark, all must pay before they can park to enjoy the Park.

We’re all slaves, once we moved out of the caves & making homes of nature, to fabricating the unnatural that poison us at every turn as we think we know more in our monstrous creations celebrated & to this very day we’ve grown to be another kind of super-unnatural way.

Cause now, there’s no land of the free, nor home anymore of or for the Brave, we wiped them out so we could go to once theirs, now, it’s all ours, ha, in home, here not there for vacation. It’s just a matter of time before the retaliation. How can we ignore the basic facts of history?

To me, the message is ever so LOUD & clear, & everyone knows I Love It Loud!

Just another realization that allowed for my happiness to explode as I rode all over myself on the edges of Yellowstone’s shelf, cause even though I’m caged like the rest, I figured out a way to pick the lock & break as free from the Dove cage as could be, as free as I could be in this NWO attempted enslaving Totalitarian totality, as free from the unnaturally modernized manmade as I could be.

Though as I certainly don’t know, it’s all my Subjective Perspective, my Transcendental Idealism, thanks Kant, who laid out in a Pragmatism Contextualism my freedoms to conceive the realities I perceive so I choose to rant in Fractal sensory, Sense and Sensibility.

Behold! The Peace & Love Dove resting in the embrace of Yellowstone’s au naturel love.

Of this, my tiny man’s little mind, just a brain layered as my syn-Propanethial-S-oxide onion mind & my Allium cepa heart-felt ideas break down my logic & reason as I ride through the Seasons, seasoning & tenderizing my kindred kind spirited Tapestry, where my Frontal Lobe, Cerebellum & Medulla Oblongata coincide as I reside, side by side with all organisms together in perfect Symbiotic, Symphonic, Harmony resonating, vibrating, pulsating throughout my entire being.

I’m part of the Modern-Day Cowboy, Underground Railroad mentality as I ride & explore without Pride & Prejudice until I find my precipice & leap to my end of days. Tell me what you have to say Rosa Parks who sparks from the Harriett Tubman‘s of the world who unfortunately, are few & far between the spinning wheels, are spun by those who make deals with the upper’s who have superiority ideals, who’s truth he always conceals in the matters not wished to be revealed of so many fake ideals eaten like meals.

When I happened upon this, most unique of vans, I looked in awe & wonder at how cool this person, these people must be to create this traveling work of Art.

I stood around for a few minutes before embarking on my Getting Lost with Randy in Yellowstone waged, raged, explored & adventured on, journey in the hopes of meeting the creators.

Alas, this too shall pass into my rolodex of memories made to be relived another day, over & over & over again, Red Rover, send Peppermint Patti on over.

Love me some Peanuts, thanks forever Charlie Brown & Sir Charles Schulz you will always wear a crown, for he, like many others did when I was a child, he touched me in the deepest of ways in truths to his messages his animation conveys.

To my very core. These, the earliest of teachers creating fictional characters that taught me how to be me living in this world of shit & how to deal with it & find the realness in truth humor, for me, were the best, better than all the rest over my years.

Like Muir, I stuck around the Teton & Yellowstone ground for a while to get out my nakedly free inner wild, child, Sweet Child of Mine, I haven’t been blind to who you are, you’re my shining star guiding me safe at night, when the darkness comes, typically from another man’s maniacal plans, they cannot steal my dreams & the best dream that’s ever come true for me, is you, my precious little one.

Happy to have lived it, sadder still to see it go, as like all things that come, these things too shall pass on & on & on to the next moment where I’ll take it all in the view, that of which beheld in my eyes, this, my continual search for the Continental, Great Divide where the real & the fake collide, I ride.

For in the truth of matters that matter to me & connect me to my natural reality, I’m just making sure that my way of life in living isn’t contributing to the end of days by never allowing any of their messages to take root & destroy all that my heart holds dear & where my truest truth resides without Cape Fear.

Just one of the Riders On The Storm, Ridin’ the Storm Out I stay true to form, never to conform, no matter Stormy Weather or Dead Calm, or Dead Calm, my life in my palm.

As with all adventures, I’m Back on the Road Again.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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