Food For Thought

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…some of my philosophies & particularities concerning food?

No, well here’s an appetizer on that subject matter food platter. It will be followed by Tapas for the main courses & a dash in splash of natural, tree picked sweetness for the dessert.

Though, before I begin, I felt it important to speak to the picture above.

I chose a picture of a plate of amazing food from a restaurant called, Brasserie Ten Ten, located on Walnut Street, in the Outside Walking Mall at the heart of Boulder. Just one of many amazing eateries I came to discover.

Of course, & as per usual, this dish was not on the menu. I created it with the server & the chef. I feasted on Hanger Steak cooked rare, always my preferred temp & it was savory perfection with Over-easy Eggs & Kale with diced garlic & minced onions sautéed in EVOO. It was served with au jus & horseradish dipping sauces as sides. Yes, it was as great as it looked, even better!

I was going to recommend BTT to you all, though, apparently, due to this Coronavirus nonsense, they are just another victim from the aftermath of deceitful circumstance. For they have been forced to close & are not reopening. No matter you thoughts or beliefs about the ‘pandemic’ of 2020, the ripple effects have been nothing short of catastrophic for so many.

Though, I hope they can salvage their amazing restaurants in being one of three of Boulder’s favorite eateries.

Now, back to it…

Only the best foods for you, my reader, I hope you enjoy the meanings behind & within the words in metaphors, ideas, philosophies I’m serving. No, you don’t have to consume what I’m trying to convey, might not tempt your pallet, that’s ok. Just diverse offerings being featured in today’s buffet, left up to you, in what you to pick & choose through.

Food is mostly thought of as the physical stuff you put in your mouth, then you chew & masticate it, breaking it to bits, swallow & the stomach, small & large intestine do the rest. After you’re done, out of sight, out of mind, while your digestive system pulls out the vital nutrients that become part of you.

However, there’s still a LOT going on.

It continues on till it collects as bowel, becoming poop in common word used for feces. Eventually coming out your backside in end. Down into the toilet it goes, flushed into the sewage below. Where it goes, no one knows, no one really cares cause it’s poop.

One’s poop in disgusting excrement of waste, another’s poop in celebrated valued fertilizer.

Food, in physical matter, is just feces in waiting. The effects in quality of what you put in, matter in lasting, lifelong constructed affects, till your end.

Food too though can be fed to your mind, your heart & spirit. The thoughts you think, the company you keep, the words you choose to use & say, the books you read each day. No matter the subject matter, it all matters. All food for that sort of matter. It’s a fact! A matter of facts, to some, might not matter, but, all these matters end up becoming part of you. So, yeah, it does matter.

One of my favorite quotes about the importance & totality of quality food, cuisine & dining is, ‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’ – Virginia Woolf.

One of my favorite writers & authors is Virginia Woolf. Her books have always been food for my mind, inspiring me, filling me full of another’s perspective, I dined on her wits & knowledge. I consider her to be a friend in modernist & pioneer.

Her stream of consciousness in her narrative trying to capture the complexities held within the multitudinous of thoughts & feelings passing through one’s heart & mind, has cultivated in me a deep connection to her works. She cooks her books with tantalizing stories, I never realize I’m getting full until my mind aches from the sweet tales she bakes. I gobble them up, always coming back for more because her ingredients are in truth, the purest of pure. Yeah, I’m a Virginia Woolf delicious dish coinsure!

If you haven’t read Woolf, to me, you don’t know literature, nor, do you understand the female of our species, at all. She captured the female heart & soul while inspiring feminism & the feminist movement by writing honest, from the heart, pure & without fears of the Patriarchal backlash, bringing female oppression to the limelight.

Here are just some of Virginia Woolf’s Quotes.

To me, the company we keep, not only in physical friends you have around, but too, & more importantly, the company we keep in our own thoughts, the music we listen to, the books we read, the shows we watch, the words we choose, all & more, impact our daily lives & help to make us who we are.

Like with food, we are & become, not only what we eat, but too, & possibly more importantly, what our food eats. If our food eats laboratory created chemicals in poisons, allowing mass commercialized production for industry’s gains, we consume those chemicals. Thus, we become, are infected & afflicted by those chemicals.

I’ve been Raging Against the Machine for decades, speaking to the impact of plastics & Forever Chemicals. Folks, it makes no sense to me the megalomaniac insanity of industry. Well, actually it does, it’s all about lying to get money, rich beyond belief. A sucker born every minute. Tell them over & over again, force feeding, fattening, dumbing down, all the worlds a stage & the stage is filled with nothing but clowns.

If our food eats food nature didn’t evolve it to just to ‘fatten’ them up, caged, penned, living in their own urine & feces for industry’s monetary gains, the plants & animals we eat are sickly & diseased. We eat those & become ourselves, sickly & diseased. Just look around, humans aren’t human anymore.

From open fields to the cages of boxes lining local grocery store, we’ve become nothing more than a mass consumptive, overly processed, whore.

It’s vital to me to know my food, where it comes from, who cared for it, how they cared for it, where it was grown, how it was grown & how did it live. Wild & free or caged in captivity.

Most fail to care about, grasp, or, understand these connections. Hence, why we’re in the dire health care Generation X Diseases crisis, worldwide, that we’re currently living in. This is also why I never compromise my dietary lifestyle, nor, do I eat out much, for I don’t trust the food industry at all in telling me the truth.

I only hunt & gather one ingredient, whole foods. An apple is an apple is a pear is a peach, apricot or plum. Not a hot pocket or canned veggie or fruit cup, those sugary, chemical concoctions will only make me sick & then numb so I don’t notice their attempts at poisoning me. Thing is, industry tries to make us blind, deaf & dumb. It’s imprinted upon & lied to us from birth, eat this, eat that, we’ve got your best interests at heart young man.

Everything’s ‘healthy’ these days, doctor recommended by ‘studies show’. Just cleaver psychological warfare raged & waged on the human livestock circus show. We’ve been so dumbed down that we actually believe a chemically concocted ‘pill’ in a laboratory will cure our woe. Deeper still, blinded so we’re unable to see those creating the cures, created the woes to begin with, both hands in the same ‘hot pockets’ packed in cardboard boxes calling it ‘food’, labelled in propagandized nutritional deceptions to coerce young minds that have been bred out from what used to be vibrant inquiring minds wanting to know. Now, just a morbidly obese freak show.

Don’t worry, don’t care, don’t question US, don’t you dare! Don’t be shy, we don’t lie, it’s your birthday, it’s my birthday too, so let’s make & bake a cake. Yeah, we know its diabetes in waiting, but, it’s how we’re taught to show we care. By giving you a special gift, so addictively sweet, you won’t care about the poisons you’re about to eat. See how much we care about you.

Hey, who cares, it’s cake! Everyone eats cake, be like us, one of us, one of us, one of US! Careful boarding that intentionally misleading food train, you might not like where it ends up, & by then, it’ll be too late.

My friends, be very, very wary of the New World Order’s new God they call Science. To me, it’s just another controlling, manipulative tool used to create blind faith followings. Like all gods of yore, they manipulate & lie to get us to comply. To God, Government & Country, all ruled by industry we’ve always been, just sacrificial pawns from cradle to grave.

Now, with science, as literal human lab rats, unleashing chemicals into the civilian population, we unwittingly do their bidding as human test subjects.

Question everything, trust yourself &, literally, trust your gut. Educate yourself by reading classic literature, exploring facts, investing in yourself & by doing your own research. Never take anything the media is saying as truth or believe they have our best interests at heart.

Get busy traveling & immersing yourself in a diversity of cultures. Believe in yourself, be independently autonomous, don’t live in fear & be diligent in surrounding yourself with only the highest of quality in the companies you choose to keep.

We are what we eat in what we consume, mind, body, spirit & soul. It is all connected, it all matters & there are, no excuses!

So, what all have you eaten today?

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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