Meet The Henry’s

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Howdy Folks!

And the story continues…

Luckily, after the rocky dirt path I just traversed, GPS said that from the top of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge to Taos Brewery was only about a 15 minute ride. Just enough time to gather my wits again after that insane ascent up from the Gorge.

Still a little frazzled, exhausted & ready to unwind with some newfound friends, I pulled into Taos Brewery, dismounted & went in to look for the Henry’s.

I never met the Henry’s before, so, I walked about the brewery for a bit trying to see if I could find them from the pictures Alix sent. When I didn’t see a family looking for me too, nor, one that fit their description, I called & they said they’d be about 15 minutes.

Alix told me the vehicle they’d be in so I could look for it & the Henry’s arrived, we greeted each other for the first time, though right away, felt like family.

We ate, had a few drinks & shared lots of life stories Getting Lost in getting to know each other a bit. The Henry’s shared a great deal about their history, the Earthship home & the community where they lived. I shared a bit of my history & spoke mostly to how the whole Getting Lost with Randy came to be & told many stories of the adventures I’d experienced.

I made sure to include the The Rio Grande Gorge Road to Taos adventure I just had on the way to meet them. They said they knew the road I was talking about & couldn’t believe that I made it up safe & sound, without incident, either. Well, that is, except for a few emotional scars.

We continued to share stories when I noticed the storm crept up on me & was about a 1/2 hour away now. I let them know I had to get going because I was planning to motor from the brewery to town to find a place to stay the eve. It was apparent, if I didn’t get moving soon, I was going to get dumped on & soaked. I actually wanted to camp, but, that wasn’t an option tonight.

Alix & David looked at each other & in an instant without uttering a word to each other, as if they had special telepathic communication connection, came to an unspoken agreement. Then, Alix looked back at me & said, ‘Why don’t you stay with us for the eve instead. We’ll show you how & where we live in our Earthship home, have dinner, talk, play games, listen to music, tell stories & relax. You’ll spend the night & get back to your Getting Lost adventures in the morning’. Happily surprised, I said, ‘Really! That sounds wonderful!’

From the moment I saw them, confirmed when we greeted in meeting each other, I knew us kindred spirits. I’ve always been attracted to the Western 1/2 of the United States & I’ve always been attracted to those who live differently than how they were told. Free spirits, unique, critical intellectual thinkers & doers, who realize life is fleeting, celebrate every day present in the moments, living life their own way.

And with that, I followed them into the Earthship home community where they lived. It was only 10 minutes down the road. The Henry’s turned off a loose dirt/gravel road very similar to the roads one would take to lakefront homes or older, more rural neighborhoods. I knew it would be easy to navigate & ride through so I followed & entered a world unknown to most.

Once on the road & getting into the Earthship home community, it was apparent that I was in a very, very unique, special place. It was evident that these people lived off the grid, were connected with nature & have chosen a lifestyle of ‘green’, minimal carbon footprint lifestyle for L…I…V…I…N.

These were my kind of folks!

I continued to follow deeper into the community until we came to their own base ship. It was amazing! I stopped before the more rocky drive because I saw that my kickstand would not be supported well enough & was going to park on the dirt road. I let David know & he said he had some wooden boards to put under the stand, so I backed in, put the board down & presto!

I dismounted & their oldest daughter, Helen, took the lead & began to act as tour guide. She said to Alix, ‘I’m going to give Randy a tour of our house, show him how everything works & have him meet the chickens!’ Alix replied, ‘That sounds wonderful!’

I proceeded to follow Helen into an Alien looking home, surrounded by an Alien looking, otherworldly, landscape. The door opened…

Stay tuned, the remainder of this story will be in the next post ‘The Henry’s Earthship Home’.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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