I Can Because I Choose To

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…looking for adventure & whatever comes my way? No, well, I like the wind clapping like thunder, the quiet of the still, the call of the wild, I’m a nature’s child.

I approached a fork in the road, to go this way or that, & at the last minute, I decided to weather the storm & see a life-giving & changing impact, that most certainly impacted me in its life-ending, life-bringing, majesty.

I run to the new, I remember to never forget the old, the open road calls me home, I never do what I’m told. I float on the cushion of love I give as you take it all in, it can’t ever end if it didn’t ever begin.

It just is, it just is, it just is, baby, it just is, say it again, it just is, it just is, it just is, baby, it just is.

You made your bed so just shut up & lie in it. You chose your path so just shut up & walk it. If you’re shallow, you’ll never go deep, if you’re trivial, you’ll never be refined. Like a fine wine ripens over time, life, a fermented rhyme. Bright, complex, embodied.

Give it to me baby, if you got the time, give it to me baby, it’ll be sublime.

I read a little something every day to keep the cobwebs at bay. I practice the music I hear in my head I play. I write & write & write in an attempt to share my experiences in life that excite. I stay active of mind, heart, body & spirit, if I don’t feel it, I can’t hear it.

I turn up my internal radio to set flight my spirit. I’m forever curious so I never fear it. The unknown will one day to me, be shown. Or, not, doesn’t matter to an inquiring mind always digging deep to see what treasures buried deep inside that I might find. If I don’t seek, I’ll never know.

It’s me, myself & I, in this one man’s, id & ego lifestyle circus show, rings all being led by Mr. Super-ego. Invisible to most numbed by the technological bedazzlement extravaganza, too blind to see the human emotional kind even if worn on sleeves for all to see, unafraid of actually feeling reality.

It’s a crying shame, all around me gone mad, insane, void of any semblance of a brain. All aboard the NWO’s crazy train fear campaign to reign supreme ruler, left cold, abandoned, Crying in the Rain. This game, it’s a crying shame cause with we’re all Crying in the Rain of their kind of brain fade.

People all around me seem so sad, so mad, unwilling to find a happy rhyme time to celebrate & appreciate, realizing everything is great. They’d rather distract themselves with matters that don’t really matter, deflating lives that could burn bright, reduced to a shell of a self where brains splatter upon false walls built by false prophets praising false gods. Idol worship takes many forms when the Masters only throw slop to the human worms.

Comply or die, assimilate or they’ll retaliate, bow, kiss the ring, to the new God called Science who is now the NWO deity that reigns supreme. Human lab rats we’ve become, all in the name of Science. Born from war to destroy the supposed enemies, Science, has been unleashed on the citizen. Society’s population tapestry the new playground for a the distress caused by the false idol notion of ‘progress’, that’s only bringing destruction of the old for the human created new their world order, & that of sickness & disease.

We’re told the medical world is to be celebrated, though, the problems that unfold to begin with are all those created by man. For without man’s meddlesome hands, nature would run its due course & we’d be free of all the insanity created by humanity. Living strong, living long, free of the medical industry. For there’s no need for a cure if you remove the poisonous intent, geared to barely keep us alive, sickly & dis-eased.

AI, the new god from above, the new Eye in the Sky, to bring a lie of a supreme being keeping tabs, tracking all you say & do, now, a false lie brought to the modern man’s meddling hand. Obey! Better hear the command demand in Ten Commandments you’d better follow, or else! Cause, you know, I had to write them in the mountains, hidden from all but one. Holy Moses! Cause, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. Hear her? Who, me, God? Like I’ve got nothing better to do then to answer an insignificant human buzzing, irritating human sounds in never-ending questions; nothing but questions. Cause, you know, I made you in my image too. Again, nothing to do but waste some time writing this Divine Comedy rhyme. So, do you like it?!?! Hum?!?!

As I gazed out into Meteor Crater, I wished, even at my own demise, that one day I’d look to the skies with a sigh of relief, that all our created woes were about to be reset as I watched the fireball make its way to impregnate our egg, we call, Earth.

A new beginning, a resetting of time to before we began, ‘I don’t like Green Eggs and Ham, Sam, I am!’ We should have listened better Sir Geisel, in what the good Dr., ordered, ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go!‘, if we’d just have heard what you were quietly yelling while we were young. Your words written, were some of the bests ever, sung.

For me, I’m going to die someday anyway, why not go out in a blaze of glory from a space rock from some other world out of time’s mind. As I pondered what this impact unleashed, I realized that it didn’t matter cause there’s more to this picture than meets my little, insignificant, eye. Though, most certainly whatever was around when it hit, sang along with Neil Young, singing, Hey Hey, My My! (Into the Black) where here pictured above, it said, Na Na Hey Hey, goodbye! Won’t be seeing you again my friend, this is The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End! To all I’ve ever known & loved I can only hope for a flash before I die cause I have to say, Bye Bye Bye!

Yeah, I think we’ve done enough damage to everything, our viral, cancerous infection we’ve decided to become. Maybe this is the way we were supposed to be so many say, those spewing mindless rhetoric in thinking they know why by saying, ‘We’re evolving the way we’re supposed to be.’

Where to me, we could have gone in so many other directions if just left alone by the powers that be creating their version of humanity. To me, when people say things like that, it’s like a Religulous person saying, ‘You just have to have blind faith & believe.’ To which I say, ‘In what, your, or, another’s version of a human created Deity?!’ No thank you, that’s not for me.

I’ve never been one to surrender, though I’ll happily Surrender myself, Waiting for a Girl Like You, though sometimes it’s fun to play too with Girls Like You, though I’m happy to give a little Godsmack to those blind, though I’ll never give up my Freewill to or for anyone or anything in false idol worship, no matter crown worn, I’d be too Disturbed & most certainly not to a god of yore, I’m The Core of my sore if I choose to believe, I’d rather choose to be Free to my Core, though a good Fairy-Tale used as a noun is pretty sound, sharing fantasy tales when children are around, though it’s all just play in Long Distance Runaround.

One’s reality, another’s delusion. And my friends, misery loves company so the delusions captivate the masses in hysterias that get imprinted upon the children of tomorrow to ensure that insanity’s psychopaths continue their reign making us Zombie.

See, the reality is pictured above. There’s no arguing, debating, or, blind surrendering or compliance for another’s maniacal gains. No, this reality is simply, one day you’re here, the next you’re gone, nature’s truly, most poetic, song.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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