Less Is Always More

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Howdy Folks!

The more I travel, the less I know, the more I know, the less I know, the more I desire, the less I become.

More, is never more. More, only creates more shackles & chains. More, ends up owning you in the end.

More, the world’s whore.

We’re taught nothing is ever good enough. Enough is never enough anymore, we’re bred to believe we can’t be happy until we have more, more, more!

More, the world’s whore.

People are quantity now, a dime a dozen & the dozens are billions now. Once we were quality in ability, in character, in personality, now, everyone is a cheap knockoff. Carbon copied cloned drones.

People are impatient now, bred to be hyper-stimulated. Too much commercialization causing widespread panicked desensitization. Laying waste our abilities to cope, marketing our incapacitation.

We lay barren in our waste.

Once we were patient, taking it all in, looking out & around with awe & wonder in observations acute as we’d wander. Now, more is the world’s whore everybody wants to penetrate as they consummate materialism.

Now there’s nothing but lies being told & sold, masks for every occasion, hiding from truths like the plague.

Most talk a good game, producing little in actions to equal the words spewing out of rapidly parted lips. They spout, usually in shout, what it is they’re angry with & pretend they care about.

All the while they continue to go out & mass consume, doing exactly in opposite to that which they shout, scream & carry on about all that’s wrong with the world they really care nothing about. Truth be told, they’re the most hypocritical ones, as they run out to buy the latest fashions. Got to be the one first to have the fakery created by industry.

Distractions to confusions the monetary game, convincing others to spend, for the have’s ample gains.

I prefer an existence of minimal taste, less has always been more for me. More time free of the madness & insanity, it doesn’t take anything to make me happy, I’m already there. Who cares what they say, why do they care about me anyway.

You know, if someone says they’re certain, run fast & far away. If someone has to try to convince you, refuse to hear the words they say. If someone wants to depend on you, teach them to be confident in themselves. If some one asks you, why? Tell them, why not.

Truth is, life is so very, very short & most all you meet want something from you. Yeah, it’s sad, but true. So, take care of yourself, ask for little, experience a lot. Internal drive will not just keep you alive, it will allow you to thrive.

I love Getting Lost in the super awareness of it all cause it’s free.

Free to observe, free to be patient, free to breathe, free to think & ponder the yonder. Free to just be, to dream, lost in fantasy, free to wander in lusting within a life filled with nothing but happy, it’s free. With me, its all free, for nothing that costs is worth anything at all, not to me.

High upon a mountain I like to just sit & stare. Motorcycling mountain roads less traveled, I’m free. Thriving in nature’s bounty is my reality, logic & reason within natural wits, instincts that are not & cannot be bought or taught or sold. States of being that cannot be shackled or chained, they are all free.

Either you get it or you don’t, either you are it or you’re not, all the studying in the world won’t make you naturally, instinctually attuned.

Awaken, if you can, if you’re able. Respect your limitations & celebrate another’s life in who they are able to be naturally. There’s no such thing as jealousy in a world of self-awareness natural reality.

Just be present with yourself in the simplicity of moments. Awareness, free. Appreciation, free. Less, free. Simplicity, free. If happy with less, a constant state of simplicity you’ll be. If happy with less, you’ll always have more of yourself to express I must confess. Free of stuff allows one to show the free internal stuff they’re made of.

Less is more, my favorite song, Getting Lost with Randy I sing to myself throughout my day. They’ve made life a game, though I choose to see it & live it & play within it my own unique way. It is mine after all, as yours is for you, what will you do, how will you, in your own subjective perspective choose to view?

Patients a virtuous tune I prefer to hum. I’m no whore, I don’t need more cause what I’ve got is enough. Quantity in the overly abundant makes for those bred to be redundant.

There are no doors, only Arches. Archways forever open to endless possibilities, Getting Lost in natural tranquilities. I travel translucent through the archways of life.

There is no door, there is no time, there is no steeple, there are only people desperately trying to find the place they’ve been forced to belong. Anyone can fit in, it takes someone spectacular to stand out. So, what are you about?

I’ll wait for quality, one with myself & nature, my only true friends, honest & pure, raw & naked, unafraid to be vulnerable & exposed, for after all, aren’t we all. Which will you choose, a mountain, or, shopping mall?

With me, what you see is what you get in simple simplicity. Free within my own reality. Care to join me, this choice is solely up to you, though oh, the wonders you’ll see.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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