Earth Tones

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about my adoration for Earth Tone, well, & Black too, & my 2-week visit to Canyonlands where my natural affection, affinity for & natural wanderlust, earthly wild-child, now, living more as a Feral Child, released in the most amazing ways as this wild, grown, Born to Be Wild child splattered amongst the canyon & all its lands?

No, didn’t think so. Maybe, probably so. Yes, I’m sure I’ve mentioned something similar before. Though I’m not sure because each new thought allows for my wanderlust to explore, with each closing, there’s always another open door to share in this, My So-Called Life, with all those I hold dear in my heart of hearts. Always have loved me some Clair Danes, especially in the uniquely artistic version of Romeo & Juliet, are you Montague or Capulet? Really, can’t we all just get along??!! Ha! We’ve learned nothing.

I absolutely LOVE natural colors, I’m drawn to the color scheme in hues & variations of browns, the soil, the womb, some day soon to be my & your tomb. Something about Earth, especially when barefoot, dirt & sand between the toes, there’s really nothing else quite like it. Without the ground, we wouldn’t be around. I could say that about anything really, you know, but more than not, Earth Tones steal the show.

Browns, greens, oranges, yellows, reds, whites, greys, blues, purples & black too throwing shades to keep my adoration, any color found in nature. I love them all, though am partial to what comes to my mind thinking of Earth Tone as my thoughts come together in varying shades of Brown.

They tend to be ‘dull’ or lacking luster in their nature when thought of, though often so vibrantly a delight when bright then comprehensible by the meager human brain so insane from eating, breathing & living as a plasticine doctrine spoken with fresh breath by Listerine or lubricated with Vaseline or even a little Glycerine. How obscene!

You know for me, I like to greet each morning with a smile before greeting the garden & then being outside running wild, for my only office is an open field in Prairie, Valley, Rocky Mountain High, Forrest or Desert like pictured above for if it’s nature we love we’ll wield fierce Blows Against the Empire.

The natural is factual, the real never do feel the need or desire to conceal the actualized deal in truth or dare to stare at the fake impractical always jockeying for position in the continual collision between a cheap knockoff in remake or the real deal seal of approval from a supernatural deity in god unknown save for the grandiose tales in yarns spun by those realizing P.T. Barnum was right knowing ‘There is a fool born every minute‘, ‘You can fool most of the people most of the time’ & ‘nothing draws a crowd like a crowd’ & tell the biggest LIE ever & the ‘fools in crowds of people’ have bought it, hook, line & sinker, to gain through fear & pain to reign power over the blind faith gullibility & suffering of others. So, it shall be written, so shall it be done! Oh, what a Circus tall tale spun.

I’ve always got to dig, it’s just my nature, it’s part of who I am. Not just my own grave but too covering those I’ve loved, surrounding them with their truth, Mother Earth, providing the nutrients for rebirth to some other kind of energy confusion delusion, a mass societal combustion energy producing nothing but poisonous never-ending pollution, all the while they’re claiming they’re the solution & that those actually caring are the ones to blame, trying to halt progress, labeled as lunatics, conspiracy nuts, crazies. Me, I’d rather just lay in the grass, playing amongst the daisies.

So, when I road into & explored Moab, UT, raw & wild, ignited by the strength of the Sun, I fell in love with it & all that endlessly surrounded it. Yep! It was quite the fit! First off, as a ‘Once Upon A Time‘ avid, intense, Mountain Biker, I lost my mind in my ability to adventure by two sets of two different steel steeds & all Utah had to offer me. A child grown, still wild & willing to be curious, humbled & infantile in my awe & wonder, wanderlust to experience, explore & know more because I love to know that I don’t really know anything at all.

As I tell the children I share my life with these days, dare to live within your dreams, get to it, don’t wait, don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate, just permeate in your shine as you resonate, humble me my Little Ones, humble me, show me all I don’t know & teach me as you do each & every day in your childlike take on it all, living in the moments, ways.

I tell them to read, read, READ! Gain other’s perspectives, living vicariously through their adventures, let your mind wander in fantasy that one day, then you’ll get out there & do what you can make your own unique reality. Learn & grow & seek new experiences, be open to everything, closed to nothing, try, try & try some more, cause every mistake & failure is just another learning opportunity & experience.

My mama told me, you better Shop Around. Never a Groom in Groomsman, never a Bride, always a Bridesmaid, as the natural wonders & beauty of this world never cease to amaze me & nor, do I ever want to settle down with just one place, for all are dear to my heart.

Oh, the places I’ve been, thanks Wibbenmeyer’s for inclusive enhancement, I made book adventures, real adventures. And, Oh, the shit I’ve done & seen! Where a man cared to dream where all came true & then some of the brilliant sum because I just allowed life to ebb & flow through me as I roamed.

Childlike & youthful, without plans, without schedules, without directions, just going, knowing my resolve, my skill set, my tenacity, my Mountain Man ability would just take over & allow me to thrive where most would be too afraid to even dare to tread. Though, making sure to never get in my own way, so Don’t Tread on Me, Me.

Look at the snap above, my moment amongst moments upon moments uncountable, endless in their retelling of experiences to any of those dear to my heart who will listen. See, I let living vicariously early on in life allows for an innate desire to do & experience tales for oneself if of kindred spirited kind.

Do me a favor & take a moment to put your brightness up to high on your computer or laptop screen, go to the top & slowly, ever so slowly scroll down & make time to notice the light, color & visual feeling tonal warmth that comes through to me in the day, but too, just as much at night. My it’s just me, maybe you’ll see it too, it’s all state of mind & my mind doesn’t mind cause it’s on a Psychedelic ride as I ride.

I, just sitting around looking at these old pictures & posts, & just kind of stumbled upon this cool effect that I wanted to see if it affected & infected you too like it did me. Hum?! My digression ebbing now, go ahead with my flowing, flowing. Hum?! Go on now, ebb & flow as you go about your reading. Hum?! Imagine that…

As a man with always lots to say, believe it or not, I also balance with an ample amount of quiet around. I mean look at that capture above with no other body around, just me & a little a shove or leap in my own known abilities in this foreign, me too a Foreigner, The Foreigner in this distant, yet familiar land & I’m in the thick of it, & I most certainly was.

I’m just glad, glad, glad, I’m So Glad my innate realizations backed by my parents, family & friends supported my independence in tenacity, resilience, perseverance, understanding of it all & luckily too for me, I’m a quick study. I’m no Bigshot, I prefer Honesty, cause I eat Humble Pie, washed down with some April Wine & Summer Wine each & every day cause I don’t get Summertime Sadness cause I’m All Right.

I’ll consider though, You May Be Right, though I doubt it for me, seriously, see, it’s My Life, I live for me.

See, Getting Lost with Randy, when I partner with me, myself & I, I’m happy to give in & rely on all I’ve ever seen & done, to Remember the Magic, to always have fun, fun, fun & play, play, play it all in my own way, after all it’s my life & I’ll do it & live it & be it in my own way; 1, 2, 3, just got to be me in a stanger says cause these sure are some Stranger Things coming out of these Strange Days in this constant Hazy Shade of Winter.

I’ll pull out any obstacle life throws at me in Splinter Cell, no matter the Chaos Theory, I’m alive & I’ll survive until I don’t, cause all that lives dies & I’m All-Right with that caused I’ve lived & lived & lived, beating to my own drummer, never been dumber, always ‘smarter than the average bear’, yeah, like Yogi, I’m Smarter Than You.

My only office is the park, I’m a child, A Child is Coming so my newfound Stranger, Let’s Get Together & Let’s Go Together right now, tomorrow may never come so let’s open our eyes, cause each day there’s a new world coming, a new beginning to become. Oh, isn’t it such great fun when you’re on the run for fun.

I go, go, go & I slow, slow, slow, balancing all I know. Just another one of my Great Aunt Ann’s lessons to work, play & rest hard. It’s all about the balancing of the human life, trying to mirror & mimic that of our natural world, one that now is rarely sought, though one that I prefer to be myself, into hurled.

I’d never heard of Canyonlands, nor Goblin Valley, which I also share with the Littles, most strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. You know, it’s sadly, curiously, funny to me that we tell our children to, not talk to strangers, when that’s all they do to get to know new people in their, just beginning lives.

I mean, each new experience, new friend made, old friend shed, new grade level, new teacher, new school, new location, new trip to the store, new strangers yet to be met; they’re all new & they’re all strangers in strange, Strange Days.

Strangers are all around & honestly, there are way more embracing’s than dangers or you wouldn’t have any friends at all, cause all friends were strangers once. Hum?! Right! Duh! I mean I know what the message is supposed to be conveying, but, really, & the ‘stranger’ profile is ‘A sphincter says what?‘ Wait, what??!! Ha!!!

So, why not be like the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and be a ‘Stranger-Danger Ranger’ in noticing those strangers that are suspect, how about try teaching your child good observational skills, trusting gut instincts, & practice practical logic & reasoning skills rather than giving false messages through hypocritical rationales in the commonly taught, Don’t Talk to Strangers nonsense.

Unless a young girl, then for sure, Don’t Talk to Strangers cause you might leave the man who’s trying to keep you all to himself cause I’ve always been The Stranger. Tell them to use their intuition & gut for those minds always gutter thinking of Smut.

Yeah! Those Were The Days! ‘Jane, you ignorant slut!’ Ha! Wow! Thanks SNL!!! Different times boys & girls, different times indeed, different politics, different weed, that now of A.I. Robotics, that now of genetically modified seed, fear in rhetoric, hearts bleed.

I tell of my Aunt’s personality to always talk to strangers cause you never know when one of those will become a life-long friend or companion or influential figure in your life. She would always talk to those she didn’t know & happily so. She was just so kind & caring & curious & interested & vibrant.

As her up-close-and-personal familial apprentice, I absorbed more than I realized as my kindred spirited sponging allowed for us to deeply bond by exploring all. Now, I do & have done it my way, she, hers. But, oh, so glad I followed her lead as I met many ‘new faces & stories with lots to say’.

Now, flash-forward to this moment. I didn’t know Canyonlands, I didn’t know Arches, I didn’t know Moab, I didn’t know Utah, I didn’t know Goblin Valley, save for Globes & Maps, Atlases, Dictionaries, Books, Internet & Films, but I surely embraced these stranger locations & all the human living as strangers until I met them & found in them, a new friend, in friends, made along the way. Or not, if our chemistry unpalatable, I say goodbye & put you in my rearview, no bond, no dye or shadow cast, your now in my past with no memory save to remind me to always speak with strangers, just intriguing Cliffhangers.

I let my imagination take me where my heart wanted to play, living with you by my side, I let my motorcycle decide, where my mind & heart would collide, there, where I choose to reside as I happily abide to nature’s always intuitively flowing divides & coincides; deep, deep, deep inside.

Now, very atypical of me, I’m going to end very shortly here in this tale & just let the picture above absorb along with all I’ve just unveiled in my telling of tales valued & forever cherished have changed my life would have never happened if I wasn’t open to opportunity, possibility by not living in fear & not giving a care to where, I’d wind up to adventure, explore & lay my head. My Newfoundland & new, found, land, to now, call home.

I have resolve & I didn’t hesitate to use it cause I live within & amongst it. I am resilient, I am brilliant, I am a unique star like all, each & every one of my Littles who greet me daily with hugs & smiles as I take them places in their minds where they can be free & fly, & like pictured above, I Can See for Miles & miles & miles.

Open your heart & mind to the unknown, part moistened lips & invite a Stranger In a Strange Land into your world, you just never know the sights you’ll be shown, cause it takes one to know one & to somebody, we’re all full of strangeness & Strange Days & we all want to be special to someone.

See, the more things change in Changes, the more they stay the same. Hum??!!

Just make sure to Let the Right One In.

I absolutely LOVE my LIFE!!! FORE!

I wish you well in the same for yours.

Now, you better get busy L…I…V…I…N it or it’ll pass you by.

I’m going through some Changes, Changes, Changes!

For now, I must be off with my best friend in inner child & explore the yonder, Fare Thee Well!

Please Do Not Go!

Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye!

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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