Maddening Human Noise

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how I hiked into the Rocky’s to set up camp, stopped to self-reflect, appreciating the most splendid of views & got to thinking about the manmade created world requires you, me, everybody to have an imprinted, programmed reason to do anything. How we’re an imprinted to follow false idol worshiping ‘need’ in & of ‘needs’ none of US really need at all, but boy, they sure make all the created junk sound good. How we’re imprinted from birth to mass consume, calling destruction, poisoning & meddling, progress.

No, well this one’s an intellectual doozy, so you might want to get a little tipsy with some boozy, snuggle under your favorite blankie, take a puff on your favorite dankie, dabble in some fungi for a psychedelic trip to everywhere & nowhere at all, put on some REAL Jazz & allow this tale of razzmatazz to infiltrate all your preconceived notions. A take on truthful devotions to reveal, never to conceal the real deal spiel.

What I love most about being removed from the generalized other herded population of people’s collective commercialized existences is simply, not being, THAT! Because I choose not to play their attempted programming by participating in the game of Life way, I’m free of the maddening human noise. I rejected their every effort to capture my heart & mind in their dye cast mold for humankind.

Desperately trying to imprint the Westernized ways of culture, tradition & political philosophies into children, claiming to ‘prepare’ children for their ‘travel’s through life’. Nothing but Psychological Warfare used, hidden within, children’s board games, ‘teaching’ US about how Life is supposed to be. Hey, let’s play Monopoly. NOPE! NOT, FOR, ME!!!

I remember at 4 or 5, when I started playing board games, especially those that were ‘supposed’ to teach us how to stay alive & mostly, to thrive in our US of A imposition inquisition. I questioned their moral integrity in the herded societal values being taught in greed, illusions of power wrapped in monetary gains & monopolization of things, property & land. I recognized they were attempting to imprint upon me their collective standardized view of how one should live, & at the rooted core where its foundations lie in the lies told, money!

The razzle of the bedazzle is enough to frazzle & unravel the au natural of this outlying distant, man’s fantasy land, or, is it, Randy Land, Randonia or some other psychedelic conceive-it-all vision I have?! I really couldn’t tell ya where it all comes from in my heart & head, maybe it was housed in the thousands of books I’ve read, adventures experienced, or maybe, just innate, born inside at my conception when sperm & egg did collide, or probably, just a collective of all in my kaleidoscope menagerie outlook. Look, there he is, that’s where Randy does reside, there inside that carbon shell, we recognize his lifestyle tell.

The nonsense we’ve been bred to blindly accept depletes logic, reason, sense & sensibility as reality reduced to frailty has unleashed the effects of our created maniacal causalities. Our causes unable to foresee their effects, we’ve reduced ourselves to worse than insects in infestation degradation though failing to heel or heal or feel any sense of natural humiliation to entitlement retaliation. So, we destroy on.

There’s big business & money in the consistent perpetuation of sickness & disease, in death & dying, claiming care when really, they’re only lying as they’re lining their pockets to shoot false flag rockets at the fears they’ve implanted as the syringe pierces deep into beckoning arm so vain, in the materialistic insane, somehow feel better about being false in appearances than that of, itself. How profane.

When I emerge into the surge, I feel retched, like I might purge. I convulse in sickness, not from a little bug, virus or bacteria that hides, too small for me to see, inside me scaring the rest of the world into a delusional insanity. But, rather, from the poisons they create that make everything ache. Come on, try some Shake ‘N’ Bake, there’s nothing at stake cause there’s no steak, just sugar now! So, how will you pay, so, what’s the cost, oh that’s simple, the cost is your life, that’s all that ends up Getting Lost. No biggie, be a good little piggy & start your grave, go ahead, begin to diggie.

Come on Randy, what’s wrong with you, eat a little sugar, it’s a tasty little booger, it’s created in labs, filled & coated with chemicals meant to keep you coming back & sending your whole body into an unnatural panic attack from the slow rush to your grave. Now, bee a good little Sugar Bunny & let me have my way with you, cause I need you to be addicted too so that every human will be the same by becoming that which they eat.

But, of course, if you buy their elixir, you will fix her, fix. Create the woe is me, create the frailty, then offer the cure from the same creating infecting company, shattering any truth as reality runs down the insanity drain on this New World Order‘s attempt at not waking you up to the messages of Crazy Train.

Yes, there is a reason for everything, it’s cause & effect. Though not due to some divine plan, nor, from some other unseen force directing to outcomes. No, it’s none of that, things happen, there’s reasons behind the happenings, then, we’re programmed to put meaning to the happening, making divine the reason, spreading the gospel of god & government & church & industry. Doesn’t matter the false idol worship, they just need us to kneel, to bow, to kiss the ring, comply, assimilate & blindly follow.

I mean, come on, there’s got to be a reason!!?? Right!!??

Simply, it’s just cause & effect.

Teach a child pain, grow hatred & fear. Teach a child to slave life away for monetary gains, grow industry. Teach a child not to care, grow apathetic compliance allowance. Teach a child not to question, grow a numbed zombie unable to critically think, articulate, nor create.

Searching for a meaning, always trying to find a reason so our purposefully reduced hearts & minds can try to make some understanding of that which was imposed & that which we’ll never comprehend. Why?! We’re here. There’s no, ‘why’, at all. It just simply, is. Life is. We are a form of it. That’s it. And it’s beautiful!

Intuition lost in this trashed heap world created by man. I am a stranger in this land, for I am a fossil, like distant memory, in a time forgotten once upon a time, in a galaxy, far, far away, pure & natural like sand through the hourglass to try to make sense of a concept that doesn’t exist without man, that of time. What a crime, time, just another shackle.

Why waste ‘time’ on worrying about reasonings, that is, unless you’ll actually learn something from those reasons becoming realized choices in possible lessons learned to grow anew, each & every day, shedding the once preconceived notions of Nation’s intentionally planted Patriotism, for that of something new.

If you want to know the future, just look to the past. If you want to know the reason, look into the mirror for your own reflection cast. We are what we’ve allowed. An anonymous anomaly hiding in plain sight screaming out attempting at the rebirth of the cranial collective, reawakening our natural spirit. Hum, are you able to hear it? Or do you only fear it & want to smear it, too afraid to rear it.

Either you have understanding, or you don’t. Either you have sense, reason, logic, or you don’t. Either you have natural talent, skills, intellect, or you don’t. Either you have instinctual, cognitive wherewithal, or you don’t. Either you observe, paying attention to the nuanced details, learning, growing, becoming, thriving, or you don’t.

Not everyone is created equal, not everyone is deserving & most certainly, none are entitled. Why? Because we’re not created, we’re born in our unique form from the seeds & eggs of life.

Forgiveness is choosing to forget. If someone does something, acts in a harmful way, no matter mentally, emotionally or physically, to forgive that incursion is to say it was ok that it happened. For to allow that forgiveness is to allow its reoccurrence. I’ve never naturally understood humanities created desire to control another, nor have I tried to learn this ideology, to harness, cage, oppress, dominate or to assimilate by forgiveness. Though I am one bearing witness to a Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, who’s Seamstress, in a spinner of tales who earns money sewing them together, not caring for the sowing reaped.

Nope. I prefer to let each, their own, to ebb & flow, interacting with the elements, observing, adapting, alive, I do my best to thrive removed from the generalized other assimilated collective hive.

Though let’s never choose to forget, there is the megalomaniacs complex chess game being played by the powers that be, carefully calculating the overpopulated mass herds as they attempt to get blind faith compliance. For, ‘they’ know, that the numbers have the real power.

For if numbers refuse to participate, if numbers choose not to assimilate to The Matrix, rather, choosing to rebel against the autocracy by choosing to take the Red Pill, the Totalitarianism of a World Government will try to smite them down to protect the hidden crown, making dissent, a Rebel to be crushed.

Though it’s the masses in herds of generalized others, if an error code to rebel, saying enough is enough, their contrived bubble of controlled dominance will pop, their towers will crumble, their powers stricken with their own creations retaliating against them.

It doesn’t matter what we choose to call it, NWO, World Wide Web, Inter-Net, or what we’re told is science fiction in Skynet, we are purposefully being enslaved & manipulated for another’s gains. To never start is never to begin, so, they will win as they use our very lives as fuel for their maniacal consumption.

I’ve got news for you, hot off the presses! If we choose not to play, if we choose to refuse, they lose.

Though, if the mass herded generalized others programmed clones confesses their taught ‘sins’ to a man, created by a man, enforced by a man, written by a man to oppress by forced compliance, told it was by a deity, a god, a creator who wrote the book, they will continue to consume you.

If you’re blind & gullible enough to choose to believe that, well then, it’s no wonder you happily wore a mask, got an experimental shot propagandized with protective intent, mass consuming the media madness messages being sent. You probably actually believe 9/11 a terrorist attack by a man in a cave, blind, to the False Flag Operations wave.

Well then my human sister & brother, why bother living at all!? If all you do is cower to the tower, choosing a life existing in fear, what a waste of space you’ve come to be.

Terror, terror, TERROR! False flag makers & deceivers creating patriotic blind faith believers as they chose to bring their two towers crumbling down demolition style, while another came down the same way, untouched, they chose for us not to see. Say it enough, they’ll believe it, after all, they are, deaf, dumb & blind, you know, they’re humankind.

Women were once branded witches, burned at the stake, simply because they were independent doers & thinkers, believing in the natural world versus the created divinity of man’s-controlled oppression. Women & children were enslaved & whored to the rich grown weak, trying to inherit the meek.

Darker pigmentation failed the emancipation of the proclamation to free a nation of only their own blind ignorance, with no pride, only prejudice, to that they feared. Why, because the black man the naturally superior through & through, though taught & bought as the inferior to keep the interior of the little minded comfortably tucked in at night.

Not caring for the man-made tinkerers who bound & oppressed the female & differing skin color of the species, I removed myself from the madness of humans.

For little men with little minds & little penial complexities, who are just little hurt boys, unable to just be happy, taking it out on mom & sister. Saying, ‘Mind me! Or I’ll give you a little slappy, as I beat the crappy out of you until you bow, kiss my ring & wash my feet for ‘I am Man! Damnit!’ Then I’ll prance you around as my little dainty, petite, treat. Wow! Aren’t I neat?!”

I know, Randy, what is it with you? Why care at all about any of this? No, Randy, don’t pick up that book, don’t listen to your records, they’re ruining your mind. I know, just watch some TV, it’s happily guiding all of US to see, but, don’t pay attention to those who won’t comply to the status quo in watching films or reading books like The Network, they’re just trying to poison your mind with so called truths, we now call, conspiracy theorists we’ve labeled to be, out of their minds. One’s lost, is another’s found.

I don’t know, it’s just a part of me I must get out. My lenses, my visions, my sees that I choose never to unsee. Though I do know, when you listen to me, my words challenge your reality & I’m the reality you’d rather not see. Every day I’m reminded of things of things I’m not supposed to see. Every day you remind me of meaning held within words I’m not supposed to understand or say & every day I’m talked to about these same words I’m not supposed to convey. I simply say, PISS OFF!!! I’ve got something to say, I chose not to play & life can be lived & loved every day by living a lifestyle they told me not to convey.

Every time I go against their grain they created in a Monsanto lab, my life turns out absolutely fab-u-lous!

The feelings in what I feel I should be allowed to feel & I should be allowed to live within them freely, as you too. Though I don’t force you to see my point of view like you & they try to do, I just ask you to try & understand them through a critical mind’s view. Turn around & look at yourself. Do you think that you’re free, can’t see the hillside through the mechanized forest singularity fabricated tree, can’t see the flower or the tree, you’ve become nothing but a byproduct of their bought & sold commercialized industry.

Every window I look out of, every door I might walk through creates a new understanding of why I choose to love life & for me within it, for its my world, my reality. As it is yours. There once was plenty to go around. Now, not so much. I live one with every mountain, river & valley in my heart & mind that I choose as my natural rooted background in lifestyle, it frees me, no matter their societal, cultural, political, governmental, religious, peer-pressured shackle imposed. Body hiding in plain sight amongst the herd, heart & mind, another place, another time, Getting Lost to just being aware at all, to just being, me.

To see The Call of the Wild in the distance, as they love keeping it just out of reach, keeps me free in my own world’s reality. Though it’s impossible to get there these days unless you’ve got enough money raised; again with Monopoly. And still, they tell us we’re free in one breath, & in the next it’s yet again, no, you can’t go there or here or there or there, no, not there either! Borders & signs making everything free a crime. Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?!

I am not a number, title, label or lost moral forgotten in distant fable now only vaguely remembered, No, I’m supposed to be a free man; yeah, right! No, I won’t bow or comply. No, I won’t placate, regulate, nor assimilate. No, I won’t replicate to imitate the generalized other, zombified, mental state of being dye cast in their version of the american dream. No, I choose to SCREAM!!!

Oppression becomes obsession in the minds of those deluded in the illusions of power. Obey! Or will strike you down. Bow to my crown, my title, my authority. Those we’ve allowed to decide what’s the status quo are they themselves the very same who wield forked tongues, firing bullets in words to pierce the hearts, to penetrate indecisive minds imprinted from birth & bathed in compliance, it’s assimilation’s rule you fool, you’re just a Tool amongst a thousand of thousands wound tight, held in a neat little spool.

Those labeled as derelicts that have been forced into their condition or have chosen their own rendition of how to live, are singled out. Those free of the commoner burdens convinced important are criminalized & minimalized in the hopes their Freedom’s Dream doesn’t catch on. It doesn’t matter, there isn’t a reason if you chose not to play their way.

When in the natural world, removed from the meddling hands of men gone awry, there’s no worry to comply, simply, you just are.

If someone you care about dies, it’s a sad state of affairs & that’s truer than true. There may be many contributing factors that led up to the death directly related to lifestyle choices, or too, could have just been an unforeseen accident or natural happening in unknown ticking timebomb within. Truth is, we all die from something, what that will be is the uncertainty of how that death will come to pass in the taking of life. Most I’ve known don’t truly live, as they are unable to give, freely, to natural rationality.

Once I see, I choose never to unsee, once I know, I choose never to unknow, at least to me, it’s all a joke, in 3-ring circus shit-show. A Pinocchio tale of the perpetual sale, a dog always chasing its tail, spinning nothing but a Tall Tale in a world made plastic to keep away the stale that must in, Pheromone Musk, be allowed to continue to prevail, to ride the rail of betrayal, Americans calling Natives the Indian Giver, please, the white man’s his own unnatural grave digger.

Smokestacks or cigarette packs, does it really matter how they try to poison me in their endless onslaught of maniacal machinery itinerary, ever so desperately trying to addict me to their meddlesome propaganda crazy train that tries to infiltrate my brain, hoping I’ll become insane.

Does anything really matter when the nonstop nonsensical clatter in mindless chitter-chatter & the brains spatter as their brain matter begins to scatter.

I certainly don’t know, nor care to know the reasons for everything, equality, nor forgetfulness, though this I’ll never confess because confessions are a man-made antidote to a manmade suffered affliction in addiction to falsely buying into & believing in something they call, sin.

Well, to see or not to see, that’s truly, the question. I think, I feel, I see, therefore I am a force to be reconned with, a human without fear. Truth, all I hold dear. A spectacled reality defined by causality denied as it fails to provide the bridge as worlds collide, rather than choosing to reside to confide in Genocide, it chose to refuse the notion of Apartheid as races become extinct, systematized.

I’m so glad I can see you clearly, without filtration, not buying into the patriotic proclamation jargon spewed from mouths dripping for the dramatic who oppress claiming to caress as I digress into the truths comforting me to a mellow warming slumber as the world around me burns asunder from the maddening blunder, loud as thunder, the quiet, in the still of the night, I delight.

It’s no surprise, my eyes are open wide, licking a little Rain dripping down my face, washing into me, wave after wave, cause you know, a little Rain makes you beautiful! Who you are is what you do, actions have always spoken louder than words, so I must be SCREAMING!!!

Now, if you’ve been brave enough to traverse my world of words & have gotten to this musical pattern of thoughts Getting Lost prose, take a deep breath, return to the top of this, my own felt maxim convictions & see, truly see the picture I took, Getting Lost in the Rocky Mountains & try to realize, none of what I’ve just reported would even be a concern if we were just left to this beautiful natural reality, & left well enough, alone.

I love words, I prefer my own company to that of others, I read & write & live & feel & express & reveal & challenge & question & include & elude & protrude & convolute & dispute & rebel & expel & diverge & emerge & on & on, & on & on, & on & on, it goes, & best of all, it grows & grows & grows, singing…

The Fool on the Hill

Think about it!

Peace & love, awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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