Science Idiocracy

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…how I’ve always known, felt & stated to those in my world how Science is the New World Order’s false God. No, well if you’re interested in my take on it, keep reading. If not, just enjoy the picture & move on to another neoteric narrative.

When I remove myself from the manmade, created, Getting Lost in the world like pictured above, I lose the illusions & find the natural truth in the real, I am centered, I am ideal, I forsake the fake for the truth.

When I do the opposite of what ‘they’ say to do, when I quiet myself in my own solitude & only allow quality of scenery, food, books, music, intellectual & characters into my world, carefully selected, never compromising for appearances, bathing in the real, my life & world completely alien to all that surrounds, my life is nothing short of FANTASTIC!

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, away, before the never-ending present Scientific God rhetoric, humans were happy, content, thriving in just being, one with nature, instinctual, skilled, adaptable, connected, in tune with the symbiotic harmonies of it all. We were wild, primal, tribal, real, ideal.

Then somewhere, somehow, someone got greedy, controlling, oppressive, manipulative, meddling, dominating, intimidating, oppressing their fellow human which eventually led to the complete gentrification of this planet & life itself.

It’s nothing but lies & myths that we had it rough, died early in shortened life span, that life was a struggle that this New World Order has somehow made better. See, if that were true, we wouldn’t be here today. Logic, reason, wisdom, rationale, sanity, sense & sensibility have gone the way of the dinosaur.

We were strong, healthy & fierce, we lived to old age, we laughed, played & spent most of our time being social in tribal based communities, unless one choosing to be left alone, solitary. We, an apex predator when left to natural devices.

Today, we’ve been bred, bought & sold on the lies of bread, rice, beans, corn, milk & sugar. Misled by industries born of lies we’ve fed. Fattened up like our livestock we are gigantic, & with us like the Titanic, our voyage over before it began, this our sinking ship.

These days everything is created in a laboratory by mad scientists seeing what their elixirs & concoctions can do to the new herded human stew, simmered in deaf, dumb & blind, you know, a Pinball Wizard lost in this circus freak show that is our modern-day human lab rats. After all, why test on a creature in a lab when the lab is now the world actualized in creatures being manipulated & tested on in a real-time modern day Soap Opera.

Wed to ourselves to become bedazzled by the spectacle of having through the appearance of illusionary imagery, branding & technology. Say, show & repeat something enough times, force the agenda, reduce quality of life, reign in fear campaigns, lay waste the reality for its true representation, presto! Now, you’ve got a compliant, subservient, weak, bowing, allowing, passive herd. How absurd!

Presto! It’s alive! What is it?! It’s Science! Weird, Weird Science.

Using humans as lab rats to infect their poisonous concoctions into our children without question, swoops in to save the day. How about some sugar today, sugar. Sure hope you used some plastic today cause I Don’t Like Green Eggs & Ham, Sam, I Am. I tried them both, any of the refined sugars, especially in sucrose, nor the science that created it. I tried them & have to tell you, I still don’t like them, Sam, I Am.

Did you buy some stuff you didn’t need. Did you watch TV, nose buried in your phone, too bedazzled to even notice the all watching drone forever watching you overhead.

Changing the perceptions of the amassed hyper-sensationalized herds with the degradation of knowledge, removes any semblance of critical thinking that once might have been. Illusion upon illusion allows for our blind colonization.

We Didn’t Start the Fire, though we sure allowed it to blaze out of control to amassed blind dependencies. Big Pharma, horrible karma, nothing but drama. Increasing rent, monies spent, never ending payment. TV’s, smart phones, ever watching eye in the sky drones, brand wearing clones. Fever pitch, netted cross stitch, caught in webs to lie, steal & snitch, all left dying in the aftermath, lying in the science ditch left for us to just deal with the lasting effects of the broken seal. We kneel on the alter of technology. Our sacrificed lives they did steal. No care to conceal. No care to feel. Fakery now the real.

Science is a lie & a joke. Just like false prophets & gods throughout the millennia, Science, has corrupted humans, exploiting nature by claiming that to destroy is the only way to progress.

Science kills & dissects, claiming gains in understanding. Yet, the same science that kills to gain supposed knowledge, is the same Science that creates diseases, poisons & pollutants, while claiming plausible deniability is the same lying capitalistic industrial organization that then, claims to create the cure.

Science isn’t required in the natural world, its another meddling creation of man unfurled.

We’ve been so dumbed down, we don’t even see it, & its not even hiding anymore. Used to be, Science was alchemy, though more connected to nature, still, wielding maniacal intentions, to kill. To make sick, claiming to cure.

See, what most don’t understand is that Science is a creation of, for & from wars being raged by those who’ve claimed themselves privileged. Governments, ruled by religious zealots, took these ‘sciences’ after the war was won & turned all its creations onto living test subjects, its citizens.

The internet, created from spy & espionage, to track, monitor, destroy & manipulate the enemy. Think about it. Today’s societies citizens are invisibly shacked by debt, forced into labor. Imprinted & taught from birth to comply, blindly follow authority, don’t question or challenge the government or you’ll pay the price for your unpatriotic attitude.

The created internet, net, an intricate webbing designed to trap, capture, encapsule, numbed out of mind by the manipulated capsule we’re coerced to take. Swallow a lie, blind to the truth, you comply. The fractal interwoven tapestry of deceit in trickery deep my friends.

We fight for the ‘right to work’, the ‘right to have a job’, which is basically saying, the right to remain a slave. Slavery is slavery, freedom is an illusion as is time, the biggest human created limiting cage, for time dictates most people’s lives 24/7, throughout their entire lives. This is this world we’re born into literally cages called cribs to contain claiming safety for our children built by the criminally insane as we’re being conditioned to the snares yet to come, we stare through the bars only wanting to be set free.

I simply ask, why?

Why does it have to be this way, because we’ve allowed it as we all, as children, wanted so badly to play one of the earliest board games pushed on children to imprint upon us the American, New World Order, way, to amass more, more, more, whilst capitalizing on monopolizing Industry, Monopoly. Think about it.

Science, creates ‘studies show’ fear campaigns for political, corporate & individual gains. If you step back & really remove yourself, look deep & think critically & logically, you’ll see everything science touches is death. Yet they propagandize betterment, & we, a bred quickly to forgive & forget, choose not to see their get is to hoodwink you & me.

Creating poisons, claiming betterment. Creating chemical concoctions claiming betterment. Creating things we don’t need, that we never needed claiming improvement. Creating destruction calling it progress.

Ownership is a lie & an illusion. Everything is borrowed. In nature there is no such thing as trash, that’s a human, science, made creation. In nature, every ecosystem is perfectly balanced, harmonious, symbiotic. And if an imbalance emerges, it is quickly corrected for without human intervention, imagine that. It’s the meddling scientific hands of man that obliterate by manipulating synergy.

Every invention was made for war, to build temples, towers & castles for megalomaniacs galore, we the people the sacrificial pawn war whore. The wheel, the plane, the blimp, the catapult & fulcrum, canning, jarring, glider, railroad, roads, chemicals, foodstuff, combustion engines, chemicals, the list is endless, just look around, we’re living daily in the mechanical scientific maniacal aftermath.

Try picking up a book instead of the forced addiction ‘dumb’ phone, for there’s nothing ‘smart’ about it at all, save just another link to chain shackling our enslaved lives away for our Master we blindly obey as we follow unquestioning, its guiding way to the troughs of deceits.

Try reviewing History, actually hearing the messages it tries to convey, maybe learning what not to repeat along the way.

Try spending some, ‘no plans time’ with your children, family & friends, for nothing to do free from the meddling hands of man’s science allows for the true to come through.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, Au Revoir…

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