Attuned Mountain Solidarity

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I’ve ascended & descended countless hills & mountains.

I’ve crossed many rivers & oceans. I’ve frolicked through many a field & prairie.

I’ve ridden endless roads, some heavily trafficked & many more those less traveled.

I’ve been to & seen many places, talked to & looked at many faces, laughed & cried as I wandered in awe & wonder across this magnificent planet.

Motorcycling, backpacking & camping through the lower 48 of the USA, crossing boarders into Canada & Mexico allowed me to thoroughly explore breathtakingly amazing wilderness.

Avoiding tourists like the plague, I was able to relish in removed isolation areas of natural perfection, untouched by the poisoning hands of man. I embraced the quiet of the wild as a soloist in traveling in wanderlust.

Though, no matter where I’ve traveled, even if surrounded by people, my journeys have been as a solitary man.

I’m a drifter floating on nature’s breath in winds carrying my wings in its whimsy, happy to wind up wherever I venture. A vagabond free of the toils of slave labors needed to survive.

My home is where I lay my head, stationary only temporarily until the mood to move on whisks me away again.

People are messy, needy, tiresome & burdensome by their own life choices, where mountains are quiet, clean purity.

People are so desperate to belong to anything they forget how to sing their own song, standing tall, standing strong, alone, being one with the mountain.

The human herds do as they’re told so most have sold out nature for manmade nonsensical direction filled with pointless stuff.

Nature doesn’t lie, mountains don’t deceive, what you see is what you get. Raw, pure, naked, exposed, adapt or die, go with the seasonal flow to easily survive & thrive.

Alone, I stand upon a mountain, alone a traveler in life’s adventures, alone I stand, a solitary man.

Getting Lost in Nature allows for quieting clarity resonating in resilience of healthily balanced state of mind & being.

In the natural world is where I prefer to play in my own naturally unique way until my dying day.

Give me a mountain over typical human insanity any day.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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