Can It End, If It Didn’t Even Begin

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Howdy Folks!

Can it end if it didn’t even begin?!

Did I ever tell you the one about how I’d never ridden my motorcycle on a cross country journey, ever! I didn’t know what I’d do in any situation that might, & certainly could, occur. I mean I was about to embark on a solo cross-country motorcycling road trip across the United States, without plans, right, I mean, WTF!!!

No destinations, no reservations, no revocations, no proclamations, only open invitations to free flow in improvisations.

It just felt right & I always go with my gut, following my heart is how I always start my journeys. Many just don’t get it, unless equal in passionate kindred spirit, most unable to hear it, the call of the wild child inside, where authority & independence collide. Rules or freewill to choose, the Autocracy relentless in power, trying to control everything, only the young at heart able to truly sing.

So I did what I knew, just do it, you’ll be alright, you always are Randy because you’ve believed in yourself, looking upon your own star. Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I know I may, I know I might, know always, that Randy is ALL RIGHT! It’s the world, that’s, ALL WRONG! What a fantastic song!

That motto which was just my state of being in inherent lifestyle was how I’ve spent my whole life learning & becoming. Self-directed, following the call of many interests, not just one thing, but, countless in the sum of my parts makes me who I am, too, helps me to see a different reality.

The more I read, the more I was introduced to, ideas in ideologies, philosophies & theories as my imagination grew & flew, taking flight where no man could contain these heart & mind possibilities, here, there are no limits. I knew, the more I read & traveled, the less I would happily be humbled that I didn’t know & the less I knew, what a freeing view.

What I consume, mind, heart, body, spirit & soul, if one even exists at all, all, I take in becomes part of me & I part of it. It’s so simple, just, let it be! Thanks John, Paul, George & Ringo! The Beatles helped to shape my cognitive & emotional reality, simply, let it be!

I’ve spent my precious time asking why, then, striving for logical, rational solutions we call answers. Though answers really are for those trying to guide another’s own show, cause no one really ‘knows’ anything at all. Trying to make sense of matters created that matter not. Those that made sense to me, I didn’t care if anyone else got it or didn’t, my findings were mine alone, not theirs. I’m happy being social, I’m even happier being alone, even happier with just naturally being happy as my natural state of being naturally wants to be. I just let me be.

It’s hard for me to conform, even a little bit to the societal norm, though if I don’t give in a little to reach in & pull those of like heart & mind out, freeing them before the insanity forced imprinting begins, or, continues for too long, the children who suffer the most, their forefathers desired gets in costs left for them, well then, my friend, all will be lost, & not Getting Lost in the fun, free-flowing, roaming, wandering in awe & wonder way. No, it will turn into their programmed Monopoly play. Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s Fat Albert!

I choose not to play their way, instead, maybe I’ll read a little literature, drop needle to record, sip some fermentation of grapes turned naturally into wine, after all, I’m fine as wine when it’s red, bold, bitter and complex in its sweetness. Or perhaps a little puff of the Magic Dragon in flowers offering Trichomes to voyage on the psychedelic tripping over the fungus among us, pick up a bass, guitar, or just pound my beats out to my own drummer. Whatever I choose, it’s never a bummer.

Logical understandings, not nonsense given to me by someone trying to sell me on something or ideal, or convince me or coerce me with their own intent, their reason, are what I utilize to actualize as I conceptualize. I never compromise myself for their intent. No, I took matters into my own hands by researching, investing, asking questions of those seeming to have utilized these skills from knowledge gained & attempt them myself. I watched, observed, tested, tried everything & anything, just as I am myself made up of everything, so must I experience everything that I am interested in, not for another’s chagrin.

If, after trying it out a few times, it wasn’t working, or, didn’t produce happy, positive results, I moved on to try something new, as I’ve never been one to be slight or void of interests. I just had to make sure I avoided the subtle traps of indecision or being lulled to sleep & lured into their vision, televised to the masses, trying to hook me in, trying to convince me, my thinking differently is a sin, a notion that natural desires, impulses, curiosities & pleasures are somehow wrong.

I mean think about it, we’re all born into servitude. Once visibly chained, now, invisibly indebted. “There are two ways to conquer & enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt” – John Adams. Debt, the current New World Order of things is the best, for by the sword that is seen, gets messy, bloody, causes rebellion if gone on for too long, though it is very effective in its created obedience, even if for a short time.

Though, more cunning in debts their desired outcomes longer reigned, even longer when paired with fear. Debts, especially with credit, are virtually invisible, so fears of rebellion, diminish. We must work, slave, to produce energy to the host, spending, to earn more, more, more, caged in titles & definitions to confine us to lives of illusions that turned into actual delusions that, this state of being, was & is, still OK, normal, just a blindly accepted way of life.

I’ve found most live in an ideal world in how they see themselves & that most, fall way short on actually doing anything with themselves at all. They call their misery loves company groups that they surround themselves with, friends, who equally buy into their line of bullshit & just accept it, settling for less. Subpar & mediocrity the new status quo.

My life quest has always been that of sense & sensibility in quality. I persevered, overcame, fell flat & came up short more times than not, though overall, succeeded & won, if you will, big!

I remember when I was a child, I was told I’d never amount to anything many times by many people in my life simply because I refused to just go along & sing their silly little pledge of allegiance song, so, I got in ‘trouble’ just cause I questioned. They said, that I’d be in trouble my whole life, simply because I asked questions & wouldn’t blindly comply.

I had no interest in playing their game, their way. What’s a ‘test’ anyway, numbers & scores little people with little minds use to define intelligence. To me, this tells it all. Little did they know, I was a one man show & just because I was younger in a boy’s body, didn’t mean I didn’t already know more than they ever would simply because I realized the possibilities in not know, desiring adventuring in discovering my own paths & that I knew I didn’t know anything at all, thus, knowing more than they ever could imagine. See, I wasn’t bound by their limited definition of reality. I didn’t need them, I already had it, either you have it or you don’t. Naturally, instinctually, intuitively. I didn’t need them to tell me what I needed to do to become somebody.

I look around & see those so directed by industry, yet, they still think they’re free. They buy into everything, literally. Programmed to react, to be influenced, they took the Blue Pill, staying connected to The Matrix. Even ‘ah ha!’ moments unrecognized. Too programmed, too imprinted, too brainwashed & too wrapped up in more ways to ensure their own demise. They actually believe more is better, the clothes make the man, that makeup makes you beautiful, that what you say means more than what you do. That a title somehow entitles.

Pheromones, vibrations, nuances, subtleties, minuscule differences in living things never go unnoticed, subtle signals of nature as I narrow the fields of perception, I focus on life’s truths. My instinctual impulsivity is calmed & steadied by a singular desire to attain knowledge for no other reason than that.

There’s no future to conceive no matter what you believe, once we’re each done, the world as we knew it, each our own life as we knew it, never existed. Who cares if others are left behind, who cares if any more are born, once we’re done, we’re done, once I’m done, I’m gone.

A criminal without a crime, I wandered far from my origins, once, once. That was all I needed to cure myself of any self doubt that I would forever trust my instinctual gut. A nature made feeling that will never die only felt by those who never let their inner Wild Cherry child die. The only crimes I ever committed was the time I chose not to believe in myself.

This is why I lived my thoughts. I went out & grabbed what interested me, I didn’t waver, quiver or shiver, no, I was born to deliver. An existence true to the only one that really mattered, me, myself & I. So many try, try, try to give their lives to another in some joke of an attempt to be good by doing something for another. What a freak show, those lost to themselves who don’t know claiming they know what’s best for someone else.

The best gift anyone can give to another, is being oneself. Whatever & whoever you are, just be you with no falsities, no lies, no deceits, just honesty & truth. That is all it takes. Letting chemistry naturally attract one to whatever or whomever it is they are drawn to will be met with equality by the other part of that natural equation.

Tell, tell, tell me all you know, I’ll tell, tell, tell you what you don’t. I’ll rip you right apart, breaking you down to your primordial self. Your wild, raw, pure, child that never, ever, grows old, most just choose to grow up to Adult. How absurd! Putting the young at heart innocence aside for society’s cultural demands. How absurd!

I grew & continue to grow in all ways at once, there’s no up or down, wrong or right, good or bad, there’s only what is. Society, we the people, then confine & define it, making parameters & boundaries where no natural borders reside. It’s all manmade mumbo jumbo. We do it to ourselves.

We are, our own worst enemies.

I’m On the Loose run from all man has done. I am not the same, I am not of this Earth in similar one. I stand apart, a lifelong choice of living on the edge, just out of sight from those who believe it’s best to rule others, & try as I might, their blind faith surrendering to their plight, ignites my tickled delight, I fight with purity of crystal clear sight.

Not caring about anything man’s synthetically created hands have made gets me through the day. Sure, I use the resources that we’ve come to know, creature comforts, if you will, are what most call them swallowing that compliantly submissive Blue Pill. Though I’d give them up in a second, I’d happily forego, to know I’d never have to see another stupid human trick show.

I don’t know, call me crazy, we’re all born into slavery. From day one we’re paying for our very lives. Love has been corrupted to hate the very things the natural life has provided to us, we now hate, hate, hate. Taught the wild, savage kind is somehow blind, dumb when living in the primitive kind.

Hum, I think if they would of done what we’ve become, they’d of been over before they’d even begun. Know what I’m sayin, I’m not playin, this is my life, mine, not yours or theirs or anyone’s, but, mine. Why should I even have to play, who are they to say I must conform to their will & way at all anyway.

Diversity’s my anthem, au natural my true nature’s call, young at heart my serenity’s ball. I am what I am. Leave me alone & I’ll leave you be, the bee in clone drone generalized other in your oppressive, societal jive, hive where they strive to thrive in slowly dying in disease & decay, in all your glory to play the games you choose to play.

No, with them I choose not to play, from it all, I’ve always stepped away, my heart, they could never sway.

So, when I pulled up on Mount Shasta, all I’ve just related came to me all at once. So, I’ll have to ask ya, do you see what I see, do you hear what I hear, do you care to make a difference in living your own way, or, would you rather just prepay & go on your bowing in servitude, indebted way, just listening & following whatever nonsense it is they have to say.

Or, maybe, just maybe, you’ll choose to stay with me awhile, appreciating the moment & listening to what the mountain has to say, so, we can dance & sing & play all the live long day.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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