Au Revoir Henry’s

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Howdy Folks!

Well rested after a dream filled night’s sleep, I woke to crystal clear, blue skies, perfect for my upcoming ride. I was thinking to head to town & explore more of Taos & New Mexico.

The Henry’s woke shortly after I did. We brewed some coffee, ate a small morning meal & Alix & David were heading off to work, while Helen & Paxton were getting ready for school.

In my travels, days blur & I didn’t realize it was a week day where the normal world, outside of my Getting Lost adventures continued their usual scheduled lives.

I remember being so very thankful for not having to live in schedules anymore & sang my GLwR theme song in my head. We all were having a blast, though short lived for our parting words, as all the Henry’s began filing out the door.

We hugged, said our, parting is such sweet sorrow, goodbyes & until next time’s, &, off the Henry’s went. Even though they had just met me, they entrusted me to stay a while, relax & continue to take the Earthship community in while the grounds dried from the night’s storm. So I walked around, pet & talked to the chickens & explored my surrounding area on foot.

I hiked to the highest point to get a good surrounding look at all the unique ships, took some great pictures, walked the Henry’s ship one more to for the memories, packed up, locked up & mounted my steed.

The ground was a bit damp so the dirt, gravel, road was a bit slippery, but, nothing unmanageable. I rode around a bit to the different areas before heading to the tarmac.

Once I got my fill enough to bid farewell, I turned back before my front tire hit black, throttled & never looked back. On to more roads less traveled, off the beaten path. I rode to the paved road to town & off I went to discover new adventures.

I have to say, this was just one of some amazing GLwR experiences, though, it was one of my favorites. It spoke to the kindness of others & strangers, in ways that sadly seem to be a dying breed of folks, though thankfully, not lost on the Henry’s.

As I live, & as I motorcycle throughout the country, I realize that Jim Morrison & The Doors said it best, ‘The West is the best. Just get here, & we’ll do the rest’. There’s just a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ in natural connection to the planet we call Earth, that gets lost the more I, Head East; another great band. That is until I motor into Maine, where true wilderness country fills my wild veins again until quenched.

Alix Henry & her family live a uniquely wonderful lifestyle in Taos, NM where they helped design & build their Earthship home for their family. She, her husband & two young daughters exist in a day to day life of minimal living, simple pleasures. One, with all the splendors of natural wonders anyone with an au natural, minimal, low carbon footprint would fall in love with. I know I did & have longed to relocate there someday ever since.

I’ve looked & waited for the right preexisting Earthship home to come on the market. I’ve even considered building one new so I could be part of the designing & building of it. So far, a couple have come on the market & caught my attention, though each time I was getting ready to be Getting Lost in Taos Earthsip real estate, each went under contract before I got there.

However, I am a patient man & will continue looking, waiting & if the right one presents itself, the new occupant will be ready. Or, who knows, maybe I’ll hire the Henry’s to design & help build my own unique Earthship.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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