The PCH 1 Adventure Begins

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…

I was so happy that I realized to turn back to get a good night’s sleep, waiting until morning, rather than to continue on that night.

Riding in cold, foggy conditions is never fun, nor, safe.

So, after a great eve & sleep, I woke to an AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL day!

I woke naturally with the sun coaxing me to get up. I brewed a pot of coffee, gazed out at the ocean & got to my morning routines.

I trained a bit, as I did most mornings when on the open road. I love a bit of structure in flexible, yet disciplined, routines.

Routines help me to keep some semblance of organization to my random, no planned routes along the way, travels.

Structured routines keep me focused, sharp, ready for anything that gets thrown my way. I have a routine for everything. The routine, keeps my mind’s eye keen, crystal clear in 20/20 vision in daily life & on the road.

So, I continued & finished up my modus operandi’s. I stretched, showered again, nice & hot to relish in the warmth before the ride. The morning was crisp, though I knew it would warm up quickly & nicely.

I prepped some food from my mini grocery store I always travel with, went to the beach & ate to greet the morning & enjoy a wonderful meal.

I watched the sun blaze into the sky, greeting the day.

I finished eating & sat reflecting a while, gazing out at the Pacific Ocean. I pondered the yonder a bit, taking it all in, then, headed back to my room.

I packed my steed, took one last look, taking it all in & checked out of my Oceanside room.

It was time to officially begin motorcycling the historic PCH 1!

I’ve never ridden the PCH 1, not even in a car, so all I had to go by were all the pictures I’ve seen.

All the pictures, though amazing, & all the tales I’ve read, though fantastic, were nothing in comparison to experiencing it firsthand.

Tears filled my eyes from the rush of memories that came flooding back in dreaming of this day as a child. Now, becoming a reality. Spectacular!

The PCH 1 lay before me, I took it all in with a grin, living a life of dreams within dreams.

I throttled bidding au revoir to Oceanside & off I road, Getting Lost on the PCH 1, California Dreaming.

It doesn’t get any better folks & what lay before me was breathtaking, & I was just getting started!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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