What I don’t know, I haven’t heard

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Howdy Folks!

If you’re in the mood for some fun in contemplating some questioning ponderances & observances I’ve contemplated over the years & expressing some unobstructed thoughts on matters that to me, matter, then read on. If not, please enjoy the capture above of just one of an Arches Sunsets, to me, captured at a perfect moment, as the sunsets & the moonrises, that I shared with a wonderful couple I met while I was in Utah.

One eve I was feeling a bit frisky & decided to ascend some ginormous boulders protruding from the Earth that were just begging me to traverse. As I cascaded up their slippery slope, the dopamine from the above scene started to take hold of my heart & mind. I crested, stood in awe & wonder as I pondered the yonder, mesmerized. I looked down to the ground below, silhouetted in the most beautiful of sunsets, a natural moonchild, basking in the most majestic of views.

Once upon a time, in a Galaxy far, far away…the story begins in so many ways as all days get lost in the haze of hazy, hazy days, so many blurred to dazed & confused vague recollections of picture-perfect clarity, my acutely sensitive particularity reality. Somehow, I can remember, I can sort them all out. It’s a recollection perception, detailing my life as I recall it, my unique subjective perspective directive to always be willing to start over again & again & again in perpetual change. It is nature’s way, it’s my way, & I don’t care what anyone else has to say. Just make sure to leave me alone to celebrate my world as I’ve come to know it, as I do you, & most certainly stay out of my way, for I don’t obstruct you or your view.

Though I have to say, it’s good to see you my friend, long times gone past since we last met. Time a season out of mind & reason that only seems to bring about confusion from the insane world they’ve created for us, hoping we’ll buy the delusion they’re selling.

As I ponder the yonder, I feel like a little rhymin Simple Simon. Getting Lost in my self-directed course while most seem to follow another’s directive, that’s always confused me a world where the liars claim impunity, yeah, quite the irony.

As I bask in solitary rays of sunlight that brought about a daze, Getting Lost in a life removed from the hazed maze, most happy to get eaten by the craze. I prefer a moon rising sunset viewing, freeing of the burdens most just blindly accept as the typical life screwing, complying to the normal state of being. Me, I choose not to play their convoluted game of cat & mouse, why would I bother, a lone wolf care’s not, for either creature, save maybe to enjoy the Tom & Jerry mindless cartoon shit-show that hooked the first generation in, so, here, we begin.

Sinking morality, our causality our own brutality as our duality runs from its once thought bright conceptuality, so haaaaapy to be a casualty in sheep in its own clothing, thinking it the wolf, only to be digested by those cloaked, hiding in plain sight, fear, a subtle conquering sword. Viciously piercing, painfully sold as love, the hand that feeds, brings all to knees as the heart & mind bleeds, cause what all God’s need, money, ain’t it funny. I don’t believe in anything human beings have created, stated or made cause they came at too high a cost, the desired gets the worm, if be an early bird running from the absurd, so, shhhhh, don’t say a word or you’ll be blurred into the herd & you’ll never be heard.

Give peace a chance, give piece of mind over a piece of land. We stand, cascading, spiraling, winding down a quick sand endless staircase. We embrace the rat race to nowhere, still we chase while stagnating in one place, forgetting how to embrace our lost human race to nowhere fast, the dye cast, we can’t outrun our past. Human connection in contact taught now to be sinister in its own natural potion, what a notion, a promotion to insanity’s hide away in plain sight to deny our own natural plight. Industry tickling our every unnatural delight to make artificial, once that was once real, now, everyone’s to afraid to reveal how they really feel as they lie bleeding, sacrificial. Blood sacrifice needed to seal the deal, bashing the baby seal, numb to the squeal as crimson fur ignites the white, deaf ears turned to allow the corrupt to deal out our favorite freak television Gong Show, though need to eat the blubbery, pink, meaty meal slow & low that is the tempo, interesting the tornado mumbo-jumbo we choose to memorize, while reality, we never realize.

Sir, please mow your lawn, it has grown a bit too long today. You might want to cut your hair too, & while you’re at it, pick up your dog’s doodoo, because, who own’s who? So many peculiar sights I see in the subdivisions of suburbia. Inside out, outside in, where do I begin, logically sane watching the membrane gone insane due to staying the same, unable to change, I look around & only see the derange of how the changed allowed for the deranged Monopoly Game. The Wonder Years surround my removed, unique perspective, show. Only because I refuse to be reflective in a carbon copied, just another dime in a dozen generalized other, they’re trying so hard to sell the plasticine, porcelain shit-show spiraling our waste down the hole, embracing the created fake, for the, vibrant life in au natural.

I am what I eat & I eat from the life well! I eat fish, I eat meat, I eat fruits & I eat vegetables, though not at all tables, I share food only, with those of like hearts & minds. I eat less plant matter than flesh, I prefer the taste of raw, pink, meat, for its a delectable treat, like suckling from Mommy’s teat, so sweet, so sweet mother’s milk, pure as silk, but, only if she eats true to the purity’s source. I eat books, ideology & philosophy. I eat music, I eat what I hear, see, think & feel & I eat the company I keep because I eat people, cannibalistically gobbling up what nuances of importance they possess of matter that matters, morphing those of importance, digesting them into me. I take from them their beauties & goodness’s that I happily share in those I have myself with them. I am what I eat & I am what my food eats. I’m an all-consumptive ingesting biological being that never compromises the habits that work well by giving me good health, happiness & wellbeing. I don’t require another’s implanted desire to set fire to attain for my happiness. To be happy is to be content in just being at all.

If you are blind, you are unkind, cause you are too wrapped up in the slave grind to ever find a free piece of mind. You first have to seek to ever find what you are looking for, just make sure its your heart & mind that desire the search. My moments never forgotten, replayed in a continuous loop cause they are part of me, my memories make me who I am, for without them I am no longer, a stranger in a strange land. If I don’t have memory, I cannot truly see what lies before me.

The strange odors pulsate in my nostril’s olfactory moments to linger on triggered remembering’s, influencing smells of wonderous beginnings. Let me smell you, I’m primal, & I’ll tell you if I care to know you & let you in to my spice of life’s cravings of biochemical romance as we dance in fragrances seductive lure. Are you pure, are you sure, there’s no need for a cure if there’s no ill creations making you sick to begin with. Nature’s nature, naturally natural, obscure subtleties, mass production companies send out sold poisons to in turn catch the sickness, to take the hand of the dying, offering a fix. If there’s no sick, there’s no fix, it there’s no selling, no money, there’s not trick. So, the tempt with an implanted treat, say it’s cool, forcing it into ‘neat’, something we can’t live without their poisons injected into everything for way too long a time. Choosing not to see, our biggest crime.

I feel the rhythm working slowly singing my songs, I stand in awe & wonder at myself, a shell called body I will only embody for less than 100 celestially Sun orbiting years. More smiles than tears due to no fears of the unknown & never needing to be shown the way, they say, they say, they say follow me, come this way. I won’t follow, I won’t go, I won’t pledge, I won’t comply, I choose to defy. I choose to be different & see in actuality, I am not the cow corralled, happy they are just feeding it, yelling out in distress its only word it can utter, moo. Now, I’m here, yesterday’s over, tomorrows always an expected hope to come again & again for years & years & years. Caught in between my time, my present, a constant state of awesome awareness & reason, logic’s song. My rhyme doesn’t have to have a reason, why.

Illogically rational, rationale embodies my bio-synoptic pathways etched in symbiotic ways, winds of change ever changing as mother Earth holds you. Who is my true mother, the actual one who birthed a daughter or a son, or the one who birthed the mother, or was it the one that birthed life to begin with. Most feel it a Creator. Though to birth is to give life as we know it, so, what if there’s a different reality from what we know as you & me. What can we really see & what really are we blind to. It’s easier to see where you’re going if you look in the rearview. Kicking & screaming, I am here, no idea where here is, but, here I am & apparently I will grow into a human state-of-being called man.

Not typical in any way, I see differently. I don’t want to steal, take, rape or pillage, I know it takes a village, so, why would I want to burn it down. They say war is progress & war masks wear many faces, some, those easier to recognize fire guns & wear armor, though some, not wanting to be seen wage attacks in more subtle ways, to steal away our minds, emptying our pockets we shouldn’t need anyway only there cause they said we need to carry monies & things in them we don’t need, indebting us until we beg for the creators to take away our pains, they created to begin with. We pledge, we borrow, we kneel, we bend to kiss the ring of the king, God & Country. Fear campaigns more piercing than any battle cry.

Breeding tradition is how the system maintains itself with megalomaniacs trying desperately to hide their allegoric intents. Creating the illness, they create the elixir to cure their woes, from head to toes, that’s the way industry’s song goes. Pump their veins full of dopamine & serotonin to make them feel surreal so that they’ll reveal all that they’ve tried their whole lives to conceal, so, Let’s Make A Deal, making fake, real, in one where they’ll steal you away from the boob-tube watching a fictional character in Alley McBeal. I guess for most, it’s better to watch a fake life then to live their real one the most.

We rush to buy unneeded things at supermarkets that only target our pocketbooks as wave after wave of mass consumers fill the checkout lines hoping to find that buy to take away their woes. Unable to recognize that the same hand that feeds them, tightens the noose.

Trapped like rats in experiments, the human condition has become an intentional cancerous technology rendition that poisons with ill intent, watching it all play out, this madmen’s game of cat & mouse in the house that omnipotence built.

What a quilt it is, a fantastic menagerie in tapestry to mesmerize their blinded eyes seeing through a kaleidoscope haze, unaware, they’ve been lured into the spectacle of society’s craze.

Peace & Love, until next time, au revoir…

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