I’m A Traveling Man

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about how I’m a traveling man, living life without a plan? Yes, no, maybe, probably not because we haven’t met & if we have, well then, my friend, you’re about to hear it again. Cause right now, doing what I’m doing, I sure as shit didn’t plan for it or even thought a thought about it until it happened. Unexpected it was, is still really, that my life adventures have led me to this reality.

Show after show after show, which way should I go, each action an equal & opposite reaction, or maybe just eggshell shattering minds of little children who’ve been told so many lies, they can see for miles those laid waste to the Autocracy that we’ve allowed to be. Though, most certainly not wild & free, forever shackled to that tree, dangling from a noose or just waiting to be drawn & quartered.

Though I bet none of my stories will bend from their original tales in I don’t know you & you don’t know me so all my experiences since then will help the truth in realization that the original, actual tale will prevail as time tends to heal wounds & reveal the truth forgotten in the house of love that it tried to conceal when we were naked as children & they tried to tell us not to be ourselves, but rather dance to their tall tales. See, it’s all about the sales, it’s all about the money, no matter how bitter the jagged little pill, they’ll try to sweeten the deal with poison they call sugar, a nasty little booger they’ve addicted us to.

So, here, I’ll just seal the deal & maybe reveal the spiel that’s so true you’ll never believe it so. Well maybe we’re just kindred spirits coexisting on a similar energetic force that connects by an invisible energy & you’ll catch my cognitive drifts in inspirational tales for your wild side I’m attempting to uplift & set adrift as I’m attempting to create a rift between the truth & the lies they try to conceal, exposing the Great Oz.

Do I really dare to care, yes, yes I do, & it’s the truth! I have to, for this New World Order dye was cast well before my shadow cast & I’ve never bought into it. So why should I just bow & comply when all is a lie.

Is it live or is it Memorex?! Butter or margarine? Free range or penned, sick, dying & commercialized? Fresh fruits & veggies or wheat, corn, beans, soy & sugar? What we were grown by evolution to eat or what scientists & chemists in lab coats concocted that industry forced us to eat, which do you pick? What we eat becomes a part of us. What are you eating? Do you even care? No, yeah, I bet too you wear underwear, where all should be bare without a care. It doesn’t matter until it does because you allow it to matter.

I spend no time on the swings of my choices already made because I won’t waste my precious time on indecision, I’d rather swing on swings at playgrounds just listening to the delicious sounds of children so innocent, so creative, so inventive, so becoming their & our & future, so aware that if allowed, they are each unique without a care save to fly on wings high only where eagles dare.

It creates too much division between me & me if I’m undecided or divided where reality & the shit-show have collided. A playground of hide & seek & Zombie if you the meek seek other meek, for yes, you will inherit the Earth. I’m glad I’ll be dead by the time that child we call baby goat in kid grows up to perpetuate the ideocracy we call a democracy, such the hypocrisy when most have nothing but tall tales to tell their children’s, children’s children.

What did I do?! I did everything, everything I did. I lived while you slid down the slide too afraid to climb up it to see what’s on the other side, to defy the rules of the fools who set aside their childlike dreams & desires, spiraling out of control, down, down, down the drain with all the other insane without a brain, no grey matter, sadly free of the membrane!

What do you do?!?!

‘…no planned routes along the way, just going & living day to day…’. My travels Getting Lost w/Randy, with & within myself, I just went the way my heart wanted me to, the way that just felt right. I just went, I just rode, I just did, I just freely explored to my heart’s content. You know folks, it always works out in the end if you have a happy heart & optimistic outlook with no expectations.

Just go, just do it, be it, become it, ebb & flow with & within it, the truth in your moments that all become the whole sum of all the parts of you. Be one with them, let them steer you clear of fear, disillusionment & a nay saying rhetoric tear falling down your face fighting things you cannot see always crying poor me. No, that last part, that’s not me nor how I see, I’ve done everything the opposite of what they say & Baby, Look at Me Now!

I stand in it; I don’t cower hide or run from it, I attack & embrace it, I become it. I look up to the raindrops falling on my head, not with dread, running in fear from that which gives me & all life. Good grief Charlie Brown! I choose rather to caravan with happiness because rain makes you beautiful! And, ‘I’m singing in the rain’! You silly, silly fool, don’t you know, you silly, silly fool, Rain, makes you BEAUTIFUL!!!

From the Sound of Music from that first bird singing till the last ray of light drawn round, I embrace life!

I care not for the fakers & deceivers always on the make to get that big break & just make a buck; really! WTF! Honestly, WHAT THE FUCK!!! Stealing the liquid gold honey from the bees so you can make some money, rather than just eat it & cultivate it for yourself, a lifelong food source of bountiful goodness.

Symbiosis laid waste to trichinosis hypnosis as the commercialized laid waste to the natural, that we were taught to distaste as we made waste & have become cancer & are nothing but a waste of space.

Funny, all that is done daily goes unquestioned. Just accept the lies told, sold as gold, gotta have it, better grab it, or you’ll go without & be left out of the fucktardary circus freak show. Well now, who would want that?! I’ll take the young who still have a song yet unsung who just want to scream to shatter the disillusionment dream. Though they’re only a few out there because we’ve been bred to rear them with no brains in their head, to bow, comply & deny their own internally beautiful, me, too afraid to Rage Against the Machine, they lay down their swords of unique independent selves & slowly die.

I’m most comfortable in being humbled in not knowing, in seeking to gain understanding as I do. Endlessly hoping another human being has invested enough in themselves in always seeking, always learning, always questioning, always growing, always knowing they know nothing at all in their quests to dig deep to uncover whatever it is they discover that there’s nothing to uncover or discover. It’s all just one’s own subjective perspective objective to become their own detective into their own subconscious directive, able to pass through the threshold of their dream.

Wherever I may roam, where I lay my head, I call home. My own best friend, I travel alone. My own vault of knowledge, I rely on myself. I chop wood & carry the water. I hunt, I gather & I cook for myself. I invite change & celebrate its uncertainty. I welcome the new as I am the old from which I came forth from now, the new. Why not join me so we can start something new, me & you.

Most certainly, I’m unconventional where most choose to conform, I choose to reject all that is the ‘norm’. I didn’t agree to it, I didn’t have a say in it, I didn’t condone it, I didn’t create it, so why should I have to take it, their pill, the new elixir that will certainly fix the voids you want to fill & live within this fucking shit that now stinks up life’s hallways where once children ran unencumbered & free!?

Before you can slide, you must first climb up the hill. I challenge everything, everything! I reinvent every day. I look forward to the unknown, though shed shade to the overgrown. I don’t make lemonade from lemons, for that requires sugar, a deadly little booger that I want no part of, it’s killing fields of slow death. Rather, I squeeze it on my dinner for a diabolically dynamic flavor, one that I savor & benefit from.

What do you do with your cliched lemons?!

No matter, I don’t care about what others do. See, that’s not me, it’s alright if it’s you, do what you do, just leave me be so that I can be free to be me too. Don’t care about me as I don’t care about you, until we do, that is if we’re of similar lifestyle & view, to see within the same visual spectrum in view.

If you tried to transcribe another vibe onto me or my tribe you wouldn’t catch me, recruit me or convince me otherwise. Try as you might, think you could sway the way I choose to play, go ahead, give it your best shot. Though know, I’m not the average man, or bear, for that matter, I’m smarter.

A vicarious love affair from afar a modern day Pandit who’s artificial gruel, mass consumed by the heard, I refuse to eat. Nor will you stick or prick me, or try to inject into or unto me in any way your decay. Doesn’t matter its antimatter form, I refuse to conform to the mediocre, the common, the ‘normalcy’ of diplomacy or autocracy or mediocracy, I want no part of the already constructed form that takes the form of the generalized other swarm circling the bug zapper.

Cake is not a treat, it’s cancer, disease in waiting, sugar coated in forced branding tradition to carry out the prolonged slaughter of the lifelong working drones. And what do we do with it, serve it as a special treat to our children. Doesn’t matter, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, you’ll be fed & fattened up for it, & that which you consume will consume you within it. Don’t you get it! No, I guess not.

It’s a cliche because it’s true, you are what you eat. What’s in your pantry, fridge & freezer? What’s in your wallet? Any extra money in your bank account?! Heads or tails, you call it. What foods do you choose to feed your belly & your beautiful lady or fella? Is it live, fresh, or processed fakery, chemically concocted, artificially created by industries that are nothing more than a mind, body, heart & soul deceiver?

Or is it pure, raw, natural in its biological, caring for you not unless you’re about to eat it. A radical in its actual cause it’s factual & that’s why I never take a back seat or sabbatical or compromise my reality ties to the fact, all that lives, dies. So, I eat life. Not a factory concocted foodstuff, I choose not the fluff, I’d rather stay wild, raw & rough around the edges, I certainly don’t trim my hedges.

It’s up to you to stay or walk away. It’s up to you to travel or vacation. It’s up to you to be forever wandering or arriving at a final destination. See, some choose to live in the past, others choose to abide by a never-ending future plan. Then there’s those like me, who chose to be their own man, beating to their own vibe in drummer.

Through the eyes of a child are the only ways you can see, by your own or vicariously through, to get a better understanding of the view that’s in front of you.

Living for the present moments, celebrating every second of every day, realizing it could be my last. I broke the mold the day my dye born in cast shattered into bits, once the sum, now just my parts scattered to the wind. I am everywhere & nowhere. I am everything & nothing.

Time is an illusion created by man, a definition to make sense of some fantasy tale of a supernatural land. Time is the biggest invisible shackle for the rulers of man. God is a living man, the Devil is too, just stories to forever control you & oppress women, children & other different believing men in their perpetual continuation generational retaining plan.

Planted fears, forced thought control, invisible chains, all one in the same, all rooted in the same vein full of distractions in stuff of the vain vane. Gazing to the strange stage, the circus shows rage in full blown costumed preachers. I’ve always asked, if it’s so great, why the continuous forced push to be part of the clan?

I choose to stand alone, purposefully removed from the amassed mass consumer, the offensively perfumed to hide their stench of compliance. I rather smell the armpits, feet & crotch of a natural human being free of the plasticine cosmetic chemicals created by man, than the offensive whiffs of stench in pheromones obtained from other animals to entice. High heels, girdles, perfumes & makeup, just some of the horrors created by a man to obtain a false sense of beauty that already exists naturally.

When I travel, I think about these things. I travel so very differently. See, I don’t need to go anywhere to travel in my mind. I ride the wind, two-wheel dealing, I won’t be buying, I wouldn’t even consider stealing, anything they’re selling, cause when you’re really free, you won’t even be considering anything they ever say. The only game they play is to betray.

I travel back to my youth with every breath I breathe today cause I never lost that reality, it’s all around me, living in dreams & not by another’s lunatic schemes. Not something to work toward, no, rather, they’re something to be within. You won’t be able to catch me, even if you think you can, cause I’m out living life, ever eluding the man.

What is time really, anyway, juts the most vicious of shackles placed around our vulnerable necks. Convincing us we need to work, convincing us we’re on a time schedule, convincing us we’re gong to late for a very important date. Tic toc, tic toc. Time can’t slip into the future if it doesn’t exist.

Modeling, listening, consequences, individual differences, adapting as I approach each situation as unique as my perceived take on it as we are all our past collectives from all senses absorbed over time based on our own personal perspectives, for, we each see uniquely based on our own unique set of circumstances. Nature versus nurture does not exist independently, they are forever intertwined, each effecting & affecting equally along an interwoven spectrum of perpetual change.

This is why, no matter how badly we want to be together with someone, our connections grown & severed based on each our own take away from what we perceive just happened, will indeed, never happen. Quite the oxymoron, don’t’cha think?! Well, that is if you think at all, ha, yeah, I just said & asked you that. So, what do you think about that??!!

Wild, wild horses run, run fast & far away. Lone wolves refusing to be tamed, maimed, broken to be made tame dogs, made lame for the jollies of the fattened human, becoming obese in their own arrogant entitlement that end up as the follies of man become the roots of the ‘civilized’ world they’ve created.

I am not a human being in today’s reign of madness, for my being cares not to be seeing anything preprogrammed for me to be. I’m an alien, a stranger in a strange land, for my skew a complete 180 from the generalized other points of view.

As I roamed across this most magnificent landscape, I often pondered the yonder & wondered what most were doing right now in this very moment I gazed at THAT, what I lived within whilst I did that, I so happily was able to capture what’s pictured above. All I could say to myself was, ‘I absolutely LOVE my life!’ What a gift, what a treat, so happy I chose never to eat their pushed treat of defeat in sweet treat they call love.

No, that’s not my kind of love, only those I let in truly know what true love is. You know who you are & I absolutely & completely love each & ever one of you! Thank you for allowing me to love you the way you needed & wanted me to. I hope I superseded your hopes & desires.

Those who deeply get my vibe, my quiver, my brutally honest shiver in sliver that penetrates to an intensely explosive passionate state can relate. To the rest, do your best, but you’ll never relate to my lifestyle constant state of being me in my reality that focuses on each their own individuality. Cause it’s safe to say that this is all nothing but a state of confusion from an illusion that became a delusion.

Don’t wase too much time to think about it cause you might not ever come about it, the understanding needed to be all about it.

1, 2 3, I just got to me & don’t give another silly care about it. Their reality is not yours unless you choose it to be. I just got to be me!

Think About It!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time, au revoir…

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