A Night With The Henry’s

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Read Time:2 Minute, 58 Second

Howdy Folks!

The door opened…& into an Alien world of architectural conceptualizations that meets green living practicality greeted me. It felt warm, flowing, well thought, solid, well built & it was apparent that a lot of creative, practical & intelligent thought went into its design & construction.

The walls were smooth, rounded, thick as thieves, built to last. Different colored wine & other kinds of bottles were placed in the wall for lighting effects in the ship, adding a visual texture. Every square inch of the ship was well conceived with attention to even the most minute details.

Helen grabbed my hand because apparently I wasn’t moving fast enough for her kind of tour. She was so excited to show off her, their, very unique way of living & lifestyle. Everything was foreign in its familiarity, like I’d been here before, who knows, maybe. She took me into her & Paxton’s room that was still under construction to show me the progress.

She then directed me to a spiral staircase that went up to Alix & David’s room. It was at the top of the large circular caulome pictured. It was a round room where no ‘typical’ 90 degree angles existed. Like with the rest of the ship, it was a smooth flowing feel & vibe to it, a psychedelic psyche, if you will that screamed minimal, green, environmentally aware construction.

Helen & I proceeded to the lower level once again & resumed the tour. She led me into the aquarium lined hallway. She explained that they grow food plants, water cleaning plants & medicinal plants in the aquarium garden. She showed me how the roof catches the rain water which is stored & used to water the plants, flush toilets, shower, running water & so on & then, it’s recycled over & over again. She showed me the water recycler works, how the solar panels work & the battery rechargeable packs, the den & the kitchen.

Helen then asked me if I wanted to meet their chickens & I agreed so she led me to the coop & introduced me to some chickens, a lot of hens & one rooster. They all looked happy, running free, eating what nature designed & provided amazing looking & tasting eggs with some of the most golden orange yolks I’ve ever seen. She told me their names, picked one up for me to pet & proceeded to share with me the herstory of the chickens.

After playing around outside & getting educated on all things regarding Earthship living, Helen led me inside for the eve. We prepared dinner, talked a lot in still Getting Lost in getting to know each other. We played games while listening to music & just relaxed. They don’t watch much TV, but, watch a movie from time to time, so we all cozied up to enjoy a nice flick together to wind down the night.

They bid farewell unto the marrow, as parting is such sweet sorrow. We said goodnight, they retired for the eve & I stayed up a bit on wi-fi to check the world affairs going on outside the ship & the foreign situation. I updated GLwR with some pics & posts about my adventures as the rain that surprisingly held off until then, opened up & poured down with the sweet, relaxing pitter-patters of lifegiving much needed droplets were being captured by the recycling water reserve. Gently, happily, I was lullabied to some much needed sleep.

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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