Which Way Today

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Howdy Folks!

Did I ever tell you the one about…adventuring the Getting Lost with Randy way? No, well, buckle up, rubber down, keep feet up off the ground & let the wheels roll you round to wherever we end up Getting Lost to today.

To me, it’s more fun not to know, to make it up as I go. Tomorrow’s uncertain, this I know. See, the only destiny is that no one really knows & the certainty that once there was a life, where now, only death grows.

Every day, at home, or, on the road, I wake when I do, eat when I’m hungry, quit when I’m full. Drink when thirsty, quit when thirst quenched. Rest when tired, sleep when needed. No need, wants or desires, for plans or schedules, parties or guided tours. I prefer to explore by free roaming.

I play, love & explore if my heart wants to. Deep natural passions that tickle my personality within me are what internally steers & directs me.

I don’t find what the common mind thinks fun, fun. I don’t do, just to ‘do’ something, I don’t need to keep busy in being distracted to be happy. I don’t need others to entertain me, I entertain myself. Self reliance is a beautiful state of being, just one song of self I enjoy singing.

So, with all that & then some affecting my mind, before I embark, I take a look at the map of the United States hanging on my wall, let how I’m feeling about it all nestle deep within & let nature make the call. The call of the wild howls the tune in suggestion to the general direction the traveling prowl will explore.

I don’t plan most things & that’s 99.9% true. The only time I schedule is to see a show. I tried going & just buying tickets upon arrival, though quickly I came to know, that if I didn’t buy tickets ahead of time, more times than not, it was a sold out show. So, I will plan to see a show to see at Red Rocks or a dance festival that’s Techno, though everything else is just a life in free flow.

Other than these, I have no planned routes along the way, just going & living day to day. I just go, making it up as I adventure. Left, right, straight, stay, rewind to backtrack. Go West, head East, maybe South, or, due North, it doesn’t matter, all places I explore & roam in wanderlust lore, I call home.

Home to me is everywhere I may roam. Where I lay my head, I call home. A new friend in stranger just met, sharing a meal, libation, none or both, or, just a nice chat, it’s all home to me, imagine that.

Being a man of simple pleasures, celebrating a minimalistic lifestyle allows my inner child endless happiness in a constant state awe & wonder whilst wandering about this beautiful country, wild & free.

I don’t need a lot if I’m already full with what I’ve already got.

It’s not about a destination to me, there are none. In my world, there’s only the journey. I don’t arrive, I discover. I don’t schedule, I uncover. I don’t plan, I meander. I don’t live by time constraints, I travel free flowing in no boundaries, no destinations, no restraints.

I adapt to my feelings, my moods guide my roads less traveled off the beaten paths I choose to hitchhike the highways on my trusty motorbike. A Hitchhiker’s Guide of the traveling man’s Getting Lost Galaxy of possibility.

Schedules, plans & obligations, all insane delusions that people believe gives them ‘control’ over their lives, to me, just illusions to cage, trap & direct. Running here, spinning there, their best friend in misery, they choose to partner with in company they keep, desperate friends finding comforts in their similar states of being in despair. It’s sadly curious how that works.

People often say to me, ‘Hey, Randy! Doesn’t that freak you out, not knowing where you’re going?!’ I simply reply, ‘Why no! Obviously not, though thanks for asking.’ Then, I’ll add, ‘If you really stop to think about it, does anyone REALLY know where they’re going, or, where they’ll wind up anyway.’ That response usually, will shut them up.

If you don’t know me, you won’t understand. Too afraid to just go & grow with this free-flowing traveling man, a lifestyle most unable to comprehend.

Most folks I’ve met unable to comprehend the kind of being I am. I prefer not to be defined or restricted or constricted, unable to be predicted, defined or confined. Though I guess if I’d have to say in a thought or two, I am a simple man with no care for a plan, life just happens, either I’m ready for it, or, not. A Captain of my own bewilderment caravan. I seek, I discover, I uncover life’s hidden trinkets & celebrate happenchance finds.

A Getting Lost wonderer in wanderer, hungry for any unplanned experience. I don’t sit & wait, I actively pursue, tracking the traveling prey of the day to seek, embrace, embody & absorb all the experiences that happenchance can throw at me. Endless opportunities with endless possibilities with never ending journeys within one big journey, my life.

I set my sights, adapting, adjusting, observing as I go, uncaring for the tomorrow that may never come. That doesn’t mean I live stupidly by throwing caution to the wind, I love my life too much for that.

I don’t care what others do, most irritate me anyway with their fears & prejudices guiding their lives & way. The herd mentality is a playground I prefer not to visit or play. I do it my way, always have, always will. I prefer to do the opposite of what they try to coerce me into anyway, it’s better that way. This is Earth, everywhere I am, I belong.

Yeah, it’s all about me. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s true, it’s a fact that…I’m all right, the world’s all wrong! Hope you got the satire in the shiv I poetically stuck in, subtle the sting at first when the realization in gravity of what I’m saying finally sets in. I thank my Great Aunt Ann, yet again, for that gift of infinite wisdom you shared with all who cared to listen.

The gypsy in my soul, giving in to my emotions, there’s no other life of which I’m fonder. My only mood is happy, it’s the only world I know, it’s the only world I care to ponder.

Music & love, in romance I dance. Life lived my way. I don’t go where they direct me to, I go my way. My tune not your tune, my adventure not your adventure, my way to travel not your way to travel cool with me, I don’t care. Most care about everything else but living for the self while I’m happily playing ‘no destination’ solitaire.

They say, when one door closes, another opens. I pose the prose, what if there was no door to begin with. We think doors are to keep the unwanted out, keeping us ‘safe’ inside. Maybe its intentional design was to keep those living in fears, in. Hum, that tickled my grey matter, for that matter, a contemplative cerebral cortex mind gone mad as the Hatter.

I just don’t care what you have to say, nor, thoughts about what I choose to do. I don’t care for the games most play, the world’s they’ve created for themselves & chose to live within. I patiently wait for like hearts & minds to cross my path, it’s quality for me. Cheap knockoffs in generalized others, cloned drones in carbon copies desperate to ‘fit in’, just anyone will do. No, that’s not for me, just one reason I don’t play well with most ‘others’.

So, why oh why, would I waste my time worrying about anything other than actually living my life. Each day, I greet with a happy balance, teetering between dueling realities of life & death, why worry myself with manmade insanity’s aftermath in directed course. Why would I choose to be subdued & distracted in nonsensical stresses & dramas. Why would I want any of that. I don’t, so, I choose my own path.

People say to me, ‘You went where?! You traveled there?! That’s a bad part of town!’ How do they know, they’ve only heard, maybe if they’d step away from the herd mentality & visit supposed scary ‘places’ by shedding their fearing mentality & reality, they might actually find a new, clearer view in actuality.

So, I say, ‘Yeah, I went there & there & there too, without a care, why would I despair?! I didn’t even lock up my bike full of stuff, after all it’s just that, stuff. I’m insured, it can all be replaced, besides, if someone needs it that bad to take it from me, their life must be bad & pretty sad, let them have it. People are genuinely decent if given half a chance.’

I talk to strangers, I don’t concern myself with dangers because I’m an attentively aware man, I’m respectful & don’t act a fool. I rely on my instincts, my senses, I pay attention to the truth in details, patterns & behaviors. If something doesn’t feel right to me instinctually & intuitively, I proceed with caution, though I still proceed, I won’t know until I interact.

I embrace locals, allowing them to guide & show me new ways, their ways so that I might too, know what they know. I travel light, I travel humble.

I seek out & celebrate ancient, unspoken understandings that seep through the cracks of man’s insanity built roads & signs of infrastructural sidewalks.

I’m not superstitious, I don’t get suspicious, unless someone gives me reason to. I’m cautious, but, not overtly so, a healthy balance as I go & grow, again allowing the natural ebb & flow.

Which way do I go, I don’t care, I just go!

I live in a world of an uncharted, unplanned wonderland. If I were to travel as tourist like my fellow assimilated man, I would have missed out on most of all I experienced. It was all a traveling random happenchance dance.

Take the picture above, I was just motoring along the highway, saw a sign for Flagstaff & said to myself, ‘Self, let’s go that way today.’ If I would have waited or planned where to stay or what to do or second guessed myself, I would have missed out on meeting Eve, The State Bar, the evening dancing in central square & all the other amazing discoveries along the way.

What can I say. I just prefer it this way. Personal preferences are luckily, still free today. And, because I don’t care how others live or what they say, I’m freer still, much more than most can say. Respectfully, just leave me be to live in my own reality, I won’t bother you so, don’t tread on me.

I have to say, my life is funny that way, meeting those of like hearts & minds comes more than it goes, when living in a random happenchance state of being free flow.

I don’t hesitate when I’m passionate about some thing, some one, or, some feeling. If I connect in that deeper chemical personality attraction way, I’m all in. I mean, why not, isn’t that what life’s all about, serendipitous interactions that provide a lifelong of meaningful relationships.

All four years of traveling the US by motorcycle, I took this, my lifestyle, on the road with me. It never disappointed because I had not expectations. It was always fortuitous because there were no destinations. I never arrived because I was in a constant state of perpetual motion. Wild, free, open to all.

Directions are just suggestions, one chooses one’s path, whether directed or independent, it is each our own, choice. Living life free-flowing, the serenity comes from the humble recognition of not knowing which then creates a depth of understanding that cannot be spoken for no words can even come close to communicate the level of perceptual, cognitive cognizance.

Life is beyond words, it’s innate.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign! I choose not to let the sign define. Their infections only take root if I choose to let them in & allow them to.

Just because there is a sign, doesn’t mean I need to comply, conform, or, assimilate to resign my understanding for the one’s they created. All attempts at trying to coerce my allegiance by directing me to their interpretational designs displayed upon their sign.

See all that a sign can convey when you choose not to play their way, choosing not to plan routes along the way. Scheduling traps the primitive, driving the inner free wild child away, trying so hard to convince the young at heart that life is not all play. I’ve got news for you in my comic strip life, it is.

So, why not give it a try the next time you travel, say, ‘Hey, choose any direction & we’ll wind up Getting Lost today.’ See then, what might come your way.

Think about it!

Peace & Love, Awaken, until next time…

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